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Second Lieutenant
Feb 24, 2001
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After complaining the area lore skill doing nothing for the +5 research points locations I put a single knight with area lore lvl 3 (150%) on a +10% XP per knight location and was careful to write down how much experience he gained... and he gained a whooping 450 (from 7620 up to 8070 XP) experience for the first turn! Now I don't complain but should like to know how how the math is working exactly.

BTW - I am almost sure area lore don't work with +50% randoms battles/trades locations.
I understand your problem, the explanation is a little bit complicated but let me tell you. :)

Your knight is at lvl 10 and for that you had to reach 7300 XP. To reach lvl11 (you can reach it with 9100 XP), you need to get 1800 XP between the two levels. The +10% XP location means that you can get in one turn the 10% of the total experience needed to reach next level, not the 10% of your current XP, so with your Area Lore skill you got the 25% (10% and additional 150%*10%=15%) of the 1800 XP which is 450. So if you have exactly 7300XP when you go to the location, you will reach lvl11 exactly in 4 turns. (Without the Area Lore skill it takes exactly 10 turns.)
Ahhh... very nice bonus:)
So the XP gained are scaled according to the levels. Very smart idea:)
And one more quick questions please: if I put only units without a hero on +5% XP spot will they get any XP or it works only if a hero is there too?
In King Arthur there are two kinds of locations which give you bonus XP.

1. +5% XP per season to all units at this location (it effects only your units, not the hero)
2. +10% XP per season to all knights at this location (it effects only your heroes, not the units)
I wrote it somewhere else, but this is a good place to repeat it.

The XP genereating places are broken, especially so after L39.

I had heroes there with NO Area Lore. They gained levels every 6-7 turns. After L39 the whole thing went haywire. For level 39 you need (forgive me the exact number) some 130,000 XP. For L40 you need 4,900,000 XP. Now, granted, it matters not IF XP gain is scaled (but then again, why have such a weird high level requirement) and this gives the XP generating place a huge benefit: battle XP is not scaled to the level of the hero (or so I think. Linda?) so the hero sitting on his haunches goes way faster than the hero risking life and limb on the battlefield.
It got worse: I went from L43 to L63 in one year (!)

While we are at levelling: at a certain point gaining levels is moot - you cannot spend more skillpoints. So, juyst have a level cap instead? or maybe have higher requirements for the higher level skills:

L1 Curse of shadows - costs 1 skillpoint.
L2 Curse of Shadows - costs 2 skillpoints
L3 Curse of Shadows - costs 4 skillpoints
L4 Curse of Shadows - costs 8 skillpoints

What you can see there is that it becomes harder and harder to max out every skill - making heroes more specialists in stead of jack-of-all-trades-and-master-of-all-too

I strongly suggest a level cap for the XP generating places. L3-5 for units, L10-15 for heroes: that way you can 'force' players to seek out actual experience in battle or adventure.
I don't think it is necessary or appropriate to put higher costs for high level skills, because heroes that you level by questing and combat rarely exceed a level in the low 20ies at the end of the game, that kind of problem only arise when "abusing" XP generators.
I think a cap on XP generating places will be spot on, however.
For KA2, there is maybe some redesigning to be done about these locations : they should maybe have a role to allow your "secondary" heroes to catch up, but shouldn't be the way your "primary" team level. My proposition : have them generate xp quicker, but with a dynamic cap : the level of your highest hero minus 5.
In King Arthur 2 the skill system is more complicated, every hero has a very special and unique skill tree. Roghain’s suggestion is great, that’s quite similar to the skill system what we are working on. It’s likely there will be more “expensive” skills than the others and some skills will have serious requirements.