Errors when loading
version 1.05c, no time limit mod & Picture Pack intalled.
When starting a new game, 1936 scenario, as the United States, while loading the scenario, i hear an error alarm over Wagner. THe game freezes, and i need to use the Windows button to return to my desktop. once there, I click on HoI again and receive the following error message:
ERROR (Illegal Command Type) 'type = reveal_leader_loyalty' Line =177 file = db\events\RandomEvents.txt--
Would You Like to Continue?
Abort Retry Ignore
I choose ignore, and I get the same error 4 more times, now occuring in lines 178, 179, 180, and 425. I remember from the ReadMe that these events are no longer active, am I correct? Once i've ignored them all, the game runs normally, but i'd like to not have to retreat to desktop while loading.
Also, while looking through the HoI main folder, i noticed a folder taht says HoI105c. Is that supposed to be there? I don't remember it from any of the other patches, but I may have over looked it.
thanks for your help,
matt (O'Donnell Aboo!)
version 1.05c, no time limit mod & Picture Pack intalled.
When starting a new game, 1936 scenario, as the United States, while loading the scenario, i hear an error alarm over Wagner. THe game freezes, and i need to use the Windows button to return to my desktop. once there, I click on HoI again and receive the following error message:
ERROR (Illegal Command Type) 'type = reveal_leader_loyalty' Line =177 file = db\events\RandomEvents.txt--
Would You Like to Continue?
Abort Retry Ignore
I choose ignore, and I get the same error 4 more times, now occuring in lines 178, 179, 180, and 425. I remember from the ReadMe that these events are no longer active, am I correct? Once i've ignored them all, the game runs normally, but i'd like to not have to retreat to desktop while loading.
Also, while looking through the HoI main folder, i noticed a folder taht says HoI105c. Is that supposed to be there? I don't remember it from any of the other patches, but I may have over looked it.
thanks for your help,
matt (O'Donnell Aboo!)