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May 17, 2014
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Alright, so I once spent some time trying to figure out how to make Milan suffer as it did historically. I realized that the Sforza had no chance of coming to power in Milan, and that France and Austria didn't really have much of a reason to bicker over who got to own Milan, other than a mission to get a foothold in Italy. So I wrote concepts for a few events to cause Milan some difficulties and hopefully spice things up a bit. Keep in mind, these aren't 100% finished or balanced, but I figure maybe someone might get some use out of their ideas.

Also I apologise in advance for terrible formatting.

First off, some mission ideas for Milan. Milan was prior to 1444 was pretty big, but lost a lot of territory due to succession, revolts, and angry neighbors.

So, my ideas were as follows:
• Reincorporate Bologna: Bologna had been a Milanese possession from 1401-1442, leaving the fold by revolt.
• Expand down the Po Valley: drive the Venetians out of Bergamo (ceded to the Venetians in 1428) and Brescia (sold to the Venetians in 1426).
• Conquer Verona: Verona was occupied by Milan until around 1404, when they were driven out by a revolt, after which Verona submitted to the Venetians for protection.
• Subjugate Genoa: Genoa had been weakening as a result of political turmoil and the loss of her trade domination after the War of Chioggia. As a result, Filippo Maria Visconti had interceded in Genovese affairs and essentially ruled the republic from 1421-1435. The Sforza family of Milan also ruled the republic, helping it escape French domination in 1461, then stabbing it in the back and taking possession of it from 1463-1478/1488-1499.
• Re-establish the Lombard League: Probably the least historical of my ideas, but it could be a fun way to provide Milan an excuse to conquer more of its neighbors.


Now, my event ideas. The goal of these were to help establish the rise of Francesco Sforza to Duke of Milan, as well as to emulate the conditions for the French and Austrians to get involved in Lombardy. I will admit, I haven't thought these through fully, so any suggestions for them are certainly welcome.

Existing Event: The Ambrosian Republic
Change for the Option "We need a Duke again!" to add Francesco I Sforza as ruler (3/6/6)

The simplest way to add a very influential individual.

Event: Francesco Sforza

It can be said that this is the age of the Condottieri in Italy, with Italian states waging wars with hired armies, and bribing the armies of their enemies. Few men in this chaotic era match the prowess and renown of Francesco Sforza, however. A condottiero since his 18th birthday, Francesco Sforza fought in numerous wars during his illustrious career, serving best whomever paid him best. He has served Milan before, and though he may be the son-in-law of the last Duke, surely he will again once again come through and aid our new Republic!

Trigger: MLO is Ambrosian Republic, Does not have flag “Sforza in command”

"He must lead our troops!"
Lose 0.5 years income, get General (Francesco Sforza [4/2/4/6])
Set flag "Sforza in command"

"It is too risky to rely on so powerful a man"
+5 Army Tradition, -10 prestige

Event: The End of the Republic?

The condottiero Francesco Sforza was a boon our burgeoning republic, but with every victory he gained for Milan, he gained a greater amount of prestige and power for himself. In 1448, Francesco Sforza seized rebellious Pavia, a city in Lombardy second only to Milan in size and wealth, and established a powerbase there. Though the rulers of the Republic tried every possible trick they could, in 1450 Francesco allied himself with the Venetians in order to seize the old Ducal Crown for himself and crush the nascent Ambrosian Republic.

Trigger: MLO is republic, has had event Francesco Sforza, has flag "Sforza in command", Republican Tradition less than 80?

"Declare him Capitano del popolo"
Change government to feudal monarchy
Francesco I Sforza (3/6/6) becomes ruler

"Viva San Ambrosio!"
-1 Stability
Noble revolt (Francesco Sforza [4/2/4/6])

Event: The Question of Succession

Duke {Monarch Name} is approaching the end of his life, and has yet to produce a legitimate heir. A sense of dread and worry hangs in the air of the Palazzo Marino. With the passing of the Duke, so ends the ruling House of Milan. The Italian War of 1494–98 exposed to Europe the richness of the Italian peninsula, a richness matched only by the military weakness of the Italian states. Charles VIII of France marched virtually unopposed through Italy on his way to Naples. And now, both the French and the Habsburgs have claims to the Duchy of Milan; when news of the Duke’s passing reaches them, they will no doubt try to claim Lombardy for themselves.

Trigger: MLO is a monarchy, MLO has no heir/weak heir, monarch over 60, HAB exists, HAB is a monarchy

“The vultures circle overhead, it seems.”
Event “Imperial Claims to Lombardy” occurs in HAB.

Event: Imperial Claims to Lombardy

In 1535, Duke Francesco II Sforza passed away without an heir. The grandson of the great condottiero Francesco I Sforza, who crushed the nascent Golden Ambrosian Republic and seized the ducal title for himself, has tragically left the duchy in exactly the position his esteemed grandfather had found it in. With the extinction of the Visconti, and now the Sforza lines, it is a matter of due course that these lands should revert to the Holy Roman Empire under our suzerainty. Should we pass up this opportunity, no doubt the French will try to claim the Duchy of Milan for themselves, putting us at a distinct disadvantage and leaving Italy open to further French expansion. We should press our claim, check the French, and show Europe we are not afraid to take what is rightfully ours.

“Press our rightful claim”
Gain 15 prestige
Event “The Habsburgs Claim Lombardy” fires in Milan.
Event “Our Claims on Lombardy” fires in France

“We have more pressing matters elsewhere”
-10 Prestige, event “Our Claims on Lombardy” fires in France.

Event: Our Claims to Lombardy

The Kingdom of France has long been at odds with the realms of Spain and Austria, recently competing with the Habsburgs for our own slice of the Italian pie. In 1387, Louis duc d'Orléans married the rightful heir of the Duchy of Milan, Valentina Visconti. The contract of this marriage guaranteed that in the event the dynasty failed to produce a male heir, Valentina would inherit the Duchy, putting Lombardy in the hands of the House of Valois-Orléans. However, when the last male Visconti finally passed, the fools in Lombardy rechristened the Duchy as the Golden Ambrosian Republic, ignoring our rightful claim to the former Visconti lands. Now that the Republic and the perfidious Sforza’s are no more, the lands of Lombardy lay ripe for the picking; we need only press our claim.

"This is the first step towards even greater riches"
France gains "Restoration of Union" CB against Milan, and 30 year claims to the Lombardy region; Austrian opinion -40; +15 prestige
"We have more pressing matters elsewhere"
-10 prestige, +15 dip

Event: The Habsburgs Claim Lombardy

{monarch name} has finally passed, and with him, so too ends his line. The monarchs of Austria and France have both raised the issues of their claims to our crown, and so it looks like conflict between these two powers is inevitable. Lombardy has long been an apple of discord for these two powers; indeed, a majority of the Italian Wars involved claims to the Duchy of Milan. When Francesco II Sforza died on that fateful November night in 1535, the Duchy was placed under the power of Imperial representatives. Emperor Charles V then gave the Duchy to his son Phillip. This transition of power from Sforza to Habsburg was met with no resistance from the Milanese, nor with protest from the other Italian states. The only ones who protested were the French, who in 1536 invaded Italy once more for the ducal crown of Milan.

"Submit to the Habsburgs"
Current Ruler/Heir dies, Milan becomes lesser partner in Union with Austria, French opinion -40.

"Ignore their claims and select a new {Monarch Title} instead.
New ruler, Austrian opinion -40, Austria gets “Restoration of Union” Causus Belli on Milan

Anyway, those were my ideas. Feel free to rip them apart, or add your own suggestions. My goal was to give Milan some flavor, let the Sforza family come to power, and provide an excuse for Austria and France to kick off the Italian Wars. And that's all I got.
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This is a pretty good idea, and should be implemented in some way to help further historical accuracy and give a Milan player something to worry about in the early game instead of just cruising through the Italian minors and uniting Italy easily.
Milan will certainly be getting some attention in the European update. I'd very much like to include content about Sforza's rise to power and the Imperial/French claims to the Duchy.
Why do the HREmperor get a claim on Milan?

And by the way, the pretenders were 3:
• the King of France, via marriage
• the Duke of Savoy, via marriage
• the King of Aragon, because Filippo María Visconti promised the Duchy of Milan would be his after his death

If I remember correctly, @TheVikingWarrior did an amazing thread with a wonderful suggestion about the Milanese Succession Crisis.

Francesco Sforza, other than being a Condottiere, was also Count of Cremona, so I would suggest to give the Cremona province to the Nobles Estate and make Sforza’s revolt start from there, with the province already occupied (since it was his land).

EDIT: I tagged the wrong person lol
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Why do the HREmperor get a claim on Milan?

And by the way, the pretenders were 3:
• the King of France, via marriage
• the Duke of Savoy, via marriage
• the King of Aragon, because Filippo María Visconti promised the Duchy of Milan would be his after his death

If I remember correctly, @TinyWiking did an amazing thread with a wonderful suggestion about the Milanese Succession Crisis.

Francesco Sforza, other than being a Condottiere, was also Count of Cremona, so I would suggest to give the Cremona province to the Nobles Estate and make Sforza’s revolt start from there, with the province already occupied (since it was his land).

I didn't want to make it overly complicated, as a number of situations in real life are hard to create given the historical diversions that happen in every game. So, I kept Austria as the inheritor of Milan due to the fact that Spanish Habsburgs might not arrive in every game, and it was invested to Phillip II of Spain after passing into the hands of his father Charles V, who ruled both Austria and Spain at the time as Holy Roman Emperor. In addition, at the extinction of the Sforza line, it was France and the Holy Roman Emperor who both claimed it, which is usually Austria in game. Also, though possessions of the Spanish crown, they were still legally in the Holy Roman Empire.
But changing it from Austria to the Holy Roman Emperor may be more accurate.

As Pavia is also located close enough the Cremona province in real life, that seems like a fine idea to me.
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I didn't want to make it overly complicated, as a number of situations in real life are hard to create given the historical diversions that happen in every game. So, I kept Austria as the inheritor of Milan due to the fact that Spanish Habsburgs might not arrive in every game, and it was invested to Phillip II of Spain after passing into the hands of his father Charles V, who ruled both Austria and Spain at the time as Holy Roman Emperor. In addition, at the extinction of the Sforza line, it was France and the Holy Roman Emperor who both claimed it, which is usually Austria in game. Also, though possessions of the Spanish crown, they were still legally in the Holy Roman Empire.
But changing it from Austria to the Holy Roman Emperor may be more accurate.

As Pavia is also located in the Cremona province in real life, that seems like a fine idea to me.

It’s not overly-complicated:
• When Filippo Maria Visconti dies Milan get to choose between Ambrosian Republic and a random Duke
• Whatever Milan chooses, France, Aragon and Savoy get a “Restoration of Union” CB on Milan
• If Milan chooses the Ambrosian Republic then the Sforza event chain will pop up. I’ll suggest to give free troops and Sforza as a general when at war.

If Aragon falls into PU with Castile, then Castile inherits the PU. If Spain is formed, Spain inherits the PU.

Because the Italian wars were not between Austria and France but between Spain and France. Spain was HREmperor at the time, Austria was also part of the Habsburg dominions but was rulers by Charles V’s brother (or cousin, I do non remember atm).

After the Italian Wars, Milan was under Spanish control.

So it’s both better and accurate to give the CB to the three historical pretenders. No need to “simplify” things that are already simple.
"Submit to the Habsburgs"
Current Ruler/Heir dies, Milan becomes lesser partner in Union with Austria, French opinion -40.

So, I kept Austria as the inheritor of Milan due to the fact that Spanish Habsburgs might not arrive in every game, and it was invested to Phillip II of Spain after passing into the hands of his father Charles V, who ruled both Austria and Spain at the time as Holy Roman Emperor.
This is a bit silly. If you want it to pass to imperial hands because they were Emperor, it should pass... to the emperor rather than Austria by default. Because by your logic Austria only gets it because of the imperial claim. Tying it to the title of HREmp would make a lot more sense.
It’s not overly-complicated:
• When Filippo Maria Visconti dies Milan get to choose between Ambrosian Republic and a random Duke
• Whatever Milan chooses, France, Aragon and Savoy get a “Restoration of Union” CB on Milan
• If Milan chooses the Ambrosian Republic then the Sforza event chain will pop up. I’ll suggest to give free troops and Sforza as a general when at war.

If Aragon falls into PU with Castile, then Castile inherits the PU. If Spain is formed, Spain inherits the PU.

Because the Italian wars were not between Austria and France but between Spain and France. Spain was HREmperor at the time, Austria was also part of the Habsburg dominions but was rulers by Charles V’s brother (or cousin, I do non remember atm).

After the Italian Wars, Milan was under Spanish control.

So it’s both better and accurate to give the CB to the three historical pretenders. No need to “simplify” things that are already simple.

After the Italian Wars, Milan was under Francesco II Sforza's control, admittedly with a Spanish army parked in the city. When he died, Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, took possession of it. Then, he invested it to his son Phillip of Spain.

And the Italian Wars were a three way between France, Austria/HRE, and Spain, for and against each other, over who got to own what part of Italy.

And my suggested events are two separate occasions. The first, the rise of Sforza. The second, the extinction of the Sforza line. The second is, admittedly, perhaps a bit lacking. But I don't want to overcomplicate Sforza's rise to power by intentionally subjecting a Milanese player with a series of Person Unions, historically accurate or not. There's already a risk for anyone a Milan player had a royal marriage to.
This is a bit silly. If you want it to pass to imperial hands because they were Emperor, it should pass... to the emperor rather than Austria by default. Because by your logic Austria only gets it because of the imperial claim. Tying it to the title of HREmp would make a lot more sense.

Yeah, the HRE would be a better option.
And my suggested events are two separate occasions. The first, the rise of Sforza. The second, the extinction of the Sforza line. The second is, admittedly, perhaps a bit lacking. But I don't want to overcomplicate Sforza's rise to power by intentionally subjecting a Milanese player with a series of Person Unions, historically accurate or not. There's already a risk for anyone a Milan player had a royal marriage to.

True, but Milan had royal marriages with France and Savoy at the time. This could be represented in EU4.

Moreover, if Sforza brings troops (as he did) eventual wars to install PU on Milan should be difficult. Milanese Infantry gets 10% combat ability from the start as well, and Sforza is a very good general! (Maybe the Sforza troops could also have some kind or Professionalism, since it would be in line with the Condottieri armies).

Another thing is that the Sforza May never die out in a game. So for the second case it’s better to have no event. The normal ones should be enough.
True, but Milan had royal marriages with France and Savoy at the time. This could be represented in EU4.

Moreover, if Sforza brings troops (as he did) eventual wars to install PU on Milan should be difficult. Milanese Infantry gets 10% combat ability from the start as well, and Sforza is a very good general! (Maybe the Sforza troops could also have some kind or Professionalism, since it would be in line with the Condottieri armies).

Another thing is that the Sforza May never die out in a game. So for the second case it’s better to have no event. The normal ones should be enough.

I'm not sure starting with a French royal marriage would be entirely accurate. Filippo Maria Visconti was married to and allied with Savoy, but the French claim to Milan was through Valentina Visconti. I'll admit your suggestion of a claim via event may be the best way to go, in that case, but I do worry about making it a trap for the player.

And I'm not sure event troops might be the simplest way to do things, but maybe a cheaper mercenaries modifier might suffice.

Lastly, it's possible the Visconti might not die out either, but the event for the Ambrosian Republic does stipulate the Duke must be old and have no heir, as I recall. And I felt emulating the tragic end of the Sforza using the same event criteria might be interesting.
I'm not sure starting with a French royal marriage would be entirely accurate. Filippo Maria Visconti was married to and allied with Savoy, but the French claim to Milan was through Valentina Visconti. I'll admit your suggestion of a claim via event may be the best way to go, in that case, but I do worry about making it a trap for the player.

And I'm not sure event troops might be the simplest way to do things, but maybe a cheaper mercenaries modifier might suffice.

Lastly, it's possible the Visconti might not die out either, but the event for the Ambrosian Republic does stipulate the Duke must be old and have no heir, as I recall. And I felt emulating the tragic end of the Sforza using the same event criteria might be interesting.

Do not worry about France, since it will likely be busy the the Hundred Years War and the management of its vassals to attack a nation in the HRE against them, their allies, the HREmperor, its allies. I’ll give the PU CB without worrying too much about that. Historically they sent only a small contingent that was eventually defeated.

Event troops, cheaper troops, it’s not bothering me either way.

Well, the Visconti have way more chance to die out, since the starting ruler is Infertile and Old. Meanwhile the Sforza have the normal chance (less is you take the +25% heir chance idea). So I do not think a second event chain is necessary. But the first one is since occurs early game and can define entire playtrhoughs.