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Did Starry Wisdom replace the Drowned God for the purposes of Lovecraft-inspired events?
They are effectively just an evil religion that is like actually evil compared to the Drowned God which is more just Norse pagans, not inherently evil but they sometimes did evil things. This religion was started by an angry claimant who started slavery en masse and practised necromancy etc and literally ate people. He also served as the beginning of Yi Ti's version of the Long Night
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In ADWD playing Dany. Random kings swearing loyalty to other kings. First the Iron Isles blobbed (their vassels rose up), and now the Trident. These blobs go as far as Yi Ti. Is it the
fault of the mod or me?
You are using and outdated sub mod
Hello, great mod you have made, hat's off to you. I just wanted to ask why aren't the dothraki tribes under the new nomad government. I think it would be a simple change to make, just some lines in the history files.
Pretty sure this has been said at least 50 times by now but the reason is that nomads do not function like normal DLC additions in that say you do not have Sword of Islam, the Muslims still exist but you just can't play them. With the nomads, if you do not have Horse Lords the nomads do not exist at all.
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Perhaps it's worth it to require horse lords for the mod. Nothing wrong with supporting Paradox, and it's only one dlc which can fairly regularly be obtained for 50-75% off.
We will never make any DLC necessary when we have the option to have it not
But wouldn't a reduction in the complexity of added code help the stability of the game? You guys have done a great job with the dothraki, but the nomad system likely has better performance and will be more scalable as the game continues to evolve.
Quite possible, and once paradox makes it so that nomads work like other DLC types then we will make them nomads. Until then they will stay as they are.
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A question about the White Walkers: Are they meant to be as weak as I've seen them be in 1.0? So far I've not seen a genuinely dangerous invasion from them on either side of the map. Or do I just have very bad luck?
The mean time to happen for them to invade the nightswatch is longer than to invade other provinces to give the wall a fighting chance of noticing and declaring a war for dawn, that is why they often stick around at the wall and can be defeated
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I may have a bug in this...Is anyone else seeing that the colors of the game are really dark? Like the troop models appear to be alright but the colors on the political mapmode are like super dark and muted.
Read the first post of this thread and download the fix for this issue
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Well, that was just one example where I made a custom character for it. If I wanted to boost my chances then I'd just make a valyrian character and use the dynasty selector trait to place them in whatever house I wanted to play as. I was really pointing out how baffling the current setup is when someone could go on some kind of pilgrimage, using armies and fleets to travel to the Citadel in the Reach, Harrenhal in the Riverlands, Summerhall in the Stormlands, King's Landing in the Crownlands, and Dragonstone all in Westeros, and then to Volantis, the Smoking Sea, and other places in Essos to learn everything possible about dragons, build a dragon pit to increase their chances even more, and still be far more likely to get eaten than anything else. On the other side, Valyrians, even ones who don't come from families of dragon riders, are able to consistently succeed with as little as one piece of intel, and characters from a family with at least one dragon rider succeed much more often than not with just the intel from having a dragon egg.
That is the point, just knowing some stuff about historical dragon lore doesn't mean you are gonna be successful the whole blood of the dragon idea and having a closer relation to the fire of old valyrian is what counts the most.
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An example of how MTTH seems to work according to the wiki (if I'm not misinterpreting anything) is if we have an event with a MTTH of ten years that gives you a random trait, let's say Just in this case. This event has a modifier of 2 if you have the Paranoid trait and a modifier of 0.5 if you have the Kind trait. What this means is, if your character has neither trait, they should, in theory, have a 50% chance of becoming Just within the first 10 years, and a 50% chance of getting it within the next ten years, but will become Just by the end of that 20 year time period. Being Kind means the event will fire within 10 years, and being paranoid means it will fire within 40 years. That's what it seems like at least. I have been wrong before though.
That is not how MTTH works, if you want an event to fire more often you want a lower MTTH as the mean time for the event to happen to an individual when checked on the 21 day event pulse is lower so it will fire more often. It may sounds backwards but you want a lower MTTH so it will take less time (theoretically) for the event to fire for a character. Also MTTH events are not guaranteed to fire after the amount of months or year in the MTTH.
alright, I was just browsing forums and I don't know shit about agot, but say the MTTH for some event is 5 days - that doesn't mean that the event happens in 5 days, no, that means that each day there is a 20% chance that the event will fire, it is 100% split by 5. The same thing is for years and months, so if the MTTH is 10 years, each day the event would have 100% chance to happen divided by 365x10 (3650), which would be 0,0273972602%
Eh not strictly true as events are checked every 21 days not every single day
The mod is updated and does work but we are waiting on releasing an update until 2.5.3 comes out because there is no point us releasing an update then a weak later having to do another one especially as 2.5.2 probably wouldn't be a backdate option. So until then we just keep fixing more things and adding more features
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