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Apr 20, 2002
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Linea Diplomati sounds sexier than Album Diplomati. ;)
Duchy of Tabriz​

To the esteemed Realms of Europe:

The rebirth of Persia is near at hand.​
Already as my army sweep across our shattered realm you can see hope and joy filling the hearts of the united peoples. (that or fear who knows) With each victory my realm grows both larger and stronger. Soon It will reach far and you shall know the true might of the Persians. Should you seek to destroy our people. Know only that the people of Persia will never seek to destroy any others. Anyone apart of a future realm shall experience spiritual freedom(even though everyones catholic)and universal acceptance according to Cyrus's Clyinder. The great king Cyrus's lands shall be restored and all shall rejoice.

With love of god:
Duke Farrouhk Razavi, Prince of Persia.​
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Road To Regnum Italicum

Il Duce de Milano​

if I had a quote I would put it here.

The Milano family has started from a three province duchy to a two province duchy but with 5-7 vassals. Our goal is the title Kingdom of Italy, but on our way to gain it we need to unite northern Italy and crush the Venice family that also want the kingdomtitle.

Me want :)

Diplomatic Relations:
Duchy of Catalonia - neutral
Duchy of Sicily - friendly but with concerns of the annexion of Tunis.
King of Achaia - zero, null, nada
Duchy of Franconia - neutral
Duchy of Tabriz: - zero, null, nada, sorry, thought you were Mazandaran(sp.)
Duchy of Serbia - zero, null, nada
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Albrecht von Hohenstaufen, The Most Righteous and Just (and Filthy Rich) Herzog zu Franken


Greetings to the other honourable monarchs of Europe. I write to you as the chosen representative of the venerable von Hohenstaufen family whose achievements have had a lasting impact on the history of the European continent. We do not actively seek war with any of you, only peaceful relations, granted that be possible. The goal of the von Hohenstaufens is to attain the dignity of the Kings of Germany, the throne to which God Almighty Himself appointed this family.

To the newly crowned King of Achaia (messenger claimed your realm was called "Achaea", we proved him wrong and proceeded to hurl him over the castle walls), we extend our congratulations on your achievement and hope that the future Dukes of Franconia will have in you and your descendants trustworthy allies should the situation dictate so.

And as for the Duke of Sicily, etc., we shall be brief. We have waited and waited for Sicily's debts to our treasury be finally repaid, and.....nothing!! Let the ruler of Sicily consider this an official warning from the court of Franconia. Should we be not paid back, we shall find other means of getting our money back from Sicily.

Herzog zu Franken
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The Third Kingdom
Kingdom of Achaia


All hail King Modestos Monomachos of Achaia, Duke of Thesselonika, Despot of Thesselonike, Chalidike, Demetrias, Atheniai, Korinthos, Achaia, and Monemvasia, future lord of all greeks.

Let it be know that the Kingdom of Achaia is the rightful steward of all greeks and their land and will do all in our power to bring our brothers into the fold.
The Kingdom of Burgundy:​


Greetings you Kings and Dukes of Europe.

First we want to tell that our dreams came true we could throw out those evil usurpers from our homelands and get King.

Although we are very ambitious we are neither abritrarily nor stupid. Let Us tell you that we aren't aggressive and only taking what is rightful ours. Also we didn't forget.

We want to be sure that the King of Pisa has not forgotten Our help. See this as sign of our friendship in future. May our Realms live in Peace and not war.

To the King of Germany, today called Duke of Franken: We want to thank You for Your help and friendship. Both wars You helped Us were, or will be successful. And that we helped you is natural under friends. But now We want to go even one step further and ask you: Would You accept the offer that your youngest daughter shall marry the first son and heir of the Kingdom of Burgundy?
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The Third Kingdom
Kingdom of Achaia


All hail King Modestos Monomachos of Achaia, Duke of Thesselonika, Despot of Thesselonike, Chalidike, Demetrias, Atheniai, Korinthos, Achaia, and Monemvasia, future lord of all greeks.

To the New Kings of Burgundy and Persia I welcome thee to our sublime fraterity as the instruments of god on earth.

To the Duke, and Future King, of Serbia, I extend the most humble hand of alliance. Let it be known that the enlightened King Modestos has no desire for the lands of the Slavs and sees the Duke of Serbia as the rightful ruler of those lands they inhabit.


All hail Farrouhk Razavi King of Persia, count of Tabriz, Kurdistan, and Gilan, and true heir of Achaemenes,Grand father of Cyrus the Great, King of the known world.​

The year of redemtion is apon us. I have thrown out the usupers and conquers and am faced with a truly free and thriving Persia. To which I will bring to such heights as to be renowned around the world. No enemy shall stand in the way of our destiny.

To King Modestos Monomachos, King of Achaia, and of the greeks.
Long has the memory of a fallen empire stuck in the minds of all the people of Persia, and the responsible being of course a great king of the greeks. But that is all in the past. The rebirth of Persia is but a small milestone in what is to come. Seeing as were all good christians I fell there no need to continue old wars. Should are lands meet what say you? Do we war like the kings of old destroying and pillaging. Ruining the lives of the innocent or shall we have peace?​
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The Third Kingdom
Kingdom of Achaia


All hail King Modestos Monomachos of Achaia, Duke of Thesselonika, Despot of Thesselonike, Chalidike, Demetrias, Atheniai, Korinthos, Achaia, and Monemvasia, future lord of all greeks.

To Farrouhk Razavi King of Persia, in his most enlightened rule King Modestos disires not the lands of Alexander. The empires of the past are just that. The past. We do not desire quarrel with you, unless you infinge on King Modestos' soverignty over the Greek Nation.


To King Modestos Monomachos of Achaia, King of the greeks.

I am glad that you feel this way. It was my hope that our people could work together to bring about a new era of prosperity. Know that I have not now nor ever had the intention of ruling the greeks. History has taught us that they do not take occupation lightly.​

The lands of Persia shall remain to the south. We will be known as the kings of the sand. The very sands that run time itself.​

Farrouhk Razavi, King of Persia.​
Albrecht von Hohenstaufen, the mildly paranoid Herzog zu Franken


Greetings to all the most gracious Kings and Dukes of Europe and Asia. The past few years have seen the lands of the Duchy of Franconia trampled upon and shamlessly deflowered by a coalition of a handful of German Dukes. Nevertheless, with the guidance of the Almighty Himself and a little loan of money from the then-Duke of Burgundy Franconia's brave soldiers have managed to drive back the invaders and we have since made peace with our fellow Germans. In spite of the minor setbacks, the von Hohenstaufens are bent on attaining the Crown of Germany no matter what the cost.

To the King of Burgundy and Swiss: There is nothing more welcome in Our court than strengthening our dynastic ties with other Royal and Ducal lines. By that token, giving Your son the hand of Our daughter when both come of age is the least We can do as it was Your realm that aided Franconia during her time of need during the German Wars.


To Herzog zu Franken, Duke of Franconia, and future King of Germany.

The land of Persia sympathises greatly with your plot in germany. We would like nothing more then to aid to in your endevor but find it quite a task to help from such a great distance. We will do all that we can though should you ask it. All you need do is ask. Im sure that in the land of Persia there are a great many of brave men ready to lay down there lives for adventure and the chance to do something for the good of the world. I might accompany them just for the chance to visit the great forests and lands of the north. The desert is so boring this time of year althought he beautiful hills and mountains of Persia are truly a stunning site to behold. I look forward to hearing from you.​

With love
Farrouhk Razavi, Great King of Persia.​