Garwahl, the small kingdom north of Dehli sultanate, is one of the very few nations with genereic ideas in 1444. A shame, because they have one of the prettiest flags in the game (cute birb). I did some research and here's my suggestion for NI:s for poor little forgotten Garwahl. Any numbers of the bonus can, of course, be changed to balance, however as Garwahl starts as a weak kingdom surrounded my mightier neighbours I find it suitable to have strong NI:s, as Garwahl was one of the few kingdoms to last for the entire timeline of EU4.
Traditions: Local developmnt cost -20%, -10% build cost
((Garwahl was not a very war mongering kingdom, rather focusing on it's own development))
Legacy of the 52 Garhs || -5 years of separatism, -10% core creation cost
Once our kingdom was divided in independant rules each with their own fortress, or garh. Kanakpal started the process of conquering and uniting the different garhs in the 9th century, a process of over 60 years. This history of conquest and intregation has left us with a tradition of good management of conquered territory.
((Kanakpal and his descendants of Parmar dynasty, gradually conquered all the independent fortresses (Garhs) belonging to 52 small chieftains, and ruled the whole of Garhwal Kingdom for the next 915 years, up to 1804 AD))
Repel the Muslim invaders || +20% army morale
With our backs agaisnt the impassable Himalayas we cannot yield an inch of our land to any invader.
((This is a nod to the fact that Garwahl sucessfully repelled attacks from the Mughal Emprie on several occations))
Harsh diplomacy || +1 diplomatic reputation
Our neighbours are mighty, to survive we must rely on our diplomatic wits. Let it be known that we will treat our friends fairly and show no mercy to our foes
((When the Mughals invaded in 1640 the Queen of Garwahl, Rani Karnavati, cut the nose of any defeated mughal solider, sending a clear message that no remorse would be given to those who threatened Garwhal))
Land of serene beauty || -2 unrest
Sitting at the foot of the Himalayas, ours is a country of true natural beauty. Our people take great pride in this, and the serene grace of the mountains is enough to pacify even the wildest of dissidents.
((Garwahl seems to have had almost no rebellions, and it is indeed regarded a very beautiful province in India, Weather these two acctually had any connection I don't know.))
Source of Ganges || +2 Tolerance of the true faith
The holy river of Ganges has it source in the Gangotei glacier. The fact that our kingdom sprung forth in the same way as the holy river brings respect among the hindu populations
((Pretty self explaining, the Ganges starts in Garwahl))
Land of the Gods || +2 missionary strength
The many temples and monastries in our land has earned our country the nickname "Land of the Gods".
((Uttarakhand is famed for it's many temples and pilgrimage centres))
Crossroad of faiths || +10 religious unity & +1 Tolerance of Heatens & Heretics
Troughout our history we have encountered many different religions. Jain minorities, buddhists from the north, muslims and sikhs from the south, christianity with the arrival of europeans and of course Hinduism. This mixture of beeliefs has led to our people growing tolerant of different religions.
((Garwahl was exposed to many religions, yet there was no recorded prosecuion of minorities))
Ambitions || -10% stability cost
Overall these ideas would result in a very stable kingdom, which Garwahl was. Yes, they are pretty stong, but I feel like if you manage to pull Garwahl off given that your neighbours are the often hostile trio of Nepal, Juanpur and Dehli (and Kangra, an OPM with 5 development (one less than you)). Nepal, starting out he weakest of the 3, still has four times your development.
Feel free to discuss
Traditions: Local developmnt cost -20%, -10% build cost
((Garwahl was not a very war mongering kingdom, rather focusing on it's own development))
Legacy of the 52 Garhs || -5 years of separatism, -10% core creation cost
Once our kingdom was divided in independant rules each with their own fortress, or garh. Kanakpal started the process of conquering and uniting the different garhs in the 9th century, a process of over 60 years. This history of conquest and intregation has left us with a tradition of good management of conquered territory.
((Kanakpal and his descendants of Parmar dynasty, gradually conquered all the independent fortresses (Garhs) belonging to 52 small chieftains, and ruled the whole of Garhwal Kingdom for the next 915 years, up to 1804 AD))
Repel the Muslim invaders || +20% army morale
With our backs agaisnt the impassable Himalayas we cannot yield an inch of our land to any invader.
((This is a nod to the fact that Garwahl sucessfully repelled attacks from the Mughal Emprie on several occations))
Harsh diplomacy || +1 diplomatic reputation
Our neighbours are mighty, to survive we must rely on our diplomatic wits. Let it be known that we will treat our friends fairly and show no mercy to our foes
((When the Mughals invaded in 1640 the Queen of Garwahl, Rani Karnavati, cut the nose of any defeated mughal solider, sending a clear message that no remorse would be given to those who threatened Garwhal))
Land of serene beauty || -2 unrest
Sitting at the foot of the Himalayas, ours is a country of true natural beauty. Our people take great pride in this, and the serene grace of the mountains is enough to pacify even the wildest of dissidents.
((Garwahl seems to have had almost no rebellions, and it is indeed regarded a very beautiful province in India, Weather these two acctually had any connection I don't know.))
Source of Ganges || +2 Tolerance of the true faith
The holy river of Ganges has it source in the Gangotei glacier. The fact that our kingdom sprung forth in the same way as the holy river brings respect among the hindu populations
((Pretty self explaining, the Ganges starts in Garwahl))
Land of the Gods || +2 missionary strength
The many temples and monastries in our land has earned our country the nickname "Land of the Gods".
((Uttarakhand is famed for it's many temples and pilgrimage centres))
Crossroad of faiths || +10 religious unity & +1 Tolerance of Heatens & Heretics
Troughout our history we have encountered many different religions. Jain minorities, buddhists from the north, muslims and sikhs from the south, christianity with the arrival of europeans and of course Hinduism. This mixture of beeliefs has led to our people growing tolerant of different religions.
((Garwahl was exposed to many religions, yet there was no recorded prosecuion of minorities))
Ambitions || -10% stability cost
Overall these ideas would result in a very stable kingdom, which Garwahl was. Yes, they are pretty stong, but I feel like if you manage to pull Garwahl off given that your neighbours are the often hostile trio of Nepal, Juanpur and Dehli (and Kangra, an OPM with 5 development (one less than you)). Nepal, starting out he weakest of the 3, still has four times your development.
Feel free to discuss
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