Ok, I just installed the latest EEP patch to give it a try and see how it goes, but when I press the yellow EUII(eep) shortcut, nothing happens...
I installed the EEP patch in my EUII folder, I even read the readme file to do it all "by the book", but still, nothing happens. Can anyone give me a hand?
Incidentally, I am currently playing a 1.7 game as Portugal and by 1440 I already conquered Fez, Morocco (except capital), Algiers, Tunisia is a vassal, and I have half of Castille. I only declared war once without a CB (to Granada and Algiers - they were allies and I wanted to conquer Algiers' capital).
I installed the EEP patch in my EUII folder, I even read the readme file to do it all "by the book", but still, nothing happens. Can anyone give me a hand?
Incidentally, I am currently playing a 1.7 game as Portugal and by 1440 I already conquered Fez, Morocco (except capital), Algiers, Tunisia is a vassal, and I have half of Castille. I only declared war once without a CB (to Granada and Algiers - they were allies and I wanted to conquer Algiers' capital).