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Maximilian I

63 Badges
Oct 18, 2000
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Link to Harvard`s OOB generator

line01)	   landunit = {
line02)		        location = 912
line03)		        name = "1st Army"
line04)         	id = { type = 30026 id = 1 } 
line05)		        leader =  6204 
line07)		        division = {
line08)	                      id = { type = 30026 id = 2 } 
line09)		        	name = "7th Armoured Division"
line10)		        	type = panzer
line11)                         extra = antitank
line12)                         model = 15
line13)		        	strength  = 70
line14)		        	organisation = 30
line15)		 		}
line16)       }
line01) defines the force type, basic force types are "landunit =", "airunit =", "navalunit =". the "=" must be followed by a "{"

line02) defines the location, where the force is deployed. the number behind the "province =" is the province id. You can easily find the province id in game by typing "showid" into the console (opened with f12).

line03) "name = " is selfexplanatory. here you`ll type the name of the landunit, navalunit or airunit. examples are "1. Corps" or "Force H", the name must be openend with a " and end with "

line04) this line is very important. every "id" has to be unique and is defined by a "type" and another "id". the "type = " is a 5 digit number. a possible convention on "type =" would be to incorporate the province id of the capitol province and a consecutive number before the province id.
(example afghanistan: capitol province id = 1437, consecutive number = 1 -> type = 11437). of course, this type must be unique for a specific country in a specific scenario. the second "id" should be consecutive throughout the whole oob!

line05) "leader =" assigns a specific leader to this force. the leader id can be found in the /db/leaders folder of the game. this line is not obligatory.

line06) this line is not necessary.

line07) with this line the definition of "divisions" in this landunit, navalunit or airunit starts. a "{" has to follow the "division =".

line08) this line is as important for the division as for the parent unit. the "type" remains the same, the "id" should be consecutive and may not repeat in the OOB. (in the example the id of the parent unit is 1, the id of the division is 2)

line09) for this line the same rules as in l3) apply. naming examples would be "1. Armoured Division", "Saratoga" or "11th Group"

line10) this line defines the type of the unit. a list of available unit types can be found in the next post.

line11) "extra =" means, that the division has a specialized brigade attached. allowed extra brigades are listed in the next post. if there`S no brigade attached, you don`t need to add this line.

line12) the model numbers can be found inthe db/units folder. "model = 15" (type = panzer!) would mean a "basic medium tank, 40 mm". infantry type divisions have no model.

line13) "strength = " is the operational strength of a division. only numbers between 0 and 100 are allowed. if this line is not added, the program assumes that the division is at full strength.

line14) "organisation = " defines the organisational status of a unit and is normally not needed. it may be useful to simulate special conditions in a scenario. if this line is not added the division will be at default organisation (defined by technology)

line15) this line closes the definition of the division. if another division ought to be added, go back to l7)

line16) this ends the scripting of a single landunit.
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Division Types and "extra" brigades

Land Divison types:

type = militia
a hastily raised infantry division, usually composed out of 3 regiments/brigades, 3 bn`s each. the divisional assets (see infantry division) are small or almost non existant. they don`t receive any upgrades from tech research.

model number needed? NO

type = infantry
standard leg infantry division, ususally composed of 3 regiments, 3 battalions each. basic anti-tank, artillery, anti-air components are supposed to be included. fewer regiments, battalions or missing specialized components call for a reduction of operational strength or the merging of divisions to a full strength division (example: italy`s division usually had two regiments/3 bn`s each, so 3 "historical" italian division were merged to two "full strength" divisions)

model number needed? NO

type = bergsjaeger
specialized mountain division. gets boni for mountainuous areas. otherwise like infantry.

model number needed? NO

type = marine
specialized marine infantry division. no penalties for shore attacks. otherwise like infantry.

model number needed? NO
type = paratrooper
specialized airborne division. only unit that can be used for air assaults. otherwise like infantry.

model number needed? NO

type = cavalry
highly mobile, horse mounted soldiers. this division may be useful in the early war years, but quickly falls behind other units types, because they don`t get too many upgrades. otherwise like infantry.

model number needed? NO

type = motorized
Motorized infantry division. Highly mobile and rather effective. this unit is a little weaker on the defense than the standard leg infantry, but gets quite a few upgrads once assault guns are researched. otherwise like infantry.

model number needed? NO

type = mechanized
Mechanized infantry division. At least one regiment is equipped with half tracked troop carriers. Highly mobile and very effective. they get quite a few upgrads once assault guns and self propelled art. pieces are researched. otherwise like infantry.

model number needed? NO
type = panzer
A Panzer Division is the heart of blitzkrieg tactics. Usually it is composed of a Panzer Regiment/Armoured Brigade and two Regiments of Mechanized/Motorized infantry. asic anti-tank, artillery, anti-air components are supposed to be included. fewer regiments, battalions or missing specialized components call for a reduction of operational strength or the merging of divisions to a full strength division.

model number needed? YES

"Extra" Brigades:
are supposed to have ~ 2000 -3000 men.

extra = antitank
this brigade significantly improves the "Hard Attack" of a Division and slightly improves the "Soft attack" value. In the early war years it has "anti-tank guns", in the later war years it will have Assaul Guns and SP Anti-Tank guns.
extra = artillery
this brigade significantly improves the "Soft Attack" of a Division and slightly improves the "Hard attack" value. The efficiency of this brigade can be vastly improved by the research of artillery tech.
extra = antiair
this brigade significantly improves the "Air Defence" of a Division and slightly improves the "Hard attack" and "Soft Attack" values. The efficiency of this brigade can be vastly improved by the research of artillery tech.
extra = engineer
this brigade improves the mobility of a division, improves the Ground Defence, and gives special Combat Boni under certain conditions like a river crossing.
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Division Types, cont.

Naval Division Types

type = carrier
Carrier vessels changed the war at sea completely. the advent of modern carriers reduced the proud battleships to mere amphibious assault support units.

model number needed? YES
model = 0 : Pre war Carrier
model = 1 : Basic Carrier
model = 2 : Improved Carrier
model = 3 : Advanced Carrier
model = 4 : Advanced Heavy Carrier
model = 5 : Advanced Super Heavy Carrier
model = 6 : Nuclear Carrier

type = battleship
Once the rulers of the sea, the importance of this mighty gunnery platforms was reduced by airpower.

model number needed? YES
model = 0 : Pre war Dreadnought
model = 1 : Basic Battleship 150mm
model = 2 : Basic Battleship 350mm
model = 3 : Improved Battleship
model = 4 : Advanced Battleship
model = 5 : Nuclear Battleship

type = cruiser
the cruisers ideally suited for power projection and have considerable firepower.

model number needed? YES
model = 0 : Pre war Cruiser
model = 1 : Basic Cruiser
model = 2 : Improved Cruiser
model = 4 : Advanced Cruiser
model = 5 : Nuclear Cruiser

Special rules:
as there are no models for light cruisers, the seadefence and seaattack have been lowered.

example: the German CL "Leipzig"

division = { id = { type = 17702 id = 5 }
name = "Leipzig"
type = cruiser
model = 0
seadefence = 4
seaattack = 4
type = destroyer
destroyers are the workhorses of your navy. their primarily task is to protect your capital ships and the vital convoys.

model number needed? YES
model = 0 : Pre war Cruiser
model = 1 : Basic Destroyer
model = 2 : Improved Destroyer
model = 3 : Advanced Destroyer

type = submarine
the submarine forces are your main weapon against the enemys convoys and overseas supply lines. they can also be a danger to unaware capital ships.

model number needed? YES
model = 0 : Coastal Submarine
model = 1 : Medium-range Submarine
model = 2 : Long-range Submarine
model = 3 : Electro Submarine
model = 4 : Nuclear Submarine

type = transport
"Transports" can be send on convoy duty to haul supplies and resources over the seas or be used for the transport of divisions.

model number needed? YES
model = 0 : Generic Transport

Example for a naval unit script:
navalunit = {
	name = "Humber Force"
	id = { type = 13016 id = 91 }
	location = 490 #Sheffield
         division = { id = { type = 13016 id = 92 } 
                   name = "Southampton" 
                   type = cruiser
                   model = 1 }

         division = { id = { type = 13016 id = 93 }
                   name = "Glasgow"
                   type = cruiser
                   model = 1 }

         division = { id = { type = 13016 id = 94 }
                   name = "7th Destroyer Flotilla (A)" 
                   type = destroyer
                   model = 1 }

         division = { id = { type = 13016 id = 95 }
                   name = "7th Destroyer Flotilla (B)" 
                   type = destroyer
                   model = 1 }
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