Starbase module: Refit Yard
Allows starships to be upgraded (but not new ones to be built). Upgrades starships faster than a shipyard would. Optionally: very small increase to HP/armor recovered per day. Requires Interstellar Fleet Traditions tech.
Rationale: nice for starbases near the front lines, that you don't want to turn into dedicated shipyards but still want to use to upgrade your fleets before sending them back into battle.
Planetary building: Naval Armory (tier 1) --> Naval Arsenal (tier 2)
Produces +2 (tier 1) or +4 (tier 2) Shipwright jobs. Tier 2 building requires motes for upkeep. Shipwrights consume 1 alloy and produce +1 defense army, +7 naval capacity (+3 with Ground Defense Planning). Potential for other bonuses with certain civics like Citizen Service. All numbers can be tweaked as necessary.
Rationale: allows for a somewhat more efficient (and more intuitive/sensical from a RP perspective) way to gain naval capacity from pops.
Allows starships to be upgraded (but not new ones to be built). Upgrades starships faster than a shipyard would. Optionally: very small increase to HP/armor recovered per day. Requires Interstellar Fleet Traditions tech.
Rationale: nice for starbases near the front lines, that you don't want to turn into dedicated shipyards but still want to use to upgrade your fleets before sending them back into battle.
Planetary building: Naval Armory (tier 1) --> Naval Arsenal (tier 2)
Produces +2 (tier 1) or +4 (tier 2) Shipwright jobs. Tier 2 building requires motes for upkeep. Shipwrights consume 1 alloy and produce +1 defense army, +7 naval capacity (+3 with Ground Defense Planning). Potential for other bonuses with certain civics like Citizen Service. All numbers can be tweaked as necessary.
Rationale: allows for a somewhat more efficient (and more intuitive/sensical from a RP perspective) way to gain naval capacity from pops.