what exactly are you trying to argue, aside from just arguing for the fun of it?
Humanist values are at the core of todays beliefs, if you cant accept that, or just dont know what that means, look around you.
the importance of education for the betterment of humanity: humanist ideal
secularism: humanist ideal
individualism: humanist ideal
pride in one's heritage: humanist ideal
but i'll address your last comment:
"Edict of Nantes came after 34 years of civil war, it wasn't tolerance so much as an attempt to stop France from killing itself."-
you forget that it was also passed by huguenot (protestant, case you didnt know) king henry iv. The document stopped the persecution of protestants in france, until its revocation by louis xiv.
"The French were only able to discuss those concepts because of the eternality of the French monarchy, if they knew what was coming (the French Revolution) I'm not sure they would have gone forward with their ideas."-
french revolution had nothing to do with religion, derp derp, and double derp de derp. sorry, didnt see the point of you adding that.
"The Napoleonic Code was necessary for unifying France and being able to go on a conquering spree."-
much deeper than that im afraid. the code applied to all demesnes held by the french empire, which was damn near all of it by 1810. the core principals of the code exist today in almost every continental eurpean government. I really dont want to explain to you what the code did, but i'll just make it simple for you, and easier for me: the code is another document that has its roots in humanism.
"Have you read Von den Jüden und jren Lügen especially chapter 15? If the Holocaust had a how to guide that book would be it."-
didnt i just get done telling you that yes, i understand that europeans (including luther) hated jews? just a fun fact for you, hitler's main inspiration for instigating the holocaust wasnt luther, it was instead a mix of deep personal resentment of the jews, and european general acceptance intolerance against jews.
"And so the Europeans were most wonderful to the Jews and helped displace Palestinians from their land, I must admit the Present absentee law devised by the Israelis is one of the most ingenious legal land grabs ever."-
k, already knew that. thanks for the info. another problem for another discussion.
"Eugenics to refer to killing of the disabled and retard is actually perfectly rational if one does not include people having intrinsic worth as an axiom."-
im not talking about eugenics, just stop.
to start you off, i recommend some popular history best sellers written by amateur historians. once you've delved into that a bit, and have the basic ground work, i'd recommend cambridge's modern history series of 14 volumes.
there, not wasting any more time on you. instead, im going to waste my time playing just cause 2, (got it 3 bucks on steam during sale