I'd like to submit a suggestion for a formable Shan nation. Shan ahistorically existed as a large unified state before 1.8, and it's great that it's been split up. But the SST tag is still useful! Historically, some of the Shan states unified into a confederation. In-game we can turn this into a simple formation decision that requires owning the capitals of the 3 Shan states represented in vanilla, so that it's actually slightly challenging.
Obligatory Wiki link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shan_States#Confederation_of_Shan_States
Here's the script for the decision:
And here's some localisation. Admittedly flavour text is not my strong suite.
Everything else (flag, country file etc.) is already in the vanilla files.
Obligatory Wiki link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shan_States#Confederation_of_Shan_States
Wikipedia said:The Confederation of Shan States were a group of Shan States that conquered the Ava Kingdom in 1527 and ruled Upper Burma until 1555. The Confederation originally consisted of Mohnyin, Mogaung, Bhamo, Momeik, and Kale. It was led by Sawlon, the chief of Mohnyin. The Confederation raided Upper Burma throughout the early 16th century (1502–1527) and fought a series of war against Ava and its ally Shan State of Thibaw (Hsipaw). The Confederation finally defeated Ava in 1527, and placed Sawlon's eldest son Thohanbwa on the Ava throne. Thibaw and its tributaries Nyaungshwe and Mobye also came over to the confederation.
Here's the script for the decision:
shan_nation = {
major = yes
potential = {
primary_culture = shan
NOT = { tag = SST }
NOT = { exists = SST }
allow = {
owns_core_province = 582
owns_core_province = 583
owns_core_province = 584
is_at_war = no
effect = {
add_prestige = 20
change_tag = SST
every_province = { # in case there's any Shan provinces you don't own eg in China
limit = {
culture = shan
NOT = {
is_core = SST
add_claim = SST
And here's some localisation. Admittedly flavour text is not my strong suite.
shan_nation_title: "Confederate the Shan States"
shan_nation_desc: "Alone, the various disparate Shan states are weak and vulnerable. Together, they could be a serious power in South-East Asia."
Everything else (flag, country file etc.) is already in the vanilla files.