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Oct 31, 2020
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I have verifed my game files (Steam only)​


I have disabled all mods​


I am running the latest game update​




Rival Event - Person isn't my rival


There's two weird issues here.

The first is that my spouse who is not my rival is treated as being my rival in the event "Privy Squabbles" (see screenshot or save file).

Second is that the relationship count is wrong, it shows 5 when I clearly only have 3 relationships (see screenshot). I suspect the count issue is because friend and best friend are counted separately, but I don't know for sure (my character has two best friends). My spouse has a best friend and it also has 1 higher count than the actual number of relationships she has. But maybe there's a hidden rivalry relationship between me and her? She has no opinion penalty against me for rivalry though.

Steps to reproduce​

I have no idea. The event "Privy Squabbles" triggered, which appears to be a rival event. It has targeted a character (my spouse) who is not a rival (and never was).

One thing that may or may not be relevant is that I did have a rival not too long before this event (nearly a year prior). They had very high opinion of me though, so the event "Bury the Hatchet" triggered, ending the rivalry. That former rival was not the person in this "Privy Squabbles" event though.

Maybe this event can trigger even if the player has no rival, causing it to pick a random courtier?

Game Version​

Peacock (1.11.3)



Additional Information​

Affected Feature​

  • Events
  • Interface

Save Game​

View attachment Mali.ck3

Other Attachments​


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