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Lapsed Pacifist

47 Badges
Aug 4, 2014
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I've noticed a small, but really annoying problem while playing as Stannis, Jon, or anyone fighting the Lannisters in the Feast for Crows start. For some reason (probably related the BWB War) rulers like Doran Martell and Robert Arryn keep automatically joining Tommen's wars against me, making it nearly impossible to win.

It's just that it's very out of character for someone who wants to make the Lannisters 'fly' and another who wants "Vengeance, Justice, Fire and Blood" against them suddenly teaming up with them without question.

  • 12
I've noticed a small, but really annoying problem while playing as Stannis, Jon, or anyone fighting the Lannisters in the Feast for Crows start. For some reason (probably related the BWB War) rulers like Doran Martell and Robert Arryn keep automatically joining Tommen's wars against me, making it nearly impossible to win.

It's just that it's very out of character for someone who wants to make the Lannisters 'fly' and another who wants "Vengeance, Justice, Fire and Blood" against them suddenly teaming up with them without question.

There should probably be some restrictions for the ACOK and AFFC scenarios to prevent them drifting too far off script (so the Lords Paramount have their actions during the War of Five Kings constrained by the lore to an extent- e.g. the Vale and Dorne should be fixed as neutral absent any other events).
Dorne has an event where they might join with Aegon, but I think part of the problem might arise by how many wars the Iron Throne is in. Playing as Dorne once I received three or so invites to war by the Iron Throne before the Aegon event fired. I'm guessing that the AI has a certain percentage chance of joining there liege in these situations, but since their are three calls to arms it increases the chance that they join up with Tommen instead of staying neutral.
Perhaps a negative relation debuff from members of the Martell dynasty targeting members of the Lannister dynasty? The same way Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon have a "demand vengeance" negative opinion towards Rhaegar and Aerys, but the negative opinion of demanding vengeance doesn't apply the other way.
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Perhaps a negative relation debuff from members of the Martell dynasty targeting members of the Lannister dynasty? The same way Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon have a "demand vengeance" negative opinion towards Rhaegar and Aerys, but the negative opinion of demanding vengeance doesn't apply the other way.
That would be nice
Well, there are more issues with call to arms. I have experienced absolutely non-realistic scenario when playing as Jon. I became King in the North and Tommen´s son chose to take it back. So, all LPs joined him and then I spent several years crushing their armies in Moat Cailin. It would be nice and easy, if not for shattered retreat, which caused them to lose few troops and then return, only to lose again. And all those LPs, who were all in debt and losing their soldiers to me, had no chance to leave the war and in the end, when I peaced out, they liked him.
I think that Call to Arms is great idea, especially in those megawars, but sometimes it creates situations like LPs joining the king even though they have no reason to (and shouldn´t) and no penalty for the king if the war is long and pointless (in CK2, you would be hated by everyone for spending 4 years in war, wasting their troops, but not here).
I've noticed a small, but really annoying problem while playing as Stannis, Jon, or anyone fighting the Lannisters in the Feast for Crows start. For some reason (probably related the BWB War) rulers like Doran Martell and Robert Arryn keep automatically joining Tommen's wars against me, making it nearly impossible to win.

It's just that it's very out of character for someone who wants to make the Lannisters 'fly' and another who wants "Vengeance, Justice, Fire and Blood" against them suddenly teaming up with them without question.

This looks like a bug, there should be an option to declare neutrality. Do you have a save from when this happened?
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part of the time these LPS are joining the war against the Brotherhood Without Banners, and after the Brotherhood loses fast they autojoin one of the remaining wars since siding with one war ingame counts as siding with them for the others also.
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