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Homo ludens
74 Badges
Dec 27, 2002
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Dado que no va a haber nuevo contenido oficial en un futuro cercano, toca volver la vista hacia los mods que existen o están en desarrollo. Acaba de salir uno que se centra en cosas que me interesan mucho:


Es y será solo en inglés y se centra en las monarquías, las interacciones entre personajes y las tensiones internas. Su objetivo es que haya más salseo dinástico y que el manejo de la lealtad de la familia real y aspirantes sea más interesante y complejo. También mete mano a varios aspectos de la IA.

Y por supuesto hay que estar atentos al Imperator Invictus que sale el día 30!

Además de todas los añadidos que han ido mencionando en los DDs se supone que también traerá correcciones y retoques finos, habrá que ver el changelog final. Tendrá traducción al español que además mejorará la oficial!

Personalmente no puedo vivir sin este pequeño mod de calidad de vida:
Grey Neutral Units--- simplemente cambia el color de los ejércitos neutrales

Y quiero probar este:
Better UI. Le veo todo ventajas, no me lo he puesto todavía prorque estoy con una partida ironman con Egipto.
Last edited:
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¿Lo habéis probado alguno? ¿Qué tal está?
¿Lo habéis probado alguno? ¿Qué tal está?
Yo estoy en ello, pero he jugado muy poquito. Creo que necesita un poco de equilibrado en el comercio, que al quitar el +1 de producto en ciudades escasea bastante de casi todo. Pero todo lo que han hecho va por el camino correcto para mí gusto.
Los de Invictus van a sacar una ENORME actualización el 10 de Noviembre. Sobre todo trae muchísimos cambios de mapa en África, Asia, Germania e India y nuevo contenido para un montón de facciones, pero también cambios en las unidades militares, ajustes de IA económica y de gestión interna y otras cosicas.
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El changelog de la actualización del Invictus que sale mañana:

Dev Diary 26: Patch notes for 1.1 update
Today will be the last Dev Diary till the next update, after which we may wait awhile before we start doing DD’s again. All I have for you today is the patch notes for the update on Wednesday, November 10th.
Warning! This update will break all savegames, if you wish to continue playing an old save, you’ll have to stop steam from automatically updating the mod.

New mission trees:
- Added generic mission tree for going independent (3 paths)
- Added mission tree for Kush
- Added mission tree for Judea
- Added mission tree for Scythia
- Added mission trees to the Tamil Kings (Chola, Pandya, and Chera), several variations, 3 trees
- Added mission tree for Bharatavarsha (Indian formable)

Map changes: (all made to be more historical for the time period)
- Added Fezzan (Libya)
- Added lake Tritonis in Tunisia (changed the river setup here to be more historical too)
- Added the Marib Dam wonder and it’s lake
- Expanded the map around Kush
- Changed the Germanic nation setup
- Changed the Germanic region setup (as in governorships)
- Changed the Sardinian nation setup
- Changed the Scythian nation setup
- Changed the Arabian nation and population setup
- Reworked African culture(group)s
- Reworked Scythian culture(group)s
- Reworked Indian culture(group)s
- Renamed Palestine to Canaan
- Removed Spec chars from Province Names

New mechanics:
- Reworked the AI completely based upon Glavius' work
- Reworked all buildings (AI is now also better at building them)
- Added Spearmen unit
- Per neighbouring city, a Settlement gains 4 extra civilization capacity
- Added mechanic for gaining inventions as tribes by sacking
- Made obtaining military traditions count all pops from all integrated cultures (within the right groups) instead of just the largest one
(Meaning if a tradition requires Greek pops, it will count Macedonian+Athenian pops to hit the limit, you no longer need a single huge culture)
- Reworked Tribal Sacrifice

Flavour additions:
- Added flavour events/decisions to the Tamil Kings
- Added flavour events/decisions to Kush/Nubia
- Added flavour events/decisions to Scythian countries
- Added lots of flavour content to Judea (decisions, events, treasures, governments, etc)
- Added heritages to 50+ nations (Anatolia, India, Levant, Afric, Germania...)
- Added cultural inventions to Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Arabia and more
- Added Gallic Smith for Gallic Nations
- Added training camp decisions for Elephants/Camels
- Enabled very severe winters which previously would never trigger
- Gave Invictus wonders unique effects
- Added new military traditions/rebalanced which culture gets which traditions
- Added plenty of new flags around the world
- Added more variety to Female Egyptian names

Art additions/changes:
- Added new character backgrounds (the remaining Seven Wonders, India-related backgrounds, Carthage and Carthaginian tent backgrounds, Jerusalem, and Stonehenge)
- Added new loading screen backgrounds for the mod
- Created new event window art using the vanilla loading screen art and added them to a number of events (NOTE: As of right now, the amount of vanilla loading screen event window art used in events in the mod is low. This will change in future releases as we work out which events this art may be useful in, and even create new events where this art can be most appropriately used).

Balance changes:
- Totally reworked Unit and modifier balance (LI has use now, HI been nerfed, etc)
- Slave revolts cannot happen first 10 years of game
- Slave revolts now require less than 15% happiness
- Code rework to the Hellenistic Empire Tree
- Changed the conditions for the Israel formable
- Made Epirus tree more sensible with requirements
- Made Epirus tree give Satraps (meaning no diplo slot) instead of Client States
- Prevent Seleucids AI from declaring war manually for the first year to fix edge-cases with Diadochi war
- Made mission to become an Empire as Rome easier so you're more likely to see the unique flavour events and Roman Civil war
- Made AI Rome smarter, better and scarier
- Allows primary heirs to do Anabasis
- Made assaults do 25% more damage
- Made slaves distribute over 5 provinces instead of 3
- Made 4 missions appear instead of 3 in the mission screen
- Made it so you can't seize estates from very disloyal people
- Removed levy size modifiers from heritages
- Changed the price of certain trade goods to nerf commerce for non-commercial states

Various stuff:
- Improved performance with Food code
- Translated a lot more content to Spanish
- Translated missing important localization to German
- Finished French Translation
- Made it so you can't spy on people through player mapmode
- Improved the localization for Carthage
- Renamed Alexander (the Great) to Alexandros for consistency with other characters’ names

- Fixed various missing icons spamming the error log
- Fixed Punic puppet tree not making you independent
- Fixed Indian Empire mission tree requiring you to own a non-existent province
- Fixed the decision to embrace ways of war remaining visible and clickable after embracing the ways of war
- Fixed duplicating events like Alexander's grave
- Fixed wrong names for several characters
- Fixed infinite money glitch with Bankruptcy buttons
- Seleucids missions now check the right territory for the Mediterranean capital
- Fixed Irish Albion formable not always appearing
- Fixed a localization bug with techspread event
- Changed conditions for Mummification decision
- Fixed the Macedonian missions to be more consistent
- Fixed Slave Raiding not always being enabled due to Vanilla bug
- Fixed Hellenistic Empire Tree not giving correct primary culture
- Fixed Hellenstic Empire subjects deleting modifiers
- Fixed Antigonids collapsing when making Corinth a Subject
- Fixed Thracian mission tree Edge-cases and sensibilised requirements
(You no longer need to fight Athens to finish your first mission tree)
- Put Capua back in Capua
- Fixed bunch of small items causing problems
- Fixed missing regency code for Tanists
- Fixed broken Armenian capital modifier
El changelog de la actualización del Invictus que sale mañana:

Dev Diary 26: Patch notes for 1.1 update
Today will be the last Dev Diary till the next update, after which we may wait awhile before we start doing DD’s again. All I have for you today is the patch notes for the update on Wednesday, November 10th.
Warning! This update will break all savegames, if you wish to continue playing an old save, you’ll have to stop steam from automatically updating the mod.

New mission trees:
- Added generic mission tree for going independent (3 paths)
- Added mission tree for Kush
- Added mission tree for Judea
- Added mission tree for Scythia
- Added mission trees to the Tamil Kings (Chola, Pandya, and Chera), several variations, 3 trees
- Added mission tree for Bharatavarsha (Indian formable)

Map changes: (all made to be more historical for the time period)
- Added Fezzan (Libya)
- Added lake Tritonis in Tunisia (changed the river setup here to be more historical too)
- Added the Marib Dam wonder and it’s lake
- Expanded the map around Kush
- Changed the Germanic nation setup
- Changed the Germanic region setup (as in governorships)
- Changed the Sardinian nation setup
- Changed the Scythian nation setup
- Changed the Arabian nation and population setup
- Reworked African culture(group)s
- Reworked Scythian culture(group)s
- Reworked Indian culture(group)s
- Renamed Palestine to Canaan
- Removed Spec chars from Province Names

New mechanics:
- Reworked the AI completely based upon Glavius' work
- Reworked all buildings (AI is now also better at building them)
- Added Spearmen unit
- Per neighbouring city, a Settlement gains 4 extra civilization capacity
- Added mechanic for gaining inventions as tribes by sacking
- Made obtaining military traditions count all pops from all integrated cultures (within the right groups) instead of just the largest one
(Meaning if a tradition requires Greek pops, it will count Macedonian+Athenian pops to hit the limit, you no longer need a single huge culture)
- Reworked Tribal Sacrifice

Flavour additions:
- Added flavour events/decisions to the Tamil Kings
- Added flavour events/decisions to Kush/Nubia
- Added flavour events/decisions to Scythian countries
- Added lots of flavour content to Judea (decisions, events, treasures, governments, etc)
- Added heritages to 50+ nations (Anatolia, India, Levant, Afric, Germania...)
- Added cultural inventions to Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Arabia and more
- Added Gallic Smith for Gallic Nations
- Added training camp decisions for Elephants/Camels
- Enabled very severe winters which previously would never trigger
- Gave Invictus wonders unique effects
- Added new military traditions/rebalanced which culture gets which traditions
- Added plenty of new flags around the world
- Added more variety to Female Egyptian names

Art additions/changes:
- Added new character backgrounds (the remaining Seven Wonders, India-related backgrounds, Carthage and Carthaginian tent backgrounds, Jerusalem, and Stonehenge)
- Added new loading screen backgrounds for the mod
- Created new event window art using the vanilla loading screen art and added them to a number of events (NOTE: As of right now, the amount of vanilla loading screen event window art used in events in the mod is low. This will change in future releases as we work out which events this art may be useful in, and even create new events where this art can be most appropriately used).

Balance changes:
- Totally reworked Unit and modifier balance (LI has use now, HI been nerfed, etc)
- Slave revolts cannot happen first 10 years of game
- Slave revolts now require less than 15% happiness
- Code rework to the Hellenistic Empire Tree
- Changed the conditions for the Israel formable
- Made Epirus tree more sensible with requirements
- Made Epirus tree give Satraps (meaning no diplo slot) instead of Client States
- Prevent Seleucids AI from declaring war manually for the first year to fix edge-cases with Diadochi war
- Made mission to become an Empire as Rome easier so you're more likely to see the unique flavour events and Roman Civil war
- Made AI Rome smarter, better and scarier
- Allows primary heirs to do Anabasis
- Made assaults do 25% more damage
- Made slaves distribute over 5 provinces instead of 3
- Made 4 missions appear instead of 3 in the mission screen
- Made it so you can't seize estates from very disloyal people
- Removed levy size modifiers from heritages
- Changed the price of certain trade goods to nerf commerce for non-commercial states

Various stuff:
- Improved performance with Food code
- Translated a lot more content to Spanish
- Translated missing important localization to German
- Finished French Translation
- Made it so you can't spy on people through player mapmode
- Improved the localization for Carthage
- Renamed Alexander (the Great) to Alexandros for consistency with other characters’ names

- Fixed various missing icons spamming the error log
- Fixed Punic puppet tree not making you independent
- Fixed Indian Empire mission tree requiring you to own a non-existent province
- Fixed the decision to embrace ways of war remaining visible and clickable after embracing the ways of war
- Fixed duplicating events like Alexander's grave
- Fixed wrong names for several characters
- Fixed infinite money glitch with Bankruptcy buttons
- Seleucids missions now check the right territory for the Mediterranean capital
- Fixed Irish Albion formable not always appearing
- Fixed a localization bug with techspread event
- Changed conditions for Mummification decision
- Fixed the Macedonian missions to be more consistent
- Fixed Slave Raiding not always being enabled due to Vanilla bug
- Fixed Hellenistic Empire Tree not giving correct primary culture
- Fixed Hellenstic Empire subjects deleting modifiers
- Fixed Antigonids collapsing when making Corinth a Subject
- Fixed Thracian mission tree Edge-cases and sensibilised requirements
(You no longer need to fight Athens to finish your first mission tree)
- Put Capua back in Capua
- Fixed bunch of small items causing problems
- Fixed missing regency code for Tanists
- Fixed broken Armenian capital modifier

Finalmente sale hoy? Y ¿Sobre que hora?
Muy buenas a todos, solo quería pasarme por aquí para deciros que os pasarais a ver el último DD del mod de Invictus. Pondría el enlace directo al post, pero no me deja el foro. Si alguien pudiera ponerlo por mi se lo agradecería.
Soy parte del equipo de Invictus, y me estoy encargando de su traducción al Español. Por lo que si aún hay gente interesada en jugar al Imperator Rome en Español, me encantaría recibir feedback para pulir y mejorar lo más posible la traducción. También estoy abierto a cambiar cosas de la traducción del juego base. Es más, en la última actualización incorporamos (con permiso de Vityviktor), la traducción mejorada que hay en Steam. Y estoy trabajando sobre ella para mejorar todo lo posible la traducción original del juego.
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Éste es el enlace directo al mensaje con el diario de hoy:

Dev Diary 35: Fezzan, Wonders rebalance + Spanish update
Today we'll be talking about a mission tree for the Fezzani tribes, rebalancing of al the Wonder effects and custom modifiers for historical wonders and finally we'll have a little update about the Spanish translation (which as you may understand takes a long time as it is a lot of work.)

Fezzan Mission Tree presented by Aerozona:

The Fezzan Mission Tree focuses on the tribes located within the newly created region of Fezzan, namely Garamantia, Nasamonia, Machylia, Psyllia, Makae, and Phazania. Of course if you start off as Psyllia, you will need to break free since you do start off as a tributary to the Nasamonians. This mission tree will help guide you towards uniting the whole region and forming the united tribe of Fezzan. While the mission tree is common to all of the Fezzani tribes, it is slightly different for each tag.
Here is a quick look at the mission tree in its entirety (from the perspective of the Garamantes):


The tree provides the player two different options in uniting the region. (Note: Once selecting one path, the other path will become unavailable). The first is through conquest and annexation of the neighbouring tribes. This path will provide multiple tasks, that each provide unique bonuses to your army, allowing your tribal armies to dominate the opposing armies with such bonuses as increased morale, manpower recovery speed, and increased starting experience.


The second path allows you to go through and unite the Fezzan region through vassalizing the other tribes rather than annexation. This path will provide bonuses to improve your subject's opinion, loyalty, income, and provide the option to upgrade any tributary subjects, to feudatories, giving you the ability to integrate them into your nation at a time of your choosing. This path of the mission tree also provides a huge unique bonus to desert combat ability, manpower and aggressive expansion impact, allowing for the domination of other armies within the region of Fezzan and other desert provinces.

Both paths of the tree guide you towards the same end goal, a united region of Fezzan, however it is up to the player to decide which unique bonuses will suit their playstyle best, both in the short and long term, since a lot of these bonuses will be permanent.

Once the player begins to expand into their neighbours, there will be optional mission tasks that have you develop and improve the infrastructure of the newly conquered land, providing certain bonuses to that province.


Once the region of Fezzan has been united under a single tribe, the mission tree gives you the ability to expand in multiple directions. You have the option to go east into Cyrenaica and Egypt, west into Carthage and eventually towards the Pillars of Hercules, and finally you will have the opportunity to expand northward into the region of Magna Graecia.
This expansion into Magna Graecia and beyond will set up an eventual conflict with the major power in the area (whether it be Rome, Tuscia, etc), which at this stage of the late game, will be quite powerful. However, the final task of the mission will guide you towards adding the prestigious Metropolis of Rome to the great nation of Fezzan.


Wonders presented by Olivenkranz

Recently, we also rebalanced (read: nerfed) the wonders and their effects. We deemed that the amount and strengths of certain modifiers were not very fairly distributed and while some modifiers didn’t get touched (education f.ex.), here below are a couple of the worst offenders after we trimmed them down - and this is entirely Snowlet’s merit.


As you can see, the beloved commerce income modifier has been halved - a significant reduction. And the very strong modifier of ship repair at sea has been reduced to a fourth of it’s vanilla strength. That one may surprise you, as it had already been nerfed once after the first release.

In addition to that, we have also given every vanilla wonder a unique modifier so as to set it further apart from what you, as the player, may build. Hopefully they will be more interesting and desirable than they were previously. We now present to you a handful of the revamped tourist traps of antiquity.




No descriptions have been written for them yet, but this may come in the future. As always, the numbers are subject to change. The modifiers are still Work in Progress and if you have a balanced suggestion, you can provide it below, we do read everything that is suggested to us. For most of them you’re gonna have to wait until the next update droops, soon +2 weeks.

Status of the Spanish Translation:

Hello everyone. My name is Juanen and I’m the one working on the Spanish translation of the mod. Today I’ll talk a bit about the difficulties of translating a mod for a PDX game, the progress of the Spanish translation, and what I’m working on right now.

So, first of all, translating is not easy. Or fast. And PDX games don’t make it easier. Their code is made to work in English, and when we translate we have to work around the limits of the engine. This creates some limitations for localizing languages like Spanish. Mainly with articles and adjectives, but the code, in general, is not made to work with words that don’t have genres in English.

So, if you find a female character being called “El Griego”, the main reason is this one. I know is not the end of the world, and it’s not impossible to fix this kind of issue. But it makes translating a pain in the ***.

If I had the time or more people to work with on the translation, I’d try to make the tools so we can have a perfect Spanish translation, but most of the time don’t have the time or the people to translate the mod and make the translation tools work better…. Even so, I’m trying my best.

Now, to the important stuff. What’s the state of the Spanish translation?

The people who play using the “DEV” versión of the mod will know already. But for the rest, I’ll tell you that the Spanish translation is perfectly playable. I try always to at least have the English locs put in place for the new stuff my colleagues are implementing all the time. But I can confirm that most of the mod is localized in Spanish. The missions for the Greco-Indian, Bactrian, Bharat, Punic, and Tamil are done. And I’ll continue to work on the rest until the next updates. Half of the Deity’s religions are also localized. And the rest of the mod is (like 90%) in Spanish.

I have also incorporated the “Improved Spanish Translation” from Vityviktor (who I thank a lot for letting us use it). And I’ve also tried to improve the vanilla translation of the game (quite easy to improve as it was not so good) as much as time lets me.

Right now, I’m working on localizing the new content for the next update, and localizing the many (many) countries of the game and its adjectives to Spanish. I’m also in need of feedback, so I’d really appreciate any suggestions from the Spanish community for ways to improve the localization of the mod and the vanilla. As my end goal is to not only localize the mod, but also improve the main game.

In case anyone wants to join the team and help with the Spanish translation, or any other translation of the mod, feel free to join our discord and contact us in the recruitment channel.

Muy buenas a todos, solo quería pasarme por aquí para deciros que os pasarais a ver el último DD del mod de Invictus. Pondría el enlace directo al post, pero no me deja el foro. Si alguien pudiera ponerlo por mi se lo agradecería.
Soy parte del equipo de Invictus, y me estoy encargando de su traducción al Español. Por lo que si aún hay gente interesada en jugar al Imperator Rome en Español, me encantaría recibir feedback para pulir y mejorar lo más posible la traducción. También estoy abierto a cambiar cosas de la traducción del juego base. Es más, en la última actualización incorporamos (con permiso de Vityviktor), la traducción mejorada que hay en Steam. Y estoy trabajando sobre ella para mejorar todo lo posible la traducción original del juego.

Yo juego en inglés, pero siempre se agradece que alguien haga el trabajo para los que prefieren jugar en español ;)