If Patrician IV and Port Royale 3 are dumbed down versions of the older titles, that's not good at all. But they are both 3D games, aren't they? Sad. I don't know why developers are choosing good looks over better, deeper gameplay. It makes no sense to me. But it makes me think there is no point in buying a new computer for another year or two.
I did buy EIC Collection today and maybe that was a mistake. The version of EIC Director's Cut is 1.12. Is that the latest version?
The specs of my elderly computer exceed what EIC requires, but the cursor is 'mushy'--i.e., it's hard to place the cursor on one point without some wobbling around. I have the graphics turned down to 'low,' but it seems that clicking on anything is taking more trouble than it should. I wish it were possible to turn off the water effects and somehow get the game to run more smoothly. I don't want to auto-trade; but it seems that manual trading requires more clicking than it should.
I always wanted a trading game where I could trade various commodities around the coast of Africa and the Indian Ocean. So, I bought EIC even though so many people seem to dislike it. I have no interest at all in sea battles. I don't want to sink ships and blow stuff up. I'm an older gamer who likes to come hom from a difficult day at work and run a business empire on my computer.
I wish there was a Patrician-like game featuring Africa and Asia. Give me crisp, pretty 2D graphics that don't bog down my computer, and a game with enough depth to create the fantasy that I am actually running a trading empire.
EDIT: Thank you, Thorin and UniversalWolf, for answering my questions.