Here is the rough version of the event series I'm making. . .I don't see anything wrong right off the bat. Something I did notice is that with the choices A and B, on the first event below, there aren't any effects listed when you hover over it (I realize its just a trigger but I thought I remembered seeing those listed with the other effects). Oh, its the WATK3 map and I realize I'm creating a high chance of Austria being annexed but thats only temporary.
#Last of the Albertinian Line#
event = {
id = 100000
trigger = {
exists = SEI
random = no
country = HAB
name = "EVENTNAME100000"
desc = "EVENTHIST100000"
style = 1
date = { day = 23 month = november year = 1457 }
action_a ={
name = "ACTIONNAME100000A" #Frederick V of Syria#
command = { type = trigger which = 100001 } # SEI
action_b ={
name = "ACTIONNAME100000B" #Support another Noble#
command = { type = trigger which = 100002 } # SEI
#Inheritance of Austria#
event = {
id = 100001
# Triggered by HAB 100000
random = no
country = SEI
name = "EVENTNAME100001"
desc = "EVENTHIST100001"
style = 1
action_a ={
name = "ACTIONNAME100001A" #These Habsburg lands are ours!#
command = { type = inherit which = HAB }
#The Death of Ladislas#
event = {
id = 100002
# Triggered by HAB 100000
random = no
country = SEI
name = "EVENTNAME100002"
desc = "EVENTHIST100002"
style = 1
action_a ={
name = "ACTIONNAME100002A" #This is unacceptable!#
command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -200 }
command = { type = casusbelli which = HAB value = 120 }