This guy was onto something. this is a scenario for Plain EU. no moddir nothing like that. just creative ruleset.
i liked some ideas. what do you guys think?
i liked some ideas. what do you guys think?
Friedrich II said:Kulturkampf
The Cultural Struggle
Kulturkampf is yet another attempt at making the Age of Exploration scenario more interesting and balanced. It is based on Ryoken's Balanced 1492 and, like that scenario, it includes dozens of options. However, unlike other 1492 scenarios, K2 explores into ideas that haven't even been considered by other scenarios. It does not use moddir, so anyone can download it when you host it.
Before you try this scenario, be warned: You may not like what you see.
The Ottoman Empire has been replaced with Byzantium. They will still have the Ottoman leaderfile, but with Greek names. This is to put the middle east into play, like Western Europe always is. No one ever questions how things will be in Asia, unless there's a Persia player, or an extremely aggressive Russia, and that's not always the case.
In Kulturkampf (or K2), Persia has been strengthened, as have the Timurids, Crimea, and the Mameluks (who are now rightfully Sunni) to make up for the loss of the Ottomans.
This also establishes the potential for a strong Orthodox alliance, something unheard of in most games, as Russia is usually the only Orthodox nation by 1600.
Most "enhancements" made to the scenario can be turned on or off, depending on your preference, such as Centers of Trade, additional cultures, and cores.
It is recommended, however, that you keep the default options, as, for example, enabling the Treaty of Tordesillas or disabling the slow colonization option would make Spain somewhat unstoppable, unless the culture and core enhancement options were disabled as well.
This scenario is intended for multiplayer, but is also rather fun in SP, although difficulty settings may need adjusting for optimal performance.
Brief summary of major changes:
Ottomans replaced with Byzantium, converted to Orthodox religion.
Mameluks converted to Sunni religion.
Three provinces in Greece and Anatolia converted to Orthodoxy.
One-province cultures (IE: Albanian) removed.
Summary of optional changes:
Manpower numbers reworked drastically, which make Austria and Venice (for example) fearsome.
Every playable nation has bonus cultures to push for expansion in certain areas.
Every playable nation has several bonus core provinces to push for expansion in certain areas.
Every playable nation has core provinces on the other playable nations' capitals, to give them permanant casus bellis.
Many Centers of Trade can be moved to another province, making it possible to acquire them in a peace settlement.
Small, semi-useless cultures can be combined with larger cultures (IE: Magyar with Slavonic)
Trade structure can be altered to make trade incomes much lower.
List of Options
Exposed European COTS: Default ON
ON: COTs in Andalusia, Tago, Flanders, Vendee, Smyrna, Danzig, Ingermanland, Skane, Veneto, Tuscany, Egypt
OFF: COTs in Andalusia, Tago, Flanders, Ile De France, Thrace, Danzig, Moscow, Sjaelland, Veneto, Genoa, Egypt
Exposed Asian COTS: Default OFF
ON: COTs in Isfahan, Gujarat, Ganges, Shanghai, Kyushu
OFF: COTs in Tabriz, Delhi, Hubei, Kansai
Common Primary Culture: Default ON
ON: Every major nation has Aborigin as primary culture
OFF: Every major nation has their homeland culture as primary culture
Extra Cultures Default ON
England gains Gaelic and Dutch
France gains Gaelic and Basque
Spain gains Italian, Basque, and Berber
Portugal gains Berber, Arabic, and Malay
Austria gains Dutch and Swiss
Brandenburg gains Polish and Czech
Poland gains Slavonic and Mongol
Denmark gains Baltic
Sweden gains German
Muscovy gain Baltic and Ruthenian
Venice gains Swiss and Arabic
Byzantium gains Italian
Persia gains Turkish, Kurdish, Baluchi, and Arabic
Mameluks gain Nubian and Berber
Crimea gains Altai, Russian, Georgian, Uzbehk, and Khazak
Timurid Empire gains Bengali, Dravidian, and Marathi
OFF: No Gains
Extra Cores: Default ON
ON: Everyone gains around a dozen expansion cores, cores on all other playable country capitals. (colonial nations gain cores on Caribbean Islands as well)
OFF: No Gains
Merged North German Minors: Default ON
ON: Hanseatic League created, 2-province Hannover, 2-province Hessen
OFF: Many one-province minors in Northern Germany
Southeast Asian Nations: Default OFF
ON: Myanmar, Dai Viet, and Malacca created. COT created in Malacca
OFF: Southeast Asia is inhabited only by natives
Hardcore Pagans: Default ON
ON: Aztecs and Incas have level 2 forts in capitals, level 1 forts everywhere else, and good DP sliders for morale.
OFF: Aztecs and Incas have level 1 forts in capitals, no forts anywhere else, and bad DP sliders for morale.
Treaty of Tordesillas: Default OFF
ON: Treaty of Tordesillas effects
OFF: No Treaty of Tordesillas effects
No Free Lunch: Default ON
ON: No inheritance events for Spain, Austria, and Ottomans
OFF: All inheritance events occur
No Forced Decline: Default ON
ON: No decline events for Poland, Turks, or Spain
OFF: All decline events occur
No Dutch: Default OFF
ON: No Dutch Revolt Events and No Abdication of Charles V
OFF: Dutch Revolts occur normally
Slow Exploration: Default ON
ON: Major colonizing nations will have 40 years of Conquistador coverage and 35 years of Explorer coverage
OFF: Normal Exploration Leaders
Early Governors: Default OFF
ON: Every playable christian nation gets 3 governors at game start
OFF: Normal
Equal DP Sliders: Default ON
ON: All nations begin with same DP slider settings: 8 Aristocracy, Mercantilism, and Serfdom + 5 in all others.
OFF: Default DP slider settings for each nation
Spain & Byz Boost: Default ON
ON: Spain and Byzantines start with better DP sliders, 2000 cash, 1/2 way to next level in every tech, and with enlarged navies.
OFF: Spain and Byzantines start with normal DP sliders, 500 cash, equal tech progress to others, and with normal navies.
Small Cultures Mod: Default ON
ON: Slovak merged with Czech; Magyar, Romanian, and Albanian merged with Slavonic; Lithuanian merged with Baltic; Baltic, Ruthenian, Mongol, Berber, and Georgian expanded; one-province cultures eliminated.
OFF: Normal Culture Distribution, Austria gains Magyar & Slovak Cultures, Ottomans gain Magyar, Kurdish, and Romanian
Goods Mod: Default ON
ON: Goods changed worldwide to reduce number of high-value goods in world, elimination of gold in Europe, dramatic reduction in trade values!
OFF: Normal Goods distribution
Weak Persia: Default OFF
ON: Persian taxes and manpower dramatically reduced to make less appealing to neighbors.
OFF: Normal values
Tax Boost Mod: Default ON
ON: Taxes boosted throughout Europe
OFF: Normal tax values
Manpower Boost Mod: Default ON
ON: Manpower boosted throughout Europe
OFF: Normal manpower values
To Download Kulturkampf, Click Here