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Second Lieutenant
53 Badges
Jun 18, 2013
  • Crusader Kings III
  • Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword
  • Crusader Kings II
  • Knights of Honor
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I am running the latest game update​




Liege Replacement during a foreign de jure war prevents re-joinining war (as a Vassal ally)


I am playing an MP game as the Despot of Epirus (renamed Albania) alongside my friend as the Despot of Egypt (he's unrelated to the bug), both as vassals of the Byzantine Empire.
In 1206, I inherited the Kingdom of Germany from my independent German mother, which prompted the Holy Roman Emperor Manasses (controlling France and England) to press a de jure war for Germany against the Byzantine Empire. As per usual as a vassal with interests, I asked my liege, Basileus Theocharistos, to join "his" war as an ally and so we defended the land together, no problem, defeating Manasses in 1211.
Around 1217, now Emperor Archambaud of the HRE invaded against my new Basileus Pelagios, who had been installed in 1214 by a faction, and so, in 1220, I asked Pelagios to join his war as an ally, which he accepted. However, Pelagios was also fighting a claimant faction in a civil war that ended up replacing him with Kallistos III in 1221. With this change, I was removed as an ally from the de jure war for Germany (now the "3rd" HRE war), and my siege of the Imperial capital of Rouen was handed to Kallistos, as per usual when changing targets in a war.
However, and, most importantly, I could not ask Kallistos to join his war as an ally, as the tooltip stated that I had been called to the war already--but that had been the second war, not this third war This means that I cannot receive warscore nor officially aid my liege's war, especially since Kallistos alone does not have the army to defeat Archaumbaud.
It is not an issue of liege, as I joined Kallistos as an ally in defense against the 1222 artifact war of Austria, but the ability of a vassal to join his or her liege after a war's initial target has changed, as the vassal allies are not given the option to change their pledge with the new war. The option to request to join the war is not available because they were invited to the initial war, but not the new one.

Steps to reproduce​

As a vassal, join your liege in defending against de jure war while he or she is fighting in a claimant war against a faction. After the liege is defeated and replaced in the civil war, the de jure war will be replaced with a new war against a new target, and you will be removed from it, unable to join your new liege in the new war.

Game Version​




Additional Information​

Affected Feature​

  • Gameplay

Save Game​

View attachment Despot_Samuel_of_Albania_1223_05_01.ck3

Other Attachments​

1. Cannot Join War.jpg2. New Basilleus.jpg3. Joining the second war.jpg4. war allies.jpg5. rouen.jpg6. manasses.jpg

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