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First Lieutenant
6 Badges
Dec 18, 2007
  • Arsenal of Democracy
  • Europa Universalis III Complete
  • Hearts of Iron III
  • Heir to the Throne
  • Victoria 2: A House Divided
  • Victoria 2 A House Divided Beta
So i have a quest that is on someone else land, but i want whenever i click on it it tells me that if i move there i will go to war with the ruler of that region, is it possible to cross without declaring war?

in this particular circumstance i want to cross into West Mercia in order to get the quest that lets me ally the saxons.
Unless you playing one of the dlc's tha saxons or the druids, no it is not possiblr unless your allied with them. just a suggestion if the king of west and east Mericia hasnt died yet wait till he does, then the saxons will take care of east mercia. U can then take west Mercia and afterwards ally with the saxons. Fyi allying with the saxons will make wales ur enemy so be prepared. Also u should killl everyone else besides the saxons and wales before allying with the saxons. This way u only take on one enemy at a time plus u have more money for fighting Wales.