#Loyalist Victory
event = {
id = 188102
trigger = {
flag = Wladislaw
OR = { owned = { province = 353 data = HAB } #Pest
control = { province = 353 data = REB }
OR = { owned = { province = 324 data = HAB } #Maros
owned = { province = 325 data = HAB } #Magyar
control = { province = 324 data = REB }
control = { province = 325 data = REB }
OR = { owned = { province = 316 data = HAB } #Carpathia
owned = { province = 317 data = HAB } #Ruthenia
owned = { province = 326 data = HAB } #Presburg
control = { province = 316 data = REB }
control = { province = 317 data = REB }
control = { province = 326 data = REB }
OR = { owned = { province = 323 data = HAB } #Transylvania
owned = { province = 354 data = HAB } #Banat
owned = { province = 355 data = HAB } #Serbia
control = { province = 323 data = REB } #Transylvania
control = { province = 354 data = REB } #Banat
control = { province = 355 data = REB } #Serbia
OR = { owned = { province = 366 data = HAB } #Croatia
owned = { province = 367 data = HAB } #Krain
control = { province = 366 data = REB } #Croatia
control = { province = 367 data = REB } #Krain
NOT = { war = { country = HUN country = HAB }} #War needs to be over, otherwise there could be weird consequences
random = no
country = HUN
name = "Victory of the supporters of Ladislaus Postumus"
desc = "<snip>."
style = 1
action_a = {
name = "Accept Ladislaus"
command = { type = vp value = -150 }
command = { type = breakvassal which = POL }
command = { type = wakemonarch which = 03620 } #Elizabeth of Luxemburg (Regent)
command = { type = wakemonarch which = 03621 } #Frederick of Styria (Regent)
command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06262 } #Ulászló I
command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06282 } #Interregnum
command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06283 } #General-Captains of Hungary
# command = { type = sleepleader which = XXXXX } #Ulászlo I
command = { type = trigger which = 179103} #HAB: Coronation of Ladislaus Postumus II
command = { type = independence which = SIE } #Hunyadi fights on
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 316 value = -2 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 325 value = -2 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 326 value = -2 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 352 value = -2 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 353 value = -2 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 367 value = -4 }
command = { type = stability value = 2 }
command = { type = capital which = 326 }
command = { type = clrflag which = Wladislaw }
command = { type = setflag which = Ladislaus }
action_b = {
name = "Never, Ulászló is rightful King!"
command = { type = stability value = -3 }
command = { type = war which = HAB }
now.. i understand that a good victory is needed to secure Ladislaus' crown... but conquering the whole of Hungary, leaving them with their capital will NOT lead to Ladislaus' coronation.. the only province that MUST be Habsburg or Rebel controled is their capital (Pest) thus a war will either lead to a government collapse before the event occurs.
Also.. the capital moving in this event might NOT be possible because of Austria owning the province...
EDIT: also, is some event supposed to trigger this??
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