A minor point in 1444 Taungoo was a vassal to Ava until 1510 so that should be rectified
As far as I can see Mong Yang should be renamed Mong Mao as that is what the kingdom was called
By the time of the games start Ava was Baramised and styled itself as the decedents of the Pagans so I would recommend that they get a culture change to Burmese (Barams are a Burmese people) and Taungoo ideas get renamed to Burmese ideas and replace Avas ideas as Ava didn't have a lot in common with the shan confederacies and was largely the victim of them.
Furthermore I would suggest that the requirement cores in Ava to form Shan and instead the effect of the formation gives permanent claims on Ava, the unification of the Shans should after all mean increased pains for their primary victim. (Also the shan confederacy IRL did conquer Ava)
Pegu and Taungoo should also start with historical friendship as often they cooperated against Ava
Pegu-Ava has historical rivalry with Ava
Mong Mao-Hisenwi has historical rivalry against Ava
Tangoo Assassination of a councilor
The traitours Taungoo have staged an assassination of one of our emplyees leading to his death.
Taungoo is vassal of Ava
Councilor (X) Dies
Taungoo gains 25 LD
Tangoo Assassination of the king
The traitors Taungoo have staged an assassination of our king and then incited a vassal into rebellion.
Taungoo is vassal of Ava
Ruler dies
Tangoo gains 25 LD
Noble revolt rises in X
The Taungoo rises
In a last push to secure their independence the Taungoo have orchestrated an uprising led by directly by them.
Ava owns Taungu
(X) ammount of separatist rebels rises in Taungu
Shan raids
The Shan states have sent raiders across the border to raid our bordering provinces.
(X) Loses 1 Manpower, Basetax or Production
Islam spreads in Java
Sufi mystics and sunni traders have brought the faith of muhammed to our shore which has been embraced by (X).
(X) becomes Sunni
Islamization of java
With the increasing spread of the muslim faith among both the nobility, peasantry and merchant classes a number of prominent people now suggest that perhaps time has come for you to embrace the faith.
NEVER: Religious zealots rise in (X) amount of regions with (X) amount of rebels Gain +2 Missionary strength
There is no god but allah: State religion becomes Sunni Ideas change to Javanese sultanate
Rise of Demak
Country is NOT muslim
Demak has religion: Islam
5 Years have passed since its conversion
Can happen once
(X) amount of separatists rises in Demak
Rise of Ciberon
Country is NOT muslim
Ciberon has religion: Islam
5 Years have passed since its conversion
Can happen once
(X) amount of separatists rises in Ciberon
Rise of Banten
Country is NOT muslim
Banten has religion: Islam
5 Years have passed since its conversion
Can happen once
(X) amount of separatists rises in Banten
Javanese sultanate (Exists in later bookmarks)
+20% Religious unity
-10% Ship cost
Sufi tutors
Islam spread in Java in part thanks to trade but mostly due to a large ammount of sufi mystics offering their services to the courts of Java leading to the gradual islamization of the ruling classes.
+1 Tolerance towards the true faith
+1 Missionary strength
Islamic trade network
Adopting islam has led to a greater connection with the Malayan and Sumatran isles as well as states even futher east greatly benefitting our trade.
+10% Global trade power
Kejawen syncretism
Kejawen is a pseudo religion pseudo philosophy that has more or less allways been around since the spread of Hinduism but has become increasingly important with the comming of islam since it has no prophet or sacred text it has been a great means of bridging the gap between the two religions.
+2 Tolerance towards heathens
Reject kafir rule
Why should we labor under the unbelievers who are to weak to properly run their own state of affairs? Instead we should set out to create our own kingdom free of the corruption and decadence that has befallen the elder heathen states. (This is based on the various islamic vassals who refused to pay tribute in particular in Sunda)
+1 Legitimacy
Pioneer merchants
Java was always a great sea power but with the islamic connections and the entrance of foreigners into the region our abillities as seamen have become even more pronounced than before.
+1 Merchant
+10% National sailor modifier
Establish the Muslim hegemony
In the 16th century the Mataram sultanate sought to establish itself as the only state in Java by crushing the hindu states in the east, driving out the dutch and subduing the other sultanates.
-15% Core creation cost
Sultan Agung
Having finally become the one Javanese state we can without hesitation claim a more pristine title than any of our predecessor sultan agung meaning "Great sultan" will serve to project our status and power.
+1 Prestige
+20% Naval forcelimit
Javanese sultanate (Exists in later bookmarks)
+20% Religious unity
-10% Ship cost
Sufi tutors
Islam spread in Java in part thanks to trade but mostly due to a large ammount of sufi mystics offering their services to the courts of Java leading to the gradual islamization of the ruling classes.
+1 Tolerance towards the true faith
+1 Missionary strength
Islamic trade network
Adopting islam has led to a greater connection with the Malayan and Sumatran isles as well as states even futher east greatly benefitting our trade.
+10% Global trade power
Kejawen syncretism
Kejawen is a pseudo religion pseudo philosophy that has more or less allways been around since the spread of Hinduism but has become increasingly important with the comming of islam since it has no prophet or sacred text it has been a great means of bridging the gap between the two religions.
+2 Tolerance towards heathens
Reject kafir rule
Why should we labor under the unbelievers who are to weak to properly run their own state of affairs? Instead we should set out to create our own kingdom free of the corruption and decadence that has befallen the elder heathen states. (This is based on the various islamic vassals who refused to pay tribute in particular in Sunda)
+1 Legitimacy
Pioneer merchants
Java was always a great sea power but with the islamic connections and the entrance of foreigners into the region our abillities as seamen have become even more pronounced than before.
+1 Merchant
+10% National sailor modifier
Establish the Muslim hegemony
In the 16th century the Mataram sultanate sought to establish itself as the only state in Java by crushing the hindu states in the east, driving out the dutch and subduing the other sultanates.
-15% Core creation cost
Sultan Agung
Having finally become the one Javanese state we can without hesitation claim a more pristine title than any of our predecessor sultan agung meaning "Great sultan" will serve to project our status and power.
+1 Prestige
+20% Naval forcelimit
So these are my ideas for improving events and such in south east asia anyone else have any?
As far as I can see Mong Yang should be renamed Mong Mao as that is what the kingdom was called
By the time of the games start Ava was Baramised and styled itself as the decedents of the Pagans so I would recommend that they get a culture change to Burmese (Barams are a Burmese people) and Taungoo ideas get renamed to Burmese ideas and replace Avas ideas as Ava didn't have a lot in common with the shan confederacies and was largely the victim of them.
Furthermore I would suggest that the requirement cores in Ava to form Shan and instead the effect of the formation gives permanent claims on Ava, the unification of the Shans should after all mean increased pains for their primary victim. (Also the shan confederacy IRL did conquer Ava)
Pegu and Taungoo should also start with historical friendship as often they cooperated against Ava
Pegu-Ava has historical rivalry with Ava
Mong Mao-Hisenwi has historical rivalry against Ava
Tangoo Assassination of a councilor
The traitours Taungoo have staged an assassination of one of our emplyees leading to his death.
Taungoo is vassal of Ava
Councilor (X) Dies
Taungoo gains 25 LD
Tangoo Assassination of the king
The traitors Taungoo have staged an assassination of our king and then incited a vassal into rebellion.
Taungoo is vassal of Ava
Ruler dies
Tangoo gains 25 LD
Noble revolt rises in X
The Taungoo rises
In a last push to secure their independence the Taungoo have orchestrated an uprising led by directly by them.
Ava owns Taungu
(X) ammount of separatist rebels rises in Taungu
Shan raids
The Shan states have sent raiders across the border to raid our bordering provinces.
(X) Loses 1 Manpower, Basetax or Production
Islam spreads in Java
Sufi mystics and sunni traders have brought the faith of muhammed to our shore which has been embraced by (X).
(X) becomes Sunni
Islamization of java
With the increasing spread of the muslim faith among both the nobility, peasantry and merchant classes a number of prominent people now suggest that perhaps time has come for you to embrace the faith.
NEVER: Religious zealots rise in (X) amount of regions with (X) amount of rebels Gain +2 Missionary strength
There is no god but allah: State religion becomes Sunni Ideas change to Javanese sultanate
Rise of Demak
Country is NOT muslim
Demak has religion: Islam
5 Years have passed since its conversion
Can happen once
(X) amount of separatists rises in Demak
Rise of Ciberon
Country is NOT muslim
Ciberon has religion: Islam
5 Years have passed since its conversion
Can happen once
(X) amount of separatists rises in Ciberon
Rise of Banten
Country is NOT muslim
Banten has religion: Islam
5 Years have passed since its conversion
Can happen once
(X) amount of separatists rises in Banten
Javanese sultanate (Exists in later bookmarks)
+20% Religious unity
-10% Ship cost
Sufi tutors
Islam spread in Java in part thanks to trade but mostly due to a large ammount of sufi mystics offering their services to the courts of Java leading to the gradual islamization of the ruling classes.
+1 Tolerance towards the true faith
+1 Missionary strength
Islamic trade network
Adopting islam has led to a greater connection with the Malayan and Sumatran isles as well as states even futher east greatly benefitting our trade.
+10% Global trade power
Kejawen syncretism
Kejawen is a pseudo religion pseudo philosophy that has more or less allways been around since the spread of Hinduism but has become increasingly important with the comming of islam since it has no prophet or sacred text it has been a great means of bridging the gap between the two religions.
+2 Tolerance towards heathens
Reject kafir rule
Why should we labor under the unbelievers who are to weak to properly run their own state of affairs? Instead we should set out to create our own kingdom free of the corruption and decadence that has befallen the elder heathen states. (This is based on the various islamic vassals who refused to pay tribute in particular in Sunda)
+1 Legitimacy
Pioneer merchants
Java was always a great sea power but with the islamic connections and the entrance of foreigners into the region our abillities as seamen have become even more pronounced than before.
+1 Merchant
+10% National sailor modifier
Establish the Muslim hegemony
In the 16th century the Mataram sultanate sought to establish itself as the only state in Java by crushing the hindu states in the east, driving out the dutch and subduing the other sultanates.
-15% Core creation cost
Sultan Agung
Having finally become the one Javanese state we can without hesitation claim a more pristine title than any of our predecessor sultan agung meaning "Great sultan" will serve to project our status and power.
+1 Prestige
+20% Naval forcelimit
Javanese sultanate (Exists in later bookmarks)
+20% Religious unity
-10% Ship cost
Sufi tutors
Islam spread in Java in part thanks to trade but mostly due to a large ammount of sufi mystics offering their services to the courts of Java leading to the gradual islamization of the ruling classes.
+1 Tolerance towards the true faith
+1 Missionary strength
Islamic trade network
Adopting islam has led to a greater connection with the Malayan and Sumatran isles as well as states even futher east greatly benefitting our trade.
+10% Global trade power
Kejawen syncretism
Kejawen is a pseudo religion pseudo philosophy that has more or less allways been around since the spread of Hinduism but has become increasingly important with the comming of islam since it has no prophet or sacred text it has been a great means of bridging the gap between the two religions.
+2 Tolerance towards heathens
Reject kafir rule
Why should we labor under the unbelievers who are to weak to properly run their own state of affairs? Instead we should set out to create our own kingdom free of the corruption and decadence that has befallen the elder heathen states. (This is based on the various islamic vassals who refused to pay tribute in particular in Sunda)
+1 Legitimacy
Pioneer merchants
Java was always a great sea power but with the islamic connections and the entrance of foreigners into the region our abillities as seamen have become even more pronounced than before.
+1 Merchant
+10% National sailor modifier
Establish the Muslim hegemony
In the 16th century the Mataram sultanate sought to establish itself as the only state in Java by crushing the hindu states in the east, driving out the dutch and subduing the other sultanates.
-15% Core creation cost
Sultan Agung
Having finally become the one Javanese state we can without hesitation claim a more pristine title than any of our predecessor sultan agung meaning "Great sultan" will serve to project our status and power.
+1 Prestige
+20% Naval forcelimit
So these are my ideas for improving events and such in south east asia anyone else have any?
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