I hope you do minors good,I mean with lots od events and pictures adn leaders.I mean on European minors because they were also a ipmortant part of the war.
Especially Balkan countries with Serbia(my favorite
) having teritorial claims on Balkan part of Austria,Bulgaria on Skopje...
And dont foget Montenigro our only true ally in this war.
That period was the most important period of our (Serbian)modern history so I hope you pay some attencion on it.
Ahhhhh we were than at peak of its power.Economy doing OK,just defeated the Turks and Bulgars and we became the most powerful country in the Balkans.
I dont wont to advertise Serbia but you know that we holded up
all Austrian ofensives(and even occupied some parts of eastern Bosnia)till 1915.After a year of war between Austria and Serbia
Austria have suffered terific loses.Only when in 1915 Bulgaria atacked Serbia and Gemrany sent its IX army to help Austrians were we pushed back.
Then after a retreat of Serban army,(with the help of Montenegrian army wich stoped the Austrians)its goverment and lots of people thru Albania(about 200,000-500,000 people)they were setled down on Greece islands and in Afrika.
After that there was creation of volonteer serbian units which made bulk of the Balkan front(The Solun front)which helped to defeat the Bulgaria and Austria and liberate all of the Balkans and further from Central powers.
Yeep thats it in short lines(?????).Sincerely hope you red this....
PS Greece,Bulgaria,Romania,Albania....Dont forget about them also!
Especially Balkan countries with Serbia(my favorite
And dont foget Montenigro our only true ally in this war.
That period was the most important period of our (Serbian)modern history so I hope you pay some attencion on it.
Ahhhhh we were than at peak of its power.Economy doing OK,just defeated the Turks and Bulgars and we became the most powerful country in the Balkans.
I dont wont to advertise Serbia but you know that we holded up
all Austrian ofensives(and even occupied some parts of eastern Bosnia)till 1915.After a year of war between Austria and Serbia
Austria have suffered terific loses.Only when in 1915 Bulgaria atacked Serbia and Gemrany sent its IX army to help Austrians were we pushed back.
Then after a retreat of Serban army,(with the help of Montenegrian army wich stoped the Austrians)its goverment and lots of people thru Albania(about 200,000-500,000 people)they were setled down on Greece islands and in Afrika.
After that there was creation of volonteer serbian units which made bulk of the Balkan front(The Solun front)which helped to defeat the Bulgaria and Austria and liberate all of the Balkans and further from Central powers.
Yeep thats it in short lines(?????).Sincerely hope you red this....
PS Greece,Bulgaria,Romania,Albania....Dont forget about them also!