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Is it too difficult to copy/paste this on https://ck2agot.wordpress.com/ (which is by far the top Google hit when looking for this mod?)
It is not the top one though, the top (when you search for "ck2 game of thrones" is the moddb page, the subreddit, the citadel forums then the wordpress, then the ck2 wiki page etc.
On the wordpress the very top post says that we will no longer be updating there as very few people check it these days compared to the citadel forum or the paradox forums. I do not know if it is possible to completely remove it from being searchable on google but I will have a look
  • 1
There's no part for "event unoccupied.5" in the unoccupied event files so colonies never finish. And since I also can't connected to the Citadel forums to find the fix, can someone post what I need to add in to the event file?

EDIT: Downloaded an old mod that enables colonization everywhere and I copied this.

#Colony complete
province_event = {
id = unoccupied.5
desc = "EVTDESCunoccupied.5"
picture = "GFX_evt_castle_construction"

trigger = {
OR = {
has_province_flag = ruined_province
has_province_flag = dothraki_sea
has_province_flag = colony_province
has_province_modifier = partial_colony
owner = {
NOT = { culture_group = unoccupied_group }

mean_time_to_happen = {
years = 10
modifier = {
factor = 1.33
OR = {
has_province_flag = ct_colony_2
has_province_flag = ca_colony_2
modifier = {
factor = 1.66
OR = {
has_province_flag = ct_colony_3
has_province_flag = ca_colony_3
modifier = {
factor = 2
OR = {
has_province_flag = ct_colony_4
has_province_flag = ca_colony_4
modifier = {
factor = 2.33
OR = {
has_province_flag = ct_colony_5
has_province_flag = ca_colony_5
modifier = {
factor = 2.66
OR = {
has_province_flag = ct_colony_6
has_province_flag = ca_colony_6
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
has_province_modifier = asoiaf_mild_winter
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_province_modifier = asoiaf_normal_winter
modifier = {
factor = 3
has_province_modifier = asoiaf_harsh_winter
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_province_modifier = colony_famine
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_province_modifier = colony_slow_economy
modifier = {
factor = 0.75
had_province_flag = { flag = colony_province days = 18250 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.75
had_province_flag = { flag = colony_province days = 21900 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.75
had_province_flag = { flag = colony_province days = 24000 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
had_province_flag = { flag = colony_province days = 26000 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.11
owner = { NOT = { stewardship = 2 } }
modifier = {
factor = 1.11
owner = { NOT = { stewardship = 4 } }
modifier = {
factor = 1.11
owner = { NOT = { stewardship = 6 } }
modifier = {
factor = 1.11
owner = { NOT = { stewardship = 8 } }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = { stewardship = 12 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = { stewardship = 14 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = { stewardship = 16 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = { stewardship = 20 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = { stewardship = 22 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = { stewardship = 24 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = { stewardship = 26 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = {
job_treasurer = {
has_job_action = action_oversee_construction
location = { province_id = ROOT }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = {
job_treasurer = {
has_job_action = action_oversee_construction
stewardship = 14
location = { province_id = ROOT }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = {
job_treasurer = {
has_job_action = action_oversee_construction
stewardship = 16
location = { province_id = ROOT }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = {
job_treasurer = {
has_job_action = action_oversee_construction
stewardship = 18
location = { province_id = ROOT }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = {
job_treasurer = {
has_job_action = action_oversee_construction
stewardship = 20
location = { province_id = ROOT }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = {
job_treasurer = {
has_job_action = action_oversee_construction
stewardship = 22
location = { province_id = ROOT }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = {
job_treasurer = {
has_job_action = action_oversee_construction
stewardship = 24
location = { province_id = ROOT }
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
owner = {
job_treasurer = {
has_job_action = action_oversee_construction
stewardship = 26
location = { province_id = ROOT }

option = {
name = "EVTOPTAunoccupied.5" #Yes
owner = {
prestige = 250
if = {
limit = { capital_scope = { NOT = { province_id = 419 } } } #If capital is in Old Volantis use Volantis' culture/religion
capital_scope = {
ROOT = {
culture = PREV
religion = PREV
if = {
limit = { capital_scope = { province_id = 419 } } #If capital is in Old Volantis use Volantis' culture/religion
417 = {
ROOT = {
culture = PREV
religion = PREV
remove_province_modifier = partial_colony
clr_province_flag = ruined_province
clr_province_flag = colony_province
clr_province_flag = dredged
clr_province_flag = roads
clr_province_flag = scrolls_found
clr_province_flag = vault_found
clr_province_flag = ct_colony_1
clr_province_flag = ca_colony_1
clr_province_flag = ct_colony_2
clr_province_flag = ca_colony_2
clr_province_flag = ct_colony_3
clr_province_flag = ca_colony_3
clr_province_flag = ct_colony_4
clr_province_flag = ca_colony_4
clr_province_flag = ct_colony_5
clr_province_flag = ca_colony_5
clr_province_flag = ct_colony_6
clr_province_flag = ca_colony_6
if = { #If Dothraki sea territory mark as colonised
limit = { has_province_flag = dothraki_sea }
set_province_flag = dothraki_colony_province
hidden_tooltip = {
county = {
any_de_jure_vassal_title = {
remove_building = ct_colony_1
remove_building = ca_colony_1
remove_building = ct_colony_2
remove_building = ca_colony_2
remove_building = ct_colony_3
remove_building = ca_colony_3
remove_building = ct_colony_4
remove_building = ca_colony_4
remove_building = ct_colony_5
remove_building = ca_colony_5
remove_building = ct_colony_6
remove_building = ca_colony_6
You don't need unoccupied.5, unoccupied.4 just triggers twice as the effects of 5 were compounded into a second use of 4
Noob question - When a new version of this mod comes out. Do I need to unstaill the mod and Re install the new version of the mod ( I have windows ) or does it do it automaticly ?. Just wondering I assume I have to unstaill and Re download/ Reinstall the new version but just want to be sure
Uninstall the old version, make sure all files related to the old version are removed, make sure your ck2 is up to date, download the new version and install then happy playing
Haha so are y'all expecting this to be one of the longer updates to figure out? I can't imagine it being more difficult than Conclave or Horse Lords (both of which I remember giving y'all some pretty intense changes to wrangle) but I know slim to skinny about modding. I guess the whole options thing at the beginning could cause some issues
My answer was more of a joke than anything else, like yeah it will be out before the next DLC but that is only cause we don't have a solid date for it to be released
Obviously balance is going to be looked at and if the plagues are too deadly we will tone them down, but there is no point talking about the impacts of the plagues in the game and how much they already need to be nerfed before we have even released the next version lol