I think the idea has a lot of merit.
here is my initial stab at the events, which are province based and random, so a little easier to repreduce through a program that idont or MichaelM can write.
here is my initial stab at the events, which are province based and random, so a little easier to repreduce through a program that idont or MichaelM can write.
event = {
id = xxxxxx
random = yes
province = 231 #just an example
trigger = {
#obviously, it can't be in revolt or captured
control = { province = 231 data = -1 }
#it isn't going to be accepted if we are rapacious conquerers
NOT = { badboy = 3 }
# certain provinces will need exclisions, and for EIRE provinces, EIRE can't possibly exist still
NOT = { exists = EIR }
# acouple of obvious ones
NOT = { core = 231 } #duh
stability = 1
# must have the same as the state religion, I think
OR = {
AND = {
religion = xxx
provincereligion = xxx
AND = { etc
#more difficult to assess ... domestic settings
NOT = { domestic = { type = serfdom value = 9 } } #no-one too oppressive
NOT = { domestic = { type = aristicracy value = 9 } } #no-one too elitist
domestic = { type = innovative value = 3 } #no-one too narrow-minded
name = "Our Rule Accepted in Meath"
desc = "With the passing of time and careful administration, our rule in Meath has come to be generally recognized and accepted not only by other nations, but the local populace as well."
action_a = {
name = "It was inevitable"
command = { type = addcore which = 231 }
command = { type = setflag which = meath_core }
ANd, then , of course, an event to undo this ...
event = {
id = xxxxxy
random = yes
trigger = {
NOT = { owned = { province = 231 data = -1 } }
core = 231
flag = meath_core
name = "The Loss of Meath"
desc = "With the passing of time it has become obvious to all concerned that our former rule in Meath is no longer accepted."
action_a = {
name = "Oh poo"
command = { type = removecore which = 231 }
command = { type = clrflag which = meath_core }