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Feb 27, 2012
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Curious what are the plans for the Societies I have found a mod that is compatable with every single overhaul mod ive played it adds a society called the Great Trade League you should implement it or something simular. I also think besides the Alchemist society which is awesome I think seperate from the holy orders two religious societies should exist in the faith of the seven the Silent sisters (Simular Benedictine Order) would be simular to the inquisition while the sparrows (simular Dominican Order) because they are more into poverty charity and helping people i mean both should be helping people but those should be the themes of the two groups. Also a Warlock society would be cool with all types of that crazy magic they have. So many possibilities with the new features from the last vanilla update.
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On the grounds we just had this conversation in the other thread I think you know the answer ;)

Societies in AGOT at least will only be things that the characters in the lore would realistically ever join, no lord would ever be allowed to be a memeber of the Silent Sisters or the spawrrors. There are loads of topic here and on our forums about what might and will not be made a society.
Well obviously there needs to be a lot of restrictions on some societies like for example maybe in the warlock society only males of that religion with a certain learning and or particular trait. You could also have the dosh khaleen , Faceless men (Easily base them off the assassins), so many different things I wish i was able to help more then just throwing ideas out there but I'm in my AGOT hype mode right now lol.
Excepttttt none of those had rulers join. There is absolutely no point making a society which only unlanded characters can use. The Faceless Men did not have any normal lords join etc.
Well they do have the house of black and white which they could use as whoever holds the leadership and then the rest would have to be unlanded characters when they join the society is it possible to have their name change like how the high septon or pope would like maybe just to a blank name I think it could work or at least it sounds like a cool idea I'm just a guy and your the modder so you would know best. Amazing job so far by the way man.
Well they do have the house of black and white which they could use as whoever holds the leadership and then the rest would have to be unlanded characters when they join the society is it possible to have their name change like how the high septon or pope would like maybe just to a blank name I think it could work or at least it sounds like a cool idea I'm just a guy and your the modder so you would know best. Amazing job so far by the way man.
Yes, but why would the player ever want to join that society though? They would join and instantly lose all their titles to become the unlanded dynasty-less Assassin and no longer be playable so they would have to play their heir so they have gained nothing...
Thanks! :)
No i'm not suggesting that's something anyone would ever want to do i'm just saying it would make the Faceless men a much more interesting and formidable organization in the game with the but the faceless men and Silent Sisters are just examples of ones that you wouldn't want to join maybe your son will disappear one day and no one knows what happened but he happened to be recruited into the faceless men or a daughter decides she wants to deticate herself to the seven and join the sisters but then we would have groups in Qarth they have at least two secret socities with landed characters plus i recomend implementing the Great Trade League mod into your game with his permission as it is compatble and mostly the essosi join it.
No i'm not suggesting that's something anyone would ever want to do i'm just saying it would make the Faceless men a much more interesting and formidable organization in the game with the but the faceless men and Silent Sisters are just examples of ones that you wouldn't want to join maybe your son will disappear one day and no one knows what happened but he happened to be recruited into the faceless men or a daughter decides she wants to deticate herself to the seven and join the sisters but then we would have groups in Qarth they have at least two secret socities with landed characters plus i recomend implementing the Great Trade League mod into your game with his permission as it is compatble and mostly the essosi join it.
But if the player is literally never going to interact with it or be able to take advantage of all the missions, ranks, powers and events we would need to add to make the society then what is the point of putting in the time to make it? We can just use background mechanics to simulate all of it or just not even simulate the process and only give semi-randomised outcomes instead.
I see your point but being able to know that each society can become extremely powerful at times or weak whilst having a lot of members that you could look at in the ledger makes it more real there is more beef to it and hey add those background mechanics as well. I know it must be hard I'm not telling you what to do i'm just giving you suggestions because i can't imagine how difficult it is to do what i'm suggesting. Also you would be interacting with them.

Like in vanilla ck2 random nuns would show up they have no purpose whatsoever but having a society with power and influence is something that would make things in my mind more realistic and intestesting.
I think the only GOT society not represented that could be would be Leyman Chain-making with the Maesters (see: Oberyn) but it would be way too similar to the Alchemists.
Most of the intrigue societies in GOT seem to be non-landed.
Only others I could think of are the two conspiracies to destroy magic and bring it back and they aren't very well organized (well depends on how deep you think the destruction of magic/dragons conspiracy went I guess)
What is the harm in having societies that have mostly unlanded characters ? Who cares if some of the societies are similar.

You could even have a Knight Society that only knights can join from lords to hedge knights also.

There seems to be A LOT going on in Qarth they seem to have multiple landed societies the Ancient Guild of Spicers , Warlocks, Tourmaline Brotherhood and the Pureborn all fighting for control of trade and dominance within the city.

You could have a society for the cold ones religion where landed humans sacrifice other humans to the others to create more white walkers like craster did.

Ironborn could have a society that revokes the old ways no more reaving and raping as Daenaeys told Asha in the show that she had to change their ways its not like they are totally against it either because a lot of Ironborn don't reave anymore and one of the lords even converted to the faith of the seven.

Old Gods possibly a society that only people with greensight can join including children of the forest the children should have a landed location inaccessible to everyone else. So landed humans would be in that faction.

Rhllor only certain red priest have powers obviously so there should be a trait like greensight that would be used as a restriction to get into the society and they could assassinate people, bring people back to death, prolong life (red woman is old as shit) at higher levels lower levels usually just tricks with fire or looking into the flames and seeing visions in the form of an event.

Also for the harpy religion maybe the satanist version of that would be called sons of the harpy extremely xenophobic to foreigners murders them like the assassins in vanilla espcially if any harpy land is conqoured it intensify .

These are just some ideas idk how difficult they are to implement but im just throwing some stuff out there amazing mod so far and I will help with lore best I can for ideas for the societies im suggesting.
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What is the harm in having societies that have mostly unlanded characters ? Who cares if some of the societies are similar.

You could even have a Knight Society that only knights can join from lords to hedge knights also.

There seems to be A LOT going on in Qarth they seem to have multiple landed societies the Ancient Guild of Spicers , Warlocks, Tourmaline Brotherhood and the Pureborn all fighting for control of trade and dominance within the city.

You could have a society for the cold ones religion where landed humans sacrifice other humans to the others to create more white walkers like craster did.

Ironborn could have a society that revokes the old ways no more reaving and raping as Daenaeys told Asha in the show that she had to change their ways its not like they are totally against it either because a lot of Ironborn don't reave anymore and one of the lords even converted to the faith of the seven.

Old Gods possibly a society that only people with greensight can join including children of the forest the children should have a landed location inaccessible to everyone else. So landed humans would be in that faction.

Rhllor only certain red priest have powers obviously so there should be a trait like greensight that would be used as a restriction to get into the society and they could assassinate people, bring people back to death, prolong life (red woman is old as shit) at higher levels lower levels usually just tricks with fire or looking into the flames and seeing visions in the form of an event.

Also for the harpy religion maybe the satanist version of that would be called sons of the harpy extremely xenophobic to foreigners murders them like the assassins in vanilla espcially if any harpy land is conqoured it intensify .

These are just some ideas idk how difficult they are to implement but im just throwing some stuff out there amazing mod so far and I will help with lore best I can for ideas for the societies im suggesting.
Because if the player is never going to be able to see the society, never join the society, never interact with the society, never be able to use any feature from the society then making it a society is completely pointless and just a waste of time to script.

We could have a society for literally anything, that doesn't mean it is a good idea. There is no lore basis nor common sense basis for a society of all Knights working together to achieve any sort of end goal, they are just Knights nothing more.

We could have a cold ones society (Ignoring the Old Gods Devil Worshiper one), but why do that when there is already the religion and the mechanics can be tied to the religion. Making it a society adds nothing of value.

The show is not our primary source of lore coupled with that is not what a society can do, that would have to be something like an entirely separate version of their religion as you cannot change what a religion can or cannot do mid game.

What secret society of Greenseers did I miss in the books? ;) And don't say Bran and Bloodraven, two people does not constitute a society :p

The landless red preists? Who the player will never play? Or Stannis joining the society of landless red priests and being the only landed members as he is one of the Lord's Chosen that they cannot all actually agree on cause some priests say it is Dany, some Stannis, some other random people most likely.

This is the problem with AGOT and societies, once you actually think past the cool factor of societies and look into what makes a good one AGOT has very few options:

  • A society needs to be open to lords, it cannot just be landless or unplayable characters
  • It must have a lore basis for a structural leadership of multiple tiers
  • All members must be working towards the same goal or at least a common end game
  • There must be missions which are clearly handed out by certain people to accomplish the above goal
  • The society must exist with more than just a few people to be worth making
  • The society must exist for more than just one tiny bit of the time period to be worth making
  • There needs to be ranks, events, missions, powers and flavour all added in to make a society and that takes a long time to script
So in AGOT for societies that meet those criteria, there really are not that many even if we stretch some of those requirements or ignore the lesser ones. Off the top of my head the ones I would think of are the Alchemists Guild and the Iron Bank and maybe at a push one could argue that Lords trying to forge links as a Maester but we have only really seen a couple of people do that so making it an event chain would arguably much better.
The Kingsguard could actually be reworked as a society... in fact, they would actually work much better as society as in reality, the members of Kingsguard were part of the Royal Court and not a separate court... the King would be able to use Kingsguard apart from Lord Commander as military commanders, give specific missions (such as rescue someone, capture someone, protect a particular person etc) to members of the Kingsguard via the Lord Commander.

Another possible society is the Order of the Greenhand in the Reach. It shouldn't exist in bookmarks after Aegon's Landing but possible in the Century of Blood mod. Actually, it can exist after AL if the Gardeners aren't destroyed... but I don't think it is possible to disable societies for some bookmarks and not for others, but on the other hand, I guess Order of Greenhand society can be added for Century of Blood as it is a standalone mod. The order allowed only those who were skilled in arms (so, I am sensing "skilled fighter" and above) and who were "virtuous". The missions can be around these aspects of Reach chivalry and knighthood.

Also NIght's Watch... but I don't see how that would add anything to the gameplay so may be not worth it.
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Also, two words: performance issues

The sheer size of the AGoT mod is already pretty taxing on the average system. Adding mechanically intensive systems purely for flavour might slow down performance for comparatively little gain
In holdfasts all across the realm, men lift secret toasts to your health while women sew dragon banners and hide them against the day of your return from across the water. — Illyrio Mopatis

"Vengeance." His voice was soft, as if he were afraid that someone might be listening. "Justice." Prince Doran pressed the onyx dragon into her palm with his swollen, gouty fingers, and whispered, "Fire and blood."

One of the only societies I can think of would be a Targaryen Loyalist society, in the vein of the secret religion stuff in Vanilla.
What is the harm in having societies that have mostly unlanded characters ? Who cares if some of the societies are similar..
That's the thing though society's are a lot of work and in the end it would be for what exacly? So you can open a society screen, see it exists then forgot about it

Or instead you could you give people a trait with a description of the organisation they are in that will likely have just as much impact on the player as a useless society for a fraction of the effort and work on other things.