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Oct 10, 2010
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A Total Conversion Mod for Crusader Kings II

Download A Game of Thrones v1.1.2 (Windows exe): HERE (mirror)
Download A Game of Thrones v1.1.2 (Mac / Linux / zipped files): HERE (mirror)

Checksum: EUSC
Compatible with: CK2 2.5.2

In a land where summers last for years and winters last for decades, nine great families struggle for control of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. Take control of a noble house, from the Starks of Winterfell to the Lannisters of Casterly Rock, and win the Iron Throne!

But remember, winter is coming.


Mac/Linux/Zipped files warning: The mod files must be copied to <Your Documents>/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings II/mod folder. We also recommend any previous mod files in this folder are deleted before copying the new version. Windows users have been provided with an installer that performs this function automatically, while Mac users can find detailed installation instructions in the manual

Warning: This mod is likely to be incompatible with 32bit systems with low memory. We recommend at least 4GB of memory on a 64bit system.

If you want to avoid certain A Dance with Dragons spoilers in pre-AFFC scenarios install the following sub-mod:DOWNLOAD

Pour les joueurs francophones: téléchargez ce patch pour la VF de la 1.1.2. Dézippez puis copiez/collez le dossier A Game of Thrones dans Document/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings 2/Mod.

This update should be compatible with saves from recent version of the mod, however this is not guaranteed.

Patch 1.1.2 Notes
So as many have guessed, we are not using the show as our canon, it was merely an April Fool's joke based on this: http://theculturalvacuum.tumblr.com/post/116816249708/the-book-snob-glossary

So here is an update including all the nice book lore! This all mainly important fixes for bugs in 1.1, plus some minor tweaks and additions.

Full changelog below.

Version 1.1.2
- Revised how the Crownlands froms in The Conquest
- Optimised and added some rivals events
- When a ruler re-takes an ally's holdings in a siege, it is no longer guaranteed buildings will be destroyed
- Added an option to pick a random man-at-arms as a champion in a trial by combat
- Any character with the wildling trait can now build wildling barracks
- Removed the name 'Bran' from culture lists
- Fixed non-working force marry decision
- Added is_divine_blood_dynasty_trigger and high_valyrian_dynasty_trigger scripted triggers
- Adventurers should no longer target titles that control religions
- Aegon's Conquest now stops if he is imprisoned
- Fixed problem where the Iron Isles was flagged as being part of the Iron Throne in AFFC, causing ironborn lords to join Tommen's war
- When a nomad grants a kingdom to a non-nomad vassal via the request event, dejure grazing lands are no longer transferred
- Relatives of nomads are no longer upset when a title is granted to someone
- Added the Peake Uprising war in 8233
- Fixed House Peake around the time of After the Spring
- Corrected Visenya and Rhaenys' birth dates
- Added DNA for Aemond and Daeron the Darling
- Made Marston Waters Lord Commander of Kingsguard after the Dance
- Updated book era Greyjoy family
- Corrected Botley children ages
- Updated Drowned Man Beron Blacktyde
- Added House Humble as courtiers of the Greyjoys
- Correct Harren the Black's father to Halleck, also gave Harren more sons
- Added House Graves to a barony in The Reach
- Added more Piper relatives
- Gave Argilac the skilled fighter trait
- Added Allar Deem, Eerl Harlaw, Gevin Harlaw, Dykk Harlaw, Rodrik the Vole, Qarl Kenning, unnamed Florent bastard, Quentyn Blackwood, Gallen Corbray
- Added Robert's bastards Barra and Bella
- Many other misc character updates

Version 1.1.1
Events, jobs, plots and decisions:
- Added some more feast events
- Duel Engine Overhaul:
- Added a duel_rounds counter to duels to represent fatigue, the more rounds go on the more likely someone will be to yield if they lose the main loop
- Duels are called in the new duel.0 with the main loop still being duel.1
- There are now three duel tactics speed, force and defense with it beign a rock raper scissors of speed > force > defense
- Generally cleaned up the old commented out code in the duel events and output events
- Added an event which has a chance to give the Brotherhood troops or gold upon sieging a province
- Characters bastardised by plot (or in joffrey ACOK case) can now un-bastardise themselves by royal decree
- When a king is deposed in a war, the leading rebel may now sometimes choose to hold a Great Council to determine the new king
- Made take a ward as squire a targeted decision
- Tourneys, feasts, grand councils are no longer stopped for minor wars
- Adjusted event that puts AI dragon riders into action during wartime
- Added a third option for player Aegon in Bleeding Years to not get involed with the Essos war

Other Character/Database setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):
- Made Rhaenyra rivals with Aemond and Aegon
- Joffrey and siblings are now made bastards if they lose the war, they are now also kingslanders
- Move Haegon Blackfyre's invasion to Crackclaw point
- Fixed Orys being called Archon
- Fixed Tyrosh history around 8134
- Fixed Crowl/Vanilla wikipedia link clash
- Added line of corsairs for Talon, to stop Saans wrongly getting the title
- Fixed Varys' location
- Plankytown is now a city held by a random Rhoynar characters who worships the old Mother Rhyone faith
- Rhaenys should always be the primary spouse
- Buffed Jon Arryn's health but decreased his fertility a little bit
- Slightly reduced the fertility debuff on Aegon and Visenya as they often have no kids at all
- Added homosexual trait back to Loras as somehow it got removed

- When Dany takes the Iron Throne in AFFC, the AI may now select an Emperor to rule in Slaver's Bay
- Decreased strength of dragon tactics and field of fire a bit
- Hiding/escaping from sieges now only happens if the attacker actually has enough troops at the siege
- Characters are now much less likely to legitimise someone if they are bastards of incest
- When pressing someone elses claim, the old holder will now be anrgy with the leader of the war
- Boosted nomad camp garison size/fort level
- Gave nomad units defensive bonuses in home territory
- Nationalist revolts may now target duchy/county titles
- When an AI ruler imprisons a vassal who they are heir to, the vassal is now immediately called to trial to try and avoid irrational executions.
- Female rulers may now sometimes keep non-matrilineal marriages
- Adjusted pirate mutiny event
- Added some event troops for the Dornish when they choose to rebel after the conquest of dorne

Graphics and portraits:
- Added a "beautiful" new has_missing icon


- All first men can now personally behead people
- The House Customiser can no longer be used for nomadic characters (it causes many problems, including CTDs)
- High Valyrian players now get Maesters/Priests generated at the start of the game
- All relatives of cognatic rulers now have their marriages checked at the start of the game to see if they need the disinherited trait
- Auto-generated rulers of barony theocracies now get the apporpriate traits added at the start of the game
- The Crownlands is now only made up of parts of it Aegon wins his wars against and is generated when he establishes his capital
- Removed commented out ai_knight_son decision
- Blocked dejure casus belli for characters who can use the dragon conquest CB (they are effectively the same)
- Summer Islanders can now use true cognatic succession
- Carousing is no longer high priority

- Fixed up the priesthood decisions
- Fixed lovers event where men could impregnate themselves
- Fixed problem where Aemonds marriage to lady Baratheon in the Dance would be cancelled by the AI
- Fixed the Thenn being a theocracy bug
- Fixed problem where The Others held the Thenn religious title in AFFC, causing the Long Night to go on forever
- Others maintenance event now makes sure Winter titles are by held others, and also checks yearly if the Long Night should end
- Fixed bug where lower lords couldn't revoke titles when Conclave was enabled
- Fixed problem where Invasion Councils were cut short for the player
- Night's Watch initialisation now works with ruler designed Lord Commanders
- Fixed nomad slave camps giving light infantry troops that can't be used, but boosted garrison size to a very high level
- Fixed problem where mega war punishment events did not happen for wars to increase council power
- Fixed Ali_Ali name
- Fixed duplicate Quanis pirate dynasty
- Fixed problem with rhllor resurrection event where the wrong character sometimes got the event
- Fixed problem where Aegon did not gain Harrenhal when Harren the Black was defeated in the conquest
- Fixed Dany not getting Golden Company troops on her Pentos tangent
- Fixed visible tyranny/dishonour reduction events
- Old women who are resurrected are now made infertile (including Lady Stoneheart)
- Fixed advancing colony event
- Fixed other dejure county claim CB not working
- Fixed Tower of Joy events
- Fixed wedding decision
- Fixed eunuchs eloping with mercenary rulers
- Wol spouse having an affair event will not happen if said lover is a consort
- Fixed problem where characters could gain multiple education traits
- Fixed pirate trait opinion bug
- Made a temp fix for characters getting an education trait on startup even if they are too young
- Fixed characters with education traits getting an education modifiers (the any_character seems to be dodgy with it)
- Fixed Iron Throne slavery law

Cabezaestufa: Founder/Map creator, General Coding Support, Events, DNA, Balancing, Bugfixing, North Content, Misc. Graphics, Team Management.

Knuckey: Project Leader, Scripting, History Work, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, "Megawars"

Scripting & Coding:
Galle: Events, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, DND, Localisation, Fighting Traits and the Duel Engine, New Plots, AI Work, Nightswatch/wildlings content
Sunspear: Coding, Events, Riverland Content, Bugfixing, Positioning Tool, Balancing, misc. Graphics, Personal Interaction, Faceless Men, Dragons.
Ogaburan (Ran Miller): Events, Westerland & Frey, Minor Families Filler, DNA, New Education System, Kingsguard, Knights, Bugfixing, Balancing, Misc. Graphics.
Fashbinder: Event scripting/balance, Trial by court, Nightswatch/wildlings content, Harrenhal restoration, R'hllor Magic, Reforged Swords, VSS Quest.
Toccs: Essos work, General Coding Support, DNA, Many History Updates/Improvements, Far East map creator, White Walkers.
blackninja9939: Event Scripting, Legitimise Cadets, Make a Noble, General Coding, Bugfixing, Forresters, Conquest of Dorne Events.
Rodri: Event, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, Dynasty tracing, Trial by Combat, Hereditary Valyrian Swords, New Ambitions.
Zarine: General Coding Support, New Battle System, Translations, Bugfixing.
Stiener (DanJonMin): CoA placeholders, Events, Iron Islands content, Localization, Misc. Graphics.
Wolfgang Pauli: Maintenance Events, Rescue CB, Testing, CoA Graphics.
Etel: Grell-conversion Work.
black_imperator: Events.
Riso: Merged features from mods like CK2+ and Better Rebels, Misc. Coding.
HuskyWolf: Scripted a bit and added some traits.
Waylit: Special siege events mod.
Comradebot: Farwynd skinchanger events, Ironborn event ideas
Tompalmer : Event scripting.
StoneTheCrow/Tycho: Valyrian Swords, history improvements, bug fixes.
Jenks: Event scripting

Edric_Storm: Dynasty CoA Artist, Dynamic CoA Generator Graphics (higher res, new designs), New CoA Templates (fabric banner and hide versions).
the_hdk: Crownlands initial Content, Dynasty CoA Artist, Title Flags, New CoA Template (leather version), New Skinchanger trait icons and misc icons.
Rabid Bogling: Dynasty CoA and Title flags Artist. Qartheen Portraits. Dynamic CoA Overhaul.
StGeorge: Icons & Loading Screens.
talias: Trait icons, Titular Kingdoms
Peuri: Portrait Graphics (including concept and design).
dauncosony: Portrait Graphics (including concept and design).
Velho e Bom Joe: City models and textures.
Amok: Much of his artwork used for event pictures: http://en.amokanet.ru/gallery
Starkweather: Valyrian children portraits, Titular Kingdoms
Jorian Drake: Dynasty CoA and title flags artist.
kuczaja: Qarth flags.
DarkReborn: Ghiscari portraits, Religion Icons
revisionist: Ghiscari Dynamic CoA.
hibludij: High Valyrian clothes
tem: Basilisk Island, Sothoryos flags, Lhazar flags
Midnighty: Summer Islands flgs
Mavrosh: Map textures (lava, black rock and red earth): http://mavrosh-stock.deviantart.com
Arko: Interface improvements
Misc CoAs/Graphics: HMAS-Nameless, Molleby, Smoesville, Micxzu, Pageman, Myrik_Justiciar, deloswerty, azaghal, Vystas

Chrisjm89: Historical character histories.
Hobbes MkII: Historical character histories
Cidellus: Historical character histories
Tompalmer: Historical corrections and community management.
Initial Content: ThePiglet, Hroppa, AlecTrevelyan006, Helios Ra, Jazthesentinel, Maginor

Clash of Kings Scenario:
Tompalmer: Scenario Design Lead
Mug bubule: Scenario Design
Nacodaco: Scenario Design, Scenario Histories
Knuckey: Scenario Scripting
Hobbes MkII: Scenario Histories
C_moore: Scenario Histories
HuskyWolf: Scenario Histories and poor grammar

Original Music :
Aurélien Benharrats ( http://www.aurelien-b.fr/)

Translations & Localization:
Werther (French Lead)
French: tompalmer, Stannis, Lord Riusma
Dany Quest: Loafcake, jimthepocket, MBjarno, blackninja9939, JON SNOWSTARK, EDAP, KnightKing
Spanish: Osuna, Darkhorse27, Bysne, DiTo/DiToMz, Juanen
German: Loomis
Eras Biographies: Vystas, Fegelein, jankmaster98, Wilsonator, BFKelleher, 'Legitimized Jon Snow', Patency, Hawke, 'Shoshon The Elegant', TMSaxon, SerJaecerysStorm, MBjarno, Rubidium, Lingvort, pottman
Special thanks for french proofreading: Merela, Graymarch, Sand, Hawkin, Pandémie, Suwan

'Dom (JonSnoooow)' Saint_Esteban 'Ser Ham'
Smoesville Karuga ItsAtrap
Dingo lychnidos Kingsgrave
DadeRoyal 'Benjen Coldwater' daddytorgo
philosophert nudu Greatjon
Zirael Narf GoogleSearch
xoatl 'Daemon Blackfyre' EDAP
SerBrightflame SinStar87 hjkh123
fastrike Soulbourne Slavicist

Special Thanks To:
Grell74 for his original Crusader Kings mod, from which we took many things (spoiler warning)
Culturally Different Cities for our city graphics.
Friends & Foes for trait ideas & iconography templates
The Prince and the Thane for some of our ambitions
Alphanos's shortcuts mod
Dungeons and Sieges mod
Lupus Agnum mod
NB+/New Borders mod
Elder Kings mod
Ransom all minimod
fantasynamegenerators.com for various names
La Garde de Nuite for help with the French translation.
Westeros.org for all it's information and resources, including many CoA graphics
Paradox Interactive for their great game
George R. R. Martin for his awesome books

Please don't post bug/problem reports in this thread, please report bugs in a new thread
Last edited:
  • 11
  • 3
Ah, wonderful. The joke patch had some nice changes to the mod, ignoring the show's added canon. This sounds marvelous.
  • 2
What do I need to do to replace 1.1 with the newest version? 1.1 was my first experience with this mod so I don't know what I'm doing... Are the Black-Ninja designed sub mods compatible? Thanks
What do I need to do to replace 1.1 with the newest version? 1.1 was my first experience with this mod so I don't know what I'm doing... Are the Black-Ninja designed sub mods compatible? Thanks
Delete your old AGOT mod install and install this one. As for sub-mods check the sub-mod index forum and if you still aren't sure then test them on a new save so you don't lose anything on your main save.
Anyone tried this in mp yet and seen how stable it is? also if its save-compatible with the old pre-1.april vers? we gonna continue our mp game in a few hours so would be nice to know.
I'm glad you did this.

Though considering the language used in the books themselves, that "raper" typo in the changelog looks a little inappropriate...
I'm glad you did this.

Though considering the language used in the books themselves, that "raper" typo in the changelog looks a little inappropriate...
Boo hoo, a little thing called context should weed out any misconceptions for most people
  • 7
Good that the new release is here! There are a lot of bugs in this release though, especially in Aegon's conquest. I really want to play that bookmark again, but its kinda unplayable now
Presumably because it's just short for Brandon?
  • 5
  • 2
The french localisation has been updated for 1.1.2, thanks to werther and other helpers:

Pour les joueurs francophones: téléchargez ce patch pour la VF de la 1.1.2. Dézippez puis copiez/collez le dossier A Game of Thrones dans Document/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings 2/Mod.
  • 3
It really feels like I should be able to join more than one of my liege's wars at a time, at least if I so choose. At one point the king had all his vassals fighting the independence revolt of Orkmont while he himself was being ravaged by the Reach. Doesn't seem quite right...
  • 2