My first completed CK game (last night) ended in 1245 and Golden Horde invasion. They took all land around Causacus and Azov, went south, conquered BYZ (Asia Minor, Greece, Balkan), went north, took HUN, and attacked POL. Serbia was taken in 1245.
OK. I know they were historically really powerful, BUT:
1. I noticed that playing Serbia I could mobilize (with 5-7 provinces) about 3000 - 4000 soldiers. That is historically not correct, as real Serbia could easilly gather 10,000. CK armies are 3 to 5 times smaller than historical armies
2. yet, Mongols are given armies of correct size (or even larger). Golden Horde arrived with 150,000, and they attacked Constantinople with 100,000. Historically, their armies in HUN and POL campaignes are estimated to 20,000 to 60,000.
3. during the raid over POL and RUS and HUN, Mongols used to DESTROY, and not to conquer. Examples: cities of Buda, Zagred, Kiev, Krakow, .... were destroyed, not conquered. However, in CK game, Mongols always conquer a province, whose improvements were left intact.
4. historically, main Mongol armies were moving, so christian rulers could sometimes return to lotted provinces and take them back (liberate) easily. However, in CK game, I must put the siege and wait for months to liberate my former province.
5. historically, Mongols develop a new capital in a conquered province (Samarkand), instead of to choose already destroyed capital of a former enemy (Baghdad, Kiev, Krakow, ...). However, in CK game they settle in the richest taken province (in my game they put capital into Constantinople).
6. historically Mongols could mobilize new troops in their Asian provinces (Cumans, Turks), but not in european christian provinces (Rusians did not enter Mongolian armies in a mass scale). However, in CK game, Mongols are able to mobilize new troops from any conquered province.
So, I have the following proposal: there should be a special new event related to Mongol AI:
- if a Mongol army, bigger than 10,000 is present in the province (most of the time that would be a newly conquered province), and if that province is christian (or even muslim - so, not-pagan), then four possible event-options could happen to that province (with different probabilities. I do not know if CK probabilities are the same as EU2 probabilities, i.e. 85%-5%-5%-5% for four option event):
1. option:
- The province is conquered.
- All province improvements are intact, especially the castle.
- Mongol army is reduced by 500 - this is like to simulate that they left a garrison to defend the castle. With 150,000 soldiers, they would be able to conquer 300 provinces.
- people of the province are not killed, so culture and religion is not changed. (or, they are changed with a small probability, let say 10%)
- if the province stays christian, Mongols get only a small manpower (original manpower is reduced a lot) for new troops.
- if the province is converted, Mongols get the original large manpower.
- concerning manpower, if a christian ruler gets that province back, he should have the original large manpower.
2. option:
- the town of the province is lotted, but, just a little bit.
- city improvements are (most probably) destroyed. By "most probably" I mean that for each city improvement there is a "destruction probability" less than 100%. That means that randomly different improvements would be destroyed in various provinces. City improvements are: library, church, school, court of justice, templare house, money lenders, .... In that way, Mongols will not benefit a lot from that province, if they destroy its town.
- Mongols do NOT conquer that province - they destroy it. So, it would be easier for christian rulers to get it back, if they are able to avoid the main Mongol troops. As Mongols do not leave troops to defend the province (oposite to the previous option no.1), their army is not decreased. However, the size of the castle is decreased by 1 level, due to plundering.
- as the province is plundered, some of the citizens were killed. It would be easier for that province to be converted. So, let say, it becomes pagan+mongol with probability of 20%.
- if it stays christian, Mongols would again get reduced manpower. If it convertes, Mongols would get the full manpower (of the final poorer province).
3. option
- similar to the previous one.
- now, the town is totally destroyed. All city improvements are lost with 100% probability.
- the size of the castle is again reduced by 1 level.
- province is converted to Mongol+pagan with larger probability: 40%.
- if it stays christian, Mongols would again get reduced manpower. If it convertes, Mongols would get the full manpower (of the final much poorer province).
- the destruction influences the village too. Village improvements are also destroyed with some probabilities smaller than 100%. Village improvements are: forestry, sawmill, watermill, windmill, glass-work, mine, tile-factory, .......
4. option
- similar to the previous one.
- now, both towns AND villages are totally destroyed. All city improvements are lost with 100% probability. And, all (or almost all) village improvements are also lost with 100% probability. The only village improvements that could (probably) stay would be something that is characteristic to Mongols. I do not know. Maybe military training camp could stay. Or fishery too ?
- the castle is totally destroyed too. So, christian ruler would take this province back, simply arriving with an army of any size. Nevertheless, he would not find a lot of buildings there.
- province is converted to Mongol+pagan with the largest probability: 70% to 90% .
- if it stays christian, Mongols would again get reduced manpower. If it convertes, Mongols would get the full manpower (of the final very poor province).
The manpower from conquered pagan (or even muslim) provinces should stay at original high level. There could be a mirror event for muslim provinces, with all these destructions, but no reduction of manpower.
Destruction could also be extended to techlonogies. Option 1: technologies stay the same; option 2: all tech levels of that province reduced by 1; option 3: all tech levels of that province reduced by 2; and option 4: all tech levels of that province reduced by 3.
This event would simulate following historical facts:
1. most of the land was destroyed, not conquered.
2. most of the towns were burnt down.
3. at the end, the economy of Mongol provinces (in far East) or reconquered european provinces (Hungary or Russia) was much worse than in developed Europen West. So, when (if) Mongols eventually calm down, their land would be poor and rural and converted to mongol, as it was in history. Look at Russia - urban development of Kiev Russia was stopped, and the country was rural for centuries. Or, the irrigation system in Mesopotamia was destroyed and the economy colapsed.
4. if some of the towns stay intact, and if Mongols move their capotal there, these provinces should mostly keep thair original culture and religion (like most of Chinese and Persian towns). Eventually (that could also be a part of the "Molgol event"), Mongols could convert themselves to Muslim (historical) or Christian (fantasy) depending on the religion of the capital, and become a standard part of CK system. If Mongols convert to muslim or christianity, then the "Mongol event" should be made silent, so that they could move and mobilize new armies without any consequences. And, with the new culture, Mongols should loose infinite souce of money and get a normal attrition.
Also, it should be possible to diplomatically become vassal of Mongols (like Russians) even if I am 100% loyal vassal of someone else, and continue the game.
I bought CK last week, so I am not so familiar with CK event scripting. If it is esentially the same as in EU2, I think it would be no problem to create this event.
I also do not like that there is no navy in CK, as it was in EU2. These Mongols cross Black Sea with 100,000 soldiers as they want. Where the hell did they find all these ships in 1 year ?
OK. I know they were historically really powerful, BUT:
1. I noticed that playing Serbia I could mobilize (with 5-7 provinces) about 3000 - 4000 soldiers. That is historically not correct, as real Serbia could easilly gather 10,000. CK armies are 3 to 5 times smaller than historical armies
2. yet, Mongols are given armies of correct size (or even larger). Golden Horde arrived with 150,000, and they attacked Constantinople with 100,000. Historically, their armies in HUN and POL campaignes are estimated to 20,000 to 60,000.
3. during the raid over POL and RUS and HUN, Mongols used to DESTROY, and not to conquer. Examples: cities of Buda, Zagred, Kiev, Krakow, .... were destroyed, not conquered. However, in CK game, Mongols always conquer a province, whose improvements were left intact.
4. historically, main Mongol armies were moving, so christian rulers could sometimes return to lotted provinces and take them back (liberate) easily. However, in CK game, I must put the siege and wait for months to liberate my former province.
5. historically, Mongols develop a new capital in a conquered province (Samarkand), instead of to choose already destroyed capital of a former enemy (Baghdad, Kiev, Krakow, ...). However, in CK game they settle in the richest taken province (in my game they put capital into Constantinople).
6. historically Mongols could mobilize new troops in their Asian provinces (Cumans, Turks), but not in european christian provinces (Rusians did not enter Mongolian armies in a mass scale). However, in CK game, Mongols are able to mobilize new troops from any conquered province.
So, I have the following proposal: there should be a special new event related to Mongol AI:
- if a Mongol army, bigger than 10,000 is present in the province (most of the time that would be a newly conquered province), and if that province is christian (or even muslim - so, not-pagan), then four possible event-options could happen to that province (with different probabilities. I do not know if CK probabilities are the same as EU2 probabilities, i.e. 85%-5%-5%-5% for four option event):
1. option:
- The province is conquered.
- All province improvements are intact, especially the castle.
- Mongol army is reduced by 500 - this is like to simulate that they left a garrison to defend the castle. With 150,000 soldiers, they would be able to conquer 300 provinces.
- people of the province are not killed, so culture and religion is not changed. (or, they are changed with a small probability, let say 10%)
- if the province stays christian, Mongols get only a small manpower (original manpower is reduced a lot) for new troops.
- if the province is converted, Mongols get the original large manpower.
- concerning manpower, if a christian ruler gets that province back, he should have the original large manpower.
2. option:
- the town of the province is lotted, but, just a little bit.
- city improvements are (most probably) destroyed. By "most probably" I mean that for each city improvement there is a "destruction probability" less than 100%. That means that randomly different improvements would be destroyed in various provinces. City improvements are: library, church, school, court of justice, templare house, money lenders, .... In that way, Mongols will not benefit a lot from that province, if they destroy its town.
- Mongols do NOT conquer that province - they destroy it. So, it would be easier for christian rulers to get it back, if they are able to avoid the main Mongol troops. As Mongols do not leave troops to defend the province (oposite to the previous option no.1), their army is not decreased. However, the size of the castle is decreased by 1 level, due to plundering.
- as the province is plundered, some of the citizens were killed. It would be easier for that province to be converted. So, let say, it becomes pagan+mongol with probability of 20%.
- if it stays christian, Mongols would again get reduced manpower. If it convertes, Mongols would get the full manpower (of the final poorer province).
3. option
- similar to the previous one.
- now, the town is totally destroyed. All city improvements are lost with 100% probability.
- the size of the castle is again reduced by 1 level.
- province is converted to Mongol+pagan with larger probability: 40%.
- if it stays christian, Mongols would again get reduced manpower. If it convertes, Mongols would get the full manpower (of the final much poorer province).
- the destruction influences the village too. Village improvements are also destroyed with some probabilities smaller than 100%. Village improvements are: forestry, sawmill, watermill, windmill, glass-work, mine, tile-factory, .......
4. option
- similar to the previous one.
- now, both towns AND villages are totally destroyed. All city improvements are lost with 100% probability. And, all (or almost all) village improvements are also lost with 100% probability. The only village improvements that could (probably) stay would be something that is characteristic to Mongols. I do not know. Maybe military training camp could stay. Or fishery too ?
- the castle is totally destroyed too. So, christian ruler would take this province back, simply arriving with an army of any size. Nevertheless, he would not find a lot of buildings there.
- province is converted to Mongol+pagan with the largest probability: 70% to 90% .
- if it stays christian, Mongols would again get reduced manpower. If it convertes, Mongols would get the full manpower (of the final very poor province).
The manpower from conquered pagan (or even muslim) provinces should stay at original high level. There could be a mirror event for muslim provinces, with all these destructions, but no reduction of manpower.
Destruction could also be extended to techlonogies. Option 1: technologies stay the same; option 2: all tech levels of that province reduced by 1; option 3: all tech levels of that province reduced by 2; and option 4: all tech levels of that province reduced by 3.
This event would simulate following historical facts:
1. most of the land was destroyed, not conquered.
2. most of the towns were burnt down.
3. at the end, the economy of Mongol provinces (in far East) or reconquered european provinces (Hungary or Russia) was much worse than in developed Europen West. So, when (if) Mongols eventually calm down, their land would be poor and rural and converted to mongol, as it was in history. Look at Russia - urban development of Kiev Russia was stopped, and the country was rural for centuries. Or, the irrigation system in Mesopotamia was destroyed and the economy colapsed.
4. if some of the towns stay intact, and if Mongols move their capotal there, these provinces should mostly keep thair original culture and religion (like most of Chinese and Persian towns). Eventually (that could also be a part of the "Molgol event"), Mongols could convert themselves to Muslim (historical) or Christian (fantasy) depending on the religion of the capital, and become a standard part of CK system. If Mongols convert to muslim or christianity, then the "Mongol event" should be made silent, so that they could move and mobilize new armies without any consequences. And, with the new culture, Mongols should loose infinite souce of money and get a normal attrition.
Also, it should be possible to diplomatically become vassal of Mongols (like Russians) even if I am 100% loyal vassal of someone else, and continue the game.
I bought CK last week, so I am not so familiar with CK event scripting. If it is esentially the same as in EU2, I think it would be no problem to create this event.
I also do not like that there is no navy in CK, as it was in EU2. These Mongols cross Black Sea with 100,000 soldiers as they want. Where the hell did they find all these ships in 1 year ?