flavor_peg.EVTNAME2: "Dhammazedi"
flavor_peg.EVTDESC2: "As Queen Shin Sawbu had no surviving sons, she looked outside her bloodline for a suitable heir to the Hanthawaddy Kingdom. She nominated not a noble as might be expected, but a humble monk. Dhammazedi had been the Queen's loyal advisor and confidant ever since he had helped her escape from Ava, where she had been presented as a gift to their King by her brother. When Shin Sawbu retired from rulership, Dhammazedi proved himself a capable leader. He led Pegu into a short era of peace and prosperity, as well as pioneering a series of religious reforms characterised by closer adherence to Ceylonese orthodoxy. Following his death he was honoured as a saint and remember as one of Pegu's most enlightened monarchs."
flavor_peg.EVTOPTA2: "He shall be the heir to the kingdom."
flavor_peg.EVTOPTB2: "I'll have a true heir yet, let him continue as an advisor."