So I looked at this bug from a 2014 post on the Citadel post, where I saw a later update to the mod fixed this. But my daughters of Aegon the Conqueror, besides my first daughter who is married to my heir, the Prince of Dragonstone, are not staying married. My issue is I have a single son, and a whole lot of dragons and dragon eggs that I don't want going out of the family. I tried to marry a bastard daughter I got from a First Night event to the Lord Paramount of the Vale, and they immediately divorced the next day. I try to matrimonial marry my second daughter to a random dude from Dorne, who then proceeded to divorce her the next day. I try to matrimonial marry that same daughter to a random courtier in my court, who then proceeded to divorce her. What can I do so my arranged marriages to my daughters are immediately nullified?