My biggest gripe with all of the paradox strategy games, is that countries seem to be able to project their power much more easily than in history. It is far to easy in EU3, to send rather massive armies thousands of miles away. Even sending armies to one side of the Mediterranean to another was a massive expedition that took months, even then armies were not as large as if it were a local war. If you play as say, Castille, you can easily go to war with the Ottomans, and drop armies of 10k men on their shores. Or later in the game, you can go to war with India, and drop massive armies with little to no effort at all. I really hope this gets fixed. Sending massive fleets and massive armies over thousands of miles should not be possible in the EU time frame. This is kind of my pet peeve, but I think that fixing this, would really help things out. I guess this could be fixed through perhaps an increase in attrition, or some other method.