Originally posted by verbal
I don't know if anyone else knows a resolution for this problem.
Originally posted by TritonStar
I too got the music problem, so i thought like, hey lets play them with winamp or windows media player. No sound at all. They do play them, but they dont give any sound at all. Couldnt just someone mail all those musicfiles to me again, cuz i think mine are bugged.
Originally posted by TritonStar
Originally posted by TritonStar
Anyway i reinstalled the game, didnt work. I then tried playing the music from the cd, but even those files play, but dont give any sound at all, so reinstalling logically doesnt help.
Originally posted by TritonStar
Hey, i didnt think of that option!. I tried that, and a few others too. All sound sliders up, in advanced mode too. Installed it on more comp, same prob. Played music files with 3 different players, on 4 different computers, from hd aswell from the cd, no music