Hey been following this mod for a bit now. I also play CK2plus and in that mod they have several 'alternate' bookmarks that have the map divided in ways that are not at all historical. One such bookmark type, called 'Reign of Princes' splits the entire map into individual Duchies, with no kingdoms or empires at the start. Any Kingdom titles and above must be created. This often leads to many interesting games (for example, I had a game where 4 different kingdoms, all non-historical titular titles, formed in what would normally have been the Kingdom of France and Holy Roman Empire, with a large variety of great Dukes smattered in between). I was wondering if something similar could be done in the GoT mod, make High Lord the highest one on the map and remove all King/Lord Paramount titles and above from the start (they can still be formed later) It would be interesting to see how the map would develop if you let the High Lords have at one another (Imagine a war between the Kingdom of the Crossing and your newly formed Kingdom of Harrenhall). I think it would be an interesting spin on an already complex and amazing mod.