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O'Donnel Aboo!

6 Badges
Apr 12, 2003
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Errors when loading

version 1.05c, no time limit mod & Picture Pack intalled.

When starting a new game, 1936 scenario, as the United States, while loading the scenario, i hear an error alarm over Wagner. THe game freezes, and i need to use the Windows button to return to my desktop. once there, I click on HoI again and receive the following error message:

ERROR (Illegal Command Type) 'type = reveal_leader_loyalty' Line =177 file = db\events\RandomEvents.txt--
Would You Like to Continue?
Abort Retry Ignore

I choose ignore, and I get the same error 4 more times, now occuring in lines 178, 179, 180, and 425. I remember from the ReadMe that these events are no longer active, am I correct? Once i've ignored them all, the game runs normally, but i'd like to not have to retreat to desktop while loading.

Also, while looking through the HoI main folder, i noticed a folder taht says HoI105c. Is that supposed to be there? I don't remember it from any of the other patches, but I may have over looked it.

thanks for your help,
matt (O'Donnell Aboo!)
reveal_leader_loyality is a invalid event command. there´s no such command in the random events file (except an old event that as commented out) - you must have an older file version. it´s obvious, that your "installation" of 105c failed: simply unzip to your normal game folder and let winzip overwrite the files.
could it have partially installed?

It looks as though the patch may have partially installed. For instance, if i hold SHIFT and click on the World Market screen, my trades increase by 10. THAT is new, isn't it?

But strange things happened in this game as the US. For instance, as Germany ran her Badboy rating through the roof, my War Wntry would actually DECREASE everytime the Germans did something to instigate the Democracies of the world. All the IC costs for units are different (higher)than I remember, but that may be WAD. Also, Communist China is getting wiped off the face of the planet int eh first two months of the game, and that had never happened before.

1.05c has been giving me headaches! At first i tried unzipping files that i downloaded fromt eh Paradox download page, that did not work. I reinstalled everything today, and used the EXE file available on Strategy First's website, and this is what i got. So are you saying, Max, that the extra folder is just a wrong install altogether? The disclaimer next to the patch says to use it "If you know what you are doing." I suppose i've excluded myself fromt aht category. but the Join Alliance bug of 1.05 b was too much to live with.

what´s the structure of your "extra" folder?

does it have subfolders like "db" and "gfx"? if so mark all those folders (ctrl - a ) and copy them ( ctrl - c ). then go to you "normal" hoi folder and insert them (ctrl - v ), let everything be overwritten.
Well I see max has moved you over to support.

Here is a summary from another user on the procedure for installing the patch.
MostlyHarmless said:
There are several ways to do the unzipping for 1.05c, but try do exactly like this:
(Winzip is used)
1. Right click on the Start button in Windows. Choose Explore to start Windows Explorer.
2. Use Windows Explorer to put a copy of the zip file in the Hearts of Iron folder. Meaning the same folder on your disk system as the hoi.exe.
3. Double click on the zip file. This should open WinZip if Winzip is your current tool for dealing with zip files. Agree on everything with regards to licences or whatever (press the I Agree button if it shows up in WinZip).
4. When WinZip has started it has started with all the files loaded from the zip file used. Now comes the important stuff. Click on the Extract button in WinZip to show the Extract dialogue.
5. In the Extract dialogue, be sure that the following settings are used:
- All files
- Overwrite existing files
- Use folder names
- Extract to set to \Paradox Entertainment\Hearts of Iron or if any other folder is used for the game installation folder (and hoi.exe!)
6. Press the Extract button in the Extract dialogue. The status bar in the bottom of the WinZip main form starts moving and there is a round red symbol to the bottom right. When the status bar is complete, a green symbol is showed. Close WinZip.
7. Start Hoi as usual. Be aware of that the version number is not showed while loading the game.

I am not completely sure I understood your situation, but if you do it like described above, it really should work. If I have missed something, please tell.
Yeah, when I have done this I have allways done it on a clean Hoi 1.05.

I am not experienced with Hoi at all, but I think a good advice would be to sort out the trouble (that is possible to sort out) with the basic Hoi installation and its own patches before adding anything else. That would be a sound strategy :rolleyes:
perhaps i skipped a step

the order of my installation was: Hearts of Iron (from CD), then 1.05c, thent eh picture pack, then the no time limit patch. DO i have to install TWO patches? 1.05 AND 1.05c? Now i feel silly. Of course that would make sense, wouldn't it? COuld it be 1.05b I am patching over? Is 1.05b still available on this site?

You definately need original then 1.05 then 1.05C.
You don't need 1.05b but you do need 1.05 before installing 1.05c. Also, as already noted, the extra folder sounds like 1.05c got uncompressed to a folder inside your HoI folder instead of directly into the HoI folder so you need to follow the directions given above to install from the zip file. Not sure why SF's installer didn't work for you.
Thank you all

Just wanted to thank you guys for your patience and counsel. I'm back in business with all the latest Paradox patches, the No Time Limit patch, and the newest version of CORE. You can close this thread now, I suppose. Happy new year. (Look at that, this little fiasco got me promoted!)
Will keep it open inoder to help others.