Howdy peoples, I've been playing this mod for quite some time now, but one thing bugs me, the large amount of stillborn children. Now the issue I have is that they really clog up the character screen, especially in cases where a lustful woman constantly shacks up with with numerous men, resulting in her downing moon tea like there is no tomorrow. Whilst pondering on what could be done, I had an idea. If a woman has the character flag 'stillborn', could an event be created to fire a day/week earlier than the birth event, informing of the stillbirth but not creating a character?
If this is possible, I think it could be hugely beneficial to not just limiting the amount of dead babies that spring up throughout the game, but also result in an interesting level of mistrust between husband wife. If a wife has constant stillbirths is it because of her drinking moon tea, or is she simply unlucky? So the idea is essentially an event that fires before the birth of a child whose mother has the character flag stillborn, in an effort to limit the amount of dead babies filling up the family trees. While some babies will be born stillborn regardless (I think, thanks to the RNG) the number of characters in game could be nicely limited. Is this idea practical/possible?
If this is possible, I think it could be hugely beneficial to not just limiting the amount of dead babies that spring up throughout the game, but also result in an interesting level of mistrust between husband wife. If a wife has constant stillbirths is it because of her drinking moon tea, or is she simply unlucky? So the idea is essentially an event that fires before the birth of a child whose mother has the character flag stillborn, in an effort to limit the amount of dead babies filling up the family trees. While some babies will be born stillborn regardless (I think, thanks to the RNG) the number of characters in game could be nicely limited. Is this idea practical/possible?