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Leaves fell to the dirt on a dusk fall evening. In the forest clearing a dozen gathered around the grave of Chief Gerald, The Spearhead Ruler. One who once united the Anglii tribes together against the threats of the northern men. But that was in times long gone. Today the earth is scorched after years of fighting and not many can live off it. Most of the men already left further south to the Rhine river. Merogais Dwaldus, the heir apparent of Gerald, left his prayers. A shining axe in his hand. He put the weapon on the grave and said his prayers once again. The spirits were delighted by Merogais' gift to his father.
“Gerald’s personal battleaxe?” asked Hildganes, friend and sworn warrior to Merogais.
“Yes. He gave it to me a long time ago. I don’t think he ever had the chance to use it in combat.”
“To dust it shall return. To its rightful owner.”
“Our rightful owner. We all return to dust soon enough.”
Merogais always had a clear and naive vision of the world. He saw the path as dirt and the sea as water.
Back at the Dwaldus Fort, Merogais and Hildganes sat to assess the situation. Clan Malaricus began taking their farmer’s crops and their sons as warriors. Doubt that they will agree to share. Clans Andices and Theodogais both sent their support for Dwaldus. They continue to send gold and crops from their respective lands. But they too, have began training warriors. Seven thousand and Eight thousand each. They distrust the chief's capability to defend them.
Merogais, a just ruler, keen on restoring the order his father once had, set out to recruit warriors at once. A united tribe where everyone holds a sword quickly becomes a scattered tribe where everyone fights for himself. Hildganes was given a mission of his own. Subdue Malaricus by force and intrigue and bring his clan back under the bonfire smoke of the Anglii Tribes.
Over the course of the summer following Gerald’s death, Merogais toured the realm searching for men and boys ready to take up arms. He preached the good deeds of the gods, the evils of the beasts who roam the lands and sold the stories of glory. As winter drew in, training was complete for many of the new warriors of Dwaldus. The men were thirsty for blood and Merogais wanted to give them something to drink. As soon as the snow melted, the warriors knew it was time for a fight.
On the second year of Merogais’ rule as chief of the Anglii, it was time for the Malaricus Clan to become extinct. Hildganes was hard at work in enemy territory, gathering popular support.
Arbolaik Andices, A respected old man representative of the old ideas of what being an Anglii is like. Arbolaik was a person born to die by the sword, he fought many battles and had the largest and most battleworn personal retinue in all of the peninsula. Arbolaik turned to Merogais in favour
“You know I am the most capable person in Anglia. If the Malaricus Clan is to be destroyed, I am the one who should seek order in their lands.”
Merogais, a thoughtful leader, answered “And what of Clan Theodogais? Aren’t they respected and old? I won’t betray one clan to favour the other. To keep the order in place I must juggle power between all my faithful clans. This is how it is going to be, Theodogais will get the farms and you will get the warriors. Don’t worry, Arbolaik, my brother. You will be compensated for your help.”
Regardless of Merogais’ assurance, disgruntled, Arbolaik left the Dwaldus Fort. Over the same night, the Theogodais clan house was set on fire along with their crops. Several warriors died in the flame. A dishonourable death. By then, Merogais already left with his army to fight Malaricus and was nowhere to put his own homeland in order.
Hildganes, who traveled to the far reaches of Anglia, met up with traders and wanderers from surrounding tribes. They were thoughtful and logical people who sought the good of their own people. Hildganes approached them
“Join our campaign in Anglia and you’ll get your hands on every crop, women and gold you find in your way.”
The wanderers seemed disinterested. They asked what difference it makes if they side with Dwaldus Clan or Malaricus Clan? Both promise the same.
“You honour trust and faithfulness” answered Hildganes
“Clan Malaricus will betray you as they had done to us. If you join them, expect nights after the war to be ridden by mares in your sleep. And if you don't join any side? Don't expect to wake up from your sleep while beasts such as Malaricus roam the lands.”
The Mare is the unknown dark creature that haunts even the strongest warriors in their dreams. Making them unable to wake up or act normally after a night where the mare has ridden them. Nightmare, from the root word "mare".
The Mare
Hildganes was successful in persuading the wanderers to raise hosts in their tribes and join Dwaldus in his campaign against Clan Malaricus. On his way back to Anglia, Hildganes met Merogais and his host of warriors.
“Fear not, chief. I have gathered the support of the tribes in our campaign.”
Delighted by the news, Merogais reached his men. He told them of the glory they are about to get from killing bastards, demons and traitors. Beast-men he called Clan Malaricus and their warriors.
“Tonight we hunt, we burn and we seed fear in the dark creatures.”
Dwaldus, Malaricus and the Surrounding Tribes
After nightfall, Merogais and Hildganes set out to burn the fields of Clan Malaricus. By dawn, the two clans clashed in battle. By evening, hosts of the Chaucia and Varinia tribes arrived to fight off the beasts. And by the next morning the fields were fertilized with flesh and blood.
Anglia was once again the chiefdom it used to be. By the second year of Merogais’ leadership he managed to put the Anglii people back together.
Back at home, the two clans loyal to Merogais had clashed between themselves. A dozen good warriors of Arbolaik Andices and Theodogais died. Whole crop fields were burnt, fishermen murdered. In the upcoming winter, Anglia had very few resources to spare. Merogais and Hildganes were now on their way back. Arbolaik seeded terror in the good tribesmen of Anglia while his chief was away defeating dark creatures.
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Please excuse the long hiatus, real life can get in the way of many things. Hope you enjoy! I'll do my best to keep consistently posting at least once every two weeks. Thank you for the patience.
Campfires burn, wives cook the last meal of the tribes. An evening in the winter of the second year of Merogais’ leadership of the Anglii people. Many of the Anglii people won't live to see the next summer. Crops weren't growing, animals weren't hunted and fish weren't pulled out of the water. Many of the farmers, hunters and fishermen of the Anglii tribes were either injured, killed to the internal conflict of Clans Theogodais and Andicesor were having a hard time compensating for the burnt crops and houses.
Sigi, Merogais’ wife and housekeeper, took up the rule of leading the tribe while the warriors were out on campaign. She had heard of the Arbolaik’s raids and terror. How the clan house of the Theogodais was set ablaze. The murder of a dozen good warriors. She headed out to confront Arbolaik of clan Andices.
Sigi Dwaldus
Outside the wooden cabin of Clan Andices, Sigi called out for Arbolaik to invite her in for a feast. Being a man of tradition, Arbolaik accepted the offer and had Sigi put a feast of an elk hunted the day before. Sigi and the men of Clan Andices sat in the clan house for the feast.
“I have heard you have tainted your own honour in the lands of Clan Theogodais.” Confronted Sigi.
“I have not tainted any honour. I brought back the respect that was long needed for my clan. Clan Andices does not get the honour it needs from the other clans.” Argued Arbolaik.
“But to let men die in flames? I have seen the charred bodies of the brave warriors you killed. You disrespect everything that makes the Anglii People who we are. A collection of tribes built on strength and honour. And you used your strength to disgrace these warriors' honour. Your brutal and inglorious murder of the Theogodais clan warriors will lead to your own clan's demise. Your bodies will turn to Draugrs and haunt the rest of your family until you are all but gone. This is what a decadent clan such as your is destined to become.”
The draugrs were told as myths of the undead. People returning to life as creatures of the underworld if they had died dishonourably. The draugrs mainly targeted their own clan members in efforts to destroy whole families and clans from within using the underworld as a source of magical and mystical powers.
The Draugrs
“Witch!" Called out Arbolaik.
"You cannot curse my family like that. I will return your dead body to the underworld from which you came from!” Arbolaik stood up and reached out to Sigi only to have her run.
“Witch! Witch!” called the clan leader. The Andices warriors and chariots chased Sigi to the forest. After a long and tiring chase one of the Andices chariots managed to strike Sigi in her arm with an arrow. The iron head penetrated and crippled her.
Arbolaik was quick to capture Sigi.
⌁ ⌁ ⌁
After staying the winter in the scorched lands, the Anglii warriors were now crossing the Cimbric Peninsula in the summer, marching back home with chests of crops, gold and weapons taken from the now gone Clan Malaricus. Merogais and his trusted war advisor, Hildeganes led the host.
Upon reaching the boundary between the traditional Anglii lands and the territory of the former Clan Malaricus. Hildganes and Merogais met a farmer. He wasn’t Anglii but he lived in the now scorched lands. The farmer claimed to be more relative to the Saxons south but he and his family settled northwards for more fertile lands. Now that the Anglii host was unleashed on his lands, he had nothing.
“I respect you, Merogais. You and your clan, your people have brought great riches to themselves. But you have left a void in many. We have the same faces, we harvest from the same lands. I beg you, don’t leave us here to starve. We need to rebuild. I promise you the locals will comply with your clans and tribesmen and become the same as you. We already have similar tongue and similar traditions.”
The farmer fell on his knees.
“I have a woman and together we have three small children. My two oldest sons wish to become warriors to a glorious host such as yours.”
Merogais and Hildganes sat among themselves to discuss how they should manage the void they have created in their plunders. Hildganes offered to split up. He would set out and meet the people of the former Clan Malaricus and he would rebuild the lands. Merogais had his tribe and clans to manage. They both reached an agreement and parted. Hildganes took a small host of men and headed back westwards. He took up the task of building a fort to defend the lands. A fort that will be called Avionia, a name to give the people hope, insight to a better future.
The farmer picked himself up and with much joy and excitment joined Hildganes.
"My people cannot thank you enough for helping us. We need a competent leader."
Merogais with the main host of warriors, continued on their path back to the tribes and clans of Anglia. Clueless to the conflict raging in his own homeland.
⌁ ⌁ ⌁
It was the start of the third year to the rule of Merogais of clan Dwaldus, leader of the Anglii people. Sigi, his wife and housekeeper was captured by Arbolaik of clan Andices. And Hildganes was on his way to the new lands west of Anglia.
Going back to the rule of Chief Gerald, The Spearhead Ruler, Hildganes was a close associate of Clan Andices. He trained at their clan house and raised many of their boys to be great swordsmen. Few days prior to Chief Gerald’s death, Clan Andices granted Hildganes a host of warriors and so he managed to become a sworn warrior and advisor to Merogais. Since that day, Hildganes was forever in Clan Andices’ debt.
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A more narrative chapter than one showing gameplay of Imperator. I've done this since the Pompey Update is not backwards compatible and I still wanted to continue this AAR with the new update. This had me starting a new game(which coincidently also generated me characters with new names)
This but a small set back that I can only fill with some of my storytelling.
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First Act | Chapter Three | Bravery, Betrayal and Blood
Chief Gerlad, The Spearhead Ruler, struck the hot iron. The talented and praised leader was a master of all skills men could hold. His son, Merogais rushed to the workshop.
“Father, Clan Andices has sent a messenger to you. He tells of despair in the war camp.” worryingly told him Merogais.
“It’s good to hear that they set up camp. The Northern Hordes are expected to attack as soon as winter starts.” Chief Gerald was optimistic.
The word around Anglia was that hordes from the north are coming. They have very little supplies up north and need a new home. The Anglii weren’t going to have the Juttish devastate Anglia like they did to their own home. Arbolaik Andices was a young clan leader at the time. Praised for his marital skills and combat abilities. It was obvious that he would be the one to lead the Anglii defenses against the Juttish from the north.
Upon setting up camp in no man's land between the Juttish and the Anglii, it was obvious that this winter is going to be hard. No fertile lands, no animals roaming the forests. Even the waters are too cold for the fish who long migrated south. Arbolaik needed supplies to defend the Anglii people and Chief Gerald would do anything to help Arbolaik. In the night previous to the host’s departure north, Chief Gerald and Arbolaik sat for one last summer feast. Chief Gerald and Arbolaik drank for the Anglii victory and for the promise to always have Clan Dwaldus and Clan Andices band together for good. The two clans were the power holders of the Anglii and their tight alliance together secured the future of the tribes.
As for the call for help Merogais had for Chief Gerald. They both quickly gathered any crops, animals, fish and weapons he could find and created a host to transport the supplies to Arbolaik.
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Snow fell in the northern lands. The camp was lit by hundreds of campfires. The guards called out the riders arriving with supplies to the camp. Arbolaik knew at that moment the battle is in his favour. The Juttish have no food, weapons or numerical advantage. The next fortnight the hordes arrived. The battle lasted merely half a day until the Juttish scattered.
But the battle was not without a cost. Arbolaik and the Anglii hosts had no supplies for the journey back south. He sent a second messenger requesting more supplies and the camp stayed put for three more weeks until the second host arrived. To Arbolaik’s surprise this host had nothing but rotten fish and potatoes, very few stone spears and nothing that would help them reach the south without casualties. Arbolaik had no choice but to lead the warriors south on an empty stomach and no weapons to defend themselves with.
On the second day of the journey, the scattered Juttish warriors banded together and raided the Anglii host. It was a massacre. Hundreds of Anglii warriors died, many were too weak to fight. Arbolaik and the few warriors left barely made their way back to Anglia. He would not meet Gerald again until his death.
The northern hordes who banded back together continued to raid the tribes of Clan Malaricus, a betrayal they would not forgive even after Chief Gerald’s death.
The Juttish
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The blindfold was taken off. Sigi’s eyes saw pure white from the blinding campfire in the cabin. She is confronted by a man wearing an elk head on his head. Frightened by the sight Sigi backs herself to the wall. Hands tied, she was powerless.
“You are far away from any Anglii tribe.” said the man with the elk head.
Outside, Sigi noticed it was snowing. Too early for this time of the year. She must be far north.
“I don’t want to cause you discomfort. I admire your husband. I trust you to not foolishly run away for you will die outside. The cold is unbearable.” He said as he untied the ropes binding Sigi’s hands together.
Before she could say anything, The Elk-Head-Man exited through the cabin door.
⌁ ⌁ ⌁ Hildganes returns to the western tribes with a large following of farmers, fishermen and simple men who support him. On his journey as many as five dozen men joined him. When he reached the western shores, he decided. This is where he will build his fort, Fort Avionia. Hildganes moves quickly and builds barracks, training areas and storage facilities. His gathered allowed him to recruit men to help manage the tribes and assert Dwaldus’ control over the territories.
On the way, Hildganes added to his existing host a hundred Avionian tribesmen warriors. These will help defend the new lands from raiders from across the sea and from the northern lands.
Hildganes is praised by the locals for bringing prosperity never seen by Clan Malaricus. Unlike the eastern Anglii lands, the western lands were ready for harsh winters.
⌁ ⌁ ⌁
A messenger reaches Merogais. No signed letter and no one who truly sent the messenger. A self sent courier. He tells tales of destruction, fire and flames in Anglia. Merogais left the tribes in chaos. Arbolaik Andices has taken up arms, destroyed Clan Theodogais, captured Merogais’ wife and scorched the earth.
Arbolaik's Rebellion
The courier’s face itself was a frightening sight for Merogais. Not knowing what to expect.
Merogais rushes to gather his bravest and best warriors. Those who he had put faith in to lead cohorts of warriors. The martial meeting begins. First, they must assess how many warriors they have and what supplies they have. Second, they must gather intelligence about the happenings in Anglia and lastly, they must put up a plan to defeat Arbolaik.
The Anglii host of warriors sets up camp for the next few nights.
By slowly dripping men into Anglia, Merogais is able to gather more information about Arbolaik and his doings. After internal assessments it appears that Merogais has a host of two thousand warriors in his camp with enough supplies and loot to last them a good month. On the other hand, Arbolaik has worked hard to recruit more warriors to his personal host. He totals at five thousand warriors but it appears that they are slightly lacking in supplies and food.
The nights go by and Merogais ends up sitting in his tent, thinking to himself. How could he let this happen? He should’ve read the stars more accurately or maybe he was supposed to stay in Anglia and let Hildganes lead the campaign. Three years of hard work now boil down to the coming winter. He can’t stay here forever, his men will starve. He must fight for their survival. Arbolaik won’t be an obstacle for Clan Dwaldus and Merogais.