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Celt de Brun

First Lieutenant
18 Badges
Mar 27, 2014
  • Crusader Kings II
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  • Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit
  • Steel Division: Normandy 44
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Cadet
  • Cities: Skylines - After Dark
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  • Darkest Hour
  • Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam
  • Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion
  • Crusader Kings II: The Republic
  • Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods
  • Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome
So relatively recently in CK2, marriages were altered. Originally a marriage lead to an automatic alliance between the two realms. Now, a betrothal and marriage leads to a non-aggression pact, which can lead to alliance. This is simple enough for the player to create, but the AI is seemingly less likely to do so.

I had been hoping that in this most recent match, Marriage = Alliance would be a toggle, just as many other game game features came to be, alas that wasn't the case.

In regards to Marriages, how do you, the players of the AGOT mod, feel about all this?

I think in this particular mod, and the universe it's based on, the idea that a marriage is an automatic alliance seems to be the standard. I mean that's how the plot threats it. It's why women like Margaery Tyrell or Myrcella "Baratheon" are such a powerful and important figures. Marriages were a key part of strategy in the AGOT mod. If you messed your shot, you could be left waiting an entire generation before your opportunity came back along.

What are your thoughts on the change in marriages? Do non-aggression pacts make more sense to you for AGOT, or do automatic alliances?
  • 5
In both of the cases you've listed, a NAP would be all that could result anyway, as it's a Liege <> Vassal relationship. The marriage is useful because if prevents the major Lord Paramount going against you.

A better example would probably be the Starks & Tullys as an alliance versus the Baratheon-Lannisters, and even then that was a defensive war/war against tyranny - and only because of mutual outrage against their shared liege, not a war against a fellow vassal. I can't see a marriage automatically granting an (offensive) alliance against other vassals of the realm automatically in ASoIaF, so I'm happy that marriages now only mean a NAP by default. I'd be happier if the AI made (better) use of alliances, mind you.

A different situation entirely would be Daenerys & Drogo, or Prince Doran's plans, which are more nuanced bargains for favours than in-game alliances.
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There is also the example of the recent Tully/Frey marriage, which most certainly did not result in an alliance. More of an exception than a rule though. However I've never had any trouble making alliances so long as the other Lord's opinion was high enough.
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