Playing as Aegon the Conqueror I have been seducing some of the wives of the Crownland nobles but whenever a bastard gets born as a secret bastard but with Valyrian white hair an event occurs that allows the husband to imprison his wife, the bastard and me, sometimes even deposing me somehow, no matter how much power the husband actually has.
Like the unlanded husband of a countess actually deposed me off the Iron Throne because he found his child was mine. Another time he imprisoned me despite being unlanded.
The bug seems to be in the pil.121 event in the secret_bastard_events.txt file yet I am unsure how it goes wrong exactly.
Like the unlanded husband of a countess actually deposed me off the Iron Throne because he found his child was mine. Another time he imprisoned me despite being unlanded.
The bug seems to be in the pil.121 event in the secret_bastard_events.txt file yet I am unsure how it goes wrong exactly.
###AI attempts to imprison the child. mother and father
character_event = {
id = pil.121
is_triggered_only = yes
hide_window = yes
option = {
name = "IMPRISON"
ai_chance = {
factor = 75
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
NOT = { intrigue = 8 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
NOT = { intrigue = 5 }
modifier = {
factor = 2
NOT = { intrigue = 2 }
imprison = FROM
if = {
limit = { is_married = FROM }
any_child = {
limit = {
NOT = { age = 16 }
any_liege = { character = FROM }
is_ruler = no
has_character_flag = bastardised
imprison = FROM
option = {
name = "ESCAPE"
ai_chance = {
factor = 25
modifier = {
factor = 2
intrigue = 11
modifier = {
factor = 2
intrigue = 14
modifier = {
factor = 2
intrigue = 17
modifier = {
factor = 3
intrigue = 20
if = {
limit = {
trait = kingsguard
FROM = { has_landed_title = e_iron_throne }
remove_trait = kingsguard
if = { #Divorce
limit = { is_married = FROM }
remove_spouse = spouse
set_character_flag = spouse_take_children
random_playable_ruler = { #Move to random realm
limit = {
NOT = { trait = nightswatch }
OR = {
NOT = { trait = wildling }
ROOT = { trait = wildling }
OR = {
is_nomadic = no
culture = ROOT
NOT = { character = FROM }
NOT = { any_liege = { character = FROM } }
OR = {
culture_group = ROOT
culture_group = free_cities
reverse_banish = PREV
if = { #Move to father's location if possible
limit = { has_character_flag = bastardised }
father = {
if = {
limit = { is_ruler = yes }
ROOT = { move_character = PREV }
if = {
limit = {
is_ruler = no
prisoner = no
NOT = { is_liege_or_above = FROM }
liege = { ROOT = { move_character = PREV } }
if = { #Move to lover's location if possible
limit = { has_character_flag = spouse_take_children }
FROM = {
FROM = {
father = {
if = {
limit = { is_ruler = yes }
ROOT = { move_character = PREV }
if = {
limit = {
is_ruler = no
prisoner = no
NOT = { is_liege_or_above = FROM }
liege = { ROOT = { move_character = PREV } }
any_child = { #Take her children as well
limit = {
NOT = { age = 16 }
any_liege = { character = FROM }
is_ruler = no
has_character_flag = bastardised
ROOT = { liege = { reverse_banish = PREVPREV } }
clr_character_flag = spouse_take_children
character_event = {
id = pil.121
is_triggered_only = yes
hide_window = yes
option = {
name = "IMPRISON"
ai_chance = {
factor = 75
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
NOT = { intrigue = 8 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
NOT = { intrigue = 5 }
modifier = {
factor = 2
NOT = { intrigue = 2 }
imprison = FROM
if = {
limit = { is_married = FROM }
any_child = {
limit = {
NOT = { age = 16 }
any_liege = { character = FROM }
is_ruler = no
has_character_flag = bastardised
imprison = FROM
option = {
name = "ESCAPE"
ai_chance = {
factor = 25
modifier = {
factor = 2
intrigue = 11
modifier = {
factor = 2
intrigue = 14
modifier = {
factor = 2
intrigue = 17
modifier = {
factor = 3
intrigue = 20
if = {
limit = {
trait = kingsguard
FROM = { has_landed_title = e_iron_throne }
remove_trait = kingsguard
if = { #Divorce
limit = { is_married = FROM }
remove_spouse = spouse
set_character_flag = spouse_take_children
random_playable_ruler = { #Move to random realm
limit = {
NOT = { trait = nightswatch }
OR = {
NOT = { trait = wildling }
ROOT = { trait = wildling }
OR = {
is_nomadic = no
culture = ROOT
NOT = { character = FROM }
NOT = { any_liege = { character = FROM } }
OR = {
culture_group = ROOT
culture_group = free_cities
reverse_banish = PREV
if = { #Move to father's location if possible
limit = { has_character_flag = bastardised }
father = {
if = {
limit = { is_ruler = yes }
ROOT = { move_character = PREV }
if = {
limit = {
is_ruler = no
prisoner = no
NOT = { is_liege_or_above = FROM }
liege = { ROOT = { move_character = PREV } }
if = { #Move to lover's location if possible
limit = { has_character_flag = spouse_take_children }
FROM = {
FROM = {
father = {
if = {
limit = { is_ruler = yes }
ROOT = { move_character = PREV }
if = {
limit = {
is_ruler = no
prisoner = no
NOT = { is_liege_or_above = FROM }
liege = { ROOT = { move_character = PREV } }
any_child = { #Take her children as well
limit = {
NOT = { age = 16 }
any_liege = { character = FROM }
is_ruler = no
has_character_flag = bastardised
ROOT = { liege = { reverse_banish = PREVPREV } }
clr_character_flag = spouse_take_children