In the meantime the author has been productive
Mod has update to 4.6
Readme translated from Russian via Google Translate, so some syntax may be bad/incorrect
Proxima mod v4.6
for Warlock: Master of the Arcane + all DLC
- Fix minor game bugs
- Make AI more interesting opponent
- Make the game more varied and interesting
"Payroll" with tables of units, perks, experience progression, etc.
View and download from Yandex Disk
d175.pack - changing spells. Spell research cost increased by +30%.
Level 1 spells cast twice as fast, Level 3 spell support is twice as fast.
d177.pack - Loading screens
d178.pack - Portraits of great mages
d179.pack - main mod file
1. AI is very bad against dremers, it is greatly hindered by the contaminated ground. To make life easier for the AI (and for the player as well), all the healing abilities of the healers at the same time clear the ground. Also, the ground is cleared by the shots of all magical towers. The tower of the undead with its shot turns the earth into the lands of death.
2. AI does not build high-level troops much, as a result of experiments it was revealed that he does not like to build those troops that take a long time to build up. Troop build duration has been reduced to 3, and ship build time has been increased to 4.
As a result, the AI builds strong units more often.
AI boosted. The perk "Academician" has been reworked to enhance the AI and is not recommended for player use. (4.0)
3. Armor was given to ships, +1 to the viewing radius, galleon and gillion, the firing radius of special abilities was increased to 3 (4.0).
4. You can hire lords
To hire you usually need some standard building + knowledge on an external resource. For example, a vampire guild and a transformer built on a magic field allow you to hire a high vampire. A complete list of lords and requirements for their detuning is given in section 4 of the description of Proxima rus.docx
Artifact slots have been changed for some lords
5. More variety of quests, mainly added quests for the construction of various buildings and killing. Added new quest chains, with evil last parts.
6. Clearing the map is more interesting:
Now there are new types of neutral cities with different combinations of defenders: veteran+mage, troll+shaman, vampire+ghost, spearman+sorcerer
Many local resources are protected by neutral monsters
7. The settlers were slightly strengthened so that they would not die from one sneeze and the computer could somehow expand
put files in the game folder or delete them from there
4.5 Experimental variant
The destruction of the ground during the explosion of the gate is replaced by flooding
Upgrading troops is now cheaper, ~1.1*(price of improved - price of upgraded)
5. Fixed pumping. Flyers and sea creatures now have stealth (+hard terrain defense and ranger) replaced with invisibility/will suppression aura. Fixed some skills when being promoted by lords
8. Elves can now build dragonhouses + other minor changes to build order
13. Reduced the cost of weak skills of great magicians
14. The font in the menu has been changed to a serif option
12. Added spawn probabilities of resources,
- Less: Gold, Inferno Break, Ruin
- More: Iron, Dwarf Settlements, Coatl Villages, Pumpkins
- Removed elves, gnomes and donkeys from lava, etc.
Reward for food buildings - human/monster/elf settlers,
for mana buildings - undead settlers or spells.
Added elven units as rewards and targets to god quests
Monetary reward for regular quests has been reduced, penalties for non-completion have been added.
*7. Races
7.1 The undead building scheme has been changed: the mill of souls (+75% mana, allows you to hire ghosts) now requires not a zombie guild, but a mana store (+50%) (1.4)
*eight. Objects
- Furious attack (fighters) + 20% to the strength of the squad, -10 to defense against melee weapons
- Distributed Formation (Archers) +35 Ranged Defense, -10 Melee Defense
Pumping schemes
- Coatli, warriors and hunters can get the water movement perk at level 3
Supreme Coatl: Added the Lizard perk, removed elemental protection from the Secrets of the Coatl perk. In total, he has 20 protection from melee and arrows, 40 from the elements and death, patency through the swamps.
Demon Portal: Mana gained from 75...125 => 50..100, 10% chance to get a lvl 3 hero changed to 20% chance to get a lvl 2 hero (1.5)
The detuning of the elves has been changed, the trading hall is built after the market.
Chambers of Blades now require a forge, so knights are easier to rebuild.
Quest: Kill the dragon
Rats, when leveled up, can get the "rat poison" perk for + 20% lethal damage, goblins - "poisoned tips", + 50% lethal damage
At least some alternative to werewolves.
[+] The "Fear" perk has been added to warriors and beasts
[*] Heroes level 3..4 (700..2000g) can be hired in a city size 5+
perk_bld_war_university now gives +10 exp per turn but lasts only 2 turns
Terrible monster / Cruel crature (lord_rabbit) completely useless perk "Small target" (+15 defense against arrows) replaced with an aura of suppression of will (-20% to the strength of surrounding enemies)
The "Small Target" perk has been transferred to rats to replace perk_lvl_learners
Increased research cost of all spells by 30%, added spells to lair rewards to compensate
Strengthened weak artifacts
Added a fractional perk +1 experience per turn to neutrals, wilds and dremers.
Invisibility and levitation is limited to 5 turns.
[+] A chain of 4 quests to kill bears, the last target is a cave bear
[-] Lord Rabbit is deprived of +50 defense to death and elements
[-] Removed the previously added silversmith workshop from the elves.
[+] Strengthened Lord "Sword Master"
Decorative change: for all armored warrior heroes, the upgrade perk "Wall of Swords" (+30 melee defense) has been replaced with "Improved Armor" (+30 melee defense)
For warrior heroes, the "turtle formation" upgrade perk (+30 defense against ranged damage) has been replaced with "Swift-footed"
For a terrible monster, the useless perk "Evasiveness" (+15 melee defense and ranged damage) has been replaced with "Frenzy"
Changed the leveling system of heroes, max. experience = 400 (was 500), the progression of increasing the number of experience for promotion is smoothed
All minotaurs added the "Strong Hide" perk (+25 melee defense)
- For all 3 archer heroes, the perk "Distributed formation" (+35 protection against ranged weapons) was replaced with "Deception" (+15 protection against melee and ranged weapons). Well, what kind of "distributed formation" does a single fighter have?
- For the Goblin Archer hero, the "Poisoned Tips" perk (+50% lethal damage) has been swapped with the "Black Arrow" perk, the "Acid Arrow" perk can also be obtained earlier
- mega-monsters like mad peasants were given a one-time perk for +20 experience
- all dremers, except for fighters, get a one-time perk for +20 experience.
- fighters at level 3 can get a perk for zone of control, an aura at -2 speed.
- archers at 3rd..4th level can get a perk for a black arrow, -level at 7..8 - a rain of arrows-
- sorcerers got the coatl disconnect
Updated great mage portraits
1. Added quest chains for killing
- wolves / werewolves, the last quest - to destroy the night wolves
2. Separate kill quests added
- Red Dragon
- Golden Dragon (4.1)
- Barsila
- Killer Dremera
- Dremer Thug
3. Spawning of monsters from lairs is made more frequent
- Spawn from lairs of level 1 is left as is, 5..10 moves
- Spawn from level 2 lairs was 7..15 turns, became 7..14
- Spawn from level 3 lairs was 10..20 turns, became 9..18
- Spawn from megamonster lairs was 30..50 turns, became 25..45
5. NB! Increased price for settlers to 100 and food support to 10.
1. Weakening flight
From the spell, it is made temporary, for 3 turns, reduces speed by -1 and adds vulnerability (-30 defense) to elemental attacks.
From an artifact, reduces speed by -1 and adds vulnerability (-30 defense) to elemental attacks.
2. Weakening invisibility
From the spell, it is made temporary, for 3 turns, reduces speed by 1;
From an artifact and when increased, reduces speed by 1;
For units and heroes - archers, a perk for true vision has been added to the enhancement perks
3. Strengthening Barsil
Added a frenzy perk to boost perks (does not lose moves when killed)
Font changes moved to d174.pack
Added 100 residents to the capital to compensate for food / mana to support the starting settler
3.4 Increase healing by 50%.
each race can build and upgrade their respective units into megamonsters.
Humans: Black Sorcerer, Mad Peasants
Monsters: Mossy Troll, Nightmare Wolves
Undead: Mindless Zombies, Ghost
Elves: w_treant_dry Red Widow
Buildings for construction become available at level 10, like a turtle pen, and do not require any more conditions, allow you to hire resp. monsters for 3000/5000.
For sorcerers and flying constructs, the perk "soul of a warrior" and others were replaced with the skill "Movement"
Great Mages:
Nicola Frost: +Researcher
Elpyritster the Eternal: +Archimage
Lich King: +Instructor
Sol de torvega: +Instructor
Great Mistress: -Caster, +Explorer
Anne returned the race to the people
Galleonu reduced armor to normal
Forts and towers are strengthened by 1.5 times
In all neutral cities of the 5th level - either a fort or a tower.
Sorcerers have been given high-level perks for summoning:
Magam - demons,
vampires - bats
sorcerers - fire elementals
Goblins have had their construction time increased from 2 to 3 turns. With a build time of 2 turns, the AI monster is very fond of building goblins and does not build settlers.
Reverted spell learning sequence changes, no change to spell duration
4.5 Experimental variant
The destruction of the earth when the gate explodes is replaced by flooding
4.6 Fixed an incomprehensible crash due to the lack of a level 4 dremer
Transmutation lab: +6g - 1m, perk_bld_foundry (iron armor perk) => +3g +2r -2m
bld_u_silver_transmutation: +7m -2g => +6m +1r -2m
Returned the generation of adamantine and nevril to Ardania
- statuses: spell action, hatred
- weaken the Lord Guardian: replace the skill "Heavy Arrow"
Status 3 - undead, status 29 - dremer
3 - flight
» Nicholas Frost (usual lord) gains 'Frost Weapon' ability {grants the spell-related perk to a unit}; applies the 'Light Frostbite' debuff; upkeep increased slightly
» Rrat-Prince (usual lord) movement increased to 5, up from 4; base damage increased to 13, up from 12; missile resistance increased to 10, up from -25; melee resistance increased to 10, up from 0; applies the 'Bleeding' debuff; gains 'Summon Rats' action; loses 'Survivalist' perk; upkeep appropriately increased
» Cruel Creature (famous lord) gains 'Forrester' perk {dense passability + damage & defense bonus in dense}
» Imp-Advisor (famous lord) base damage increased to 17, up from 15; slight damage increase to 'Demon Fire' action
» Olden Ghost (famous lord) hit points increased to 40, up from 35; gains 'Terror of Death' action {AoE damage};
» Black Minotaurs (netural) gain 'Intimidation Aura' {-20% unit power to adjacent enemies}
» Archers of Helia (Human) base damage increased to 18, up from 16
» Beastmasters (Human) base damage increased to 24, up from 22; +2 unit support, up from +1
» Skeleton Veterans (Undead) may be upgraded to 'Paladins of Death' {requires Temple of Dauros}
» All runes and totems have been normalized: they last 3 turns and have the 'peaceful' class