Hope tuore doesn't mind a new thread on Techs. Tossing some ideas out
Basically any and all ship types from the 1990-2020 era can fit into one of these 9 categories. As navies downsized post-WW2 frigates became more important, especially for small countries with mainly littoral fleets. The light and heavy cruiser distinction blurred as a single "cruiser" type came to dominate (in most cases just a sized-up destroyer) and battlecruisers, proven useless after the Alaska-Class "failure" faded from fleets by the 1950's. Battleships where a relic of the past but the United States still had them in 1990 (indeed the Missouri provided fire support in the Gulf War). Carriers could be divided into groups, either smaller carriers (Charles de Gaulle (R91)) or "super-carriers", like the Nimitz Class. I think the rest speaks for itself. I would think we could have a "nuclear reactor" addon, as there are Nuclear-powered cruisers (California Class)
Air Force
MRF, Interceptors, and Strike Bombers are in many cases the same craft just modified for their specific roles. Historically dedicated "escort" fighters ended after WW2 as they simply couldn't keep up with Strategic Bombers. CAG upgrades could come with MRF, or a separate tree that requires appropriate MRF and Strike aircraft to have been researched.
Light Carriers
Heavy Carriers
Nuclear Submarines
Basically any and all ship types from the 1990-2020 era can fit into one of these 9 categories. As navies downsized post-WW2 frigates became more important, especially for small countries with mainly littoral fleets. The light and heavy cruiser distinction blurred as a single "cruiser" type came to dominate (in most cases just a sized-up destroyer) and battlecruisers, proven useless after the Alaska-Class "failure" faded from fleets by the 1950's. Battleships where a relic of the past but the United States still had them in 1990 (indeed the Missouri provided fire support in the Gulf War). Carriers could be divided into groups, either smaller carriers (Charles de Gaulle (R91)) or "super-carriers", like the Nimitz Class. I think the rest speaks for itself. I would think we could have a "nuclear reactor" addon, as there are Nuclear-powered cruisers (California Class)
Air Force
Multi-Role Fighters (MRF)
Strike Bombers
Naval Bombers
Strategic Bombers
Close-Air Support (CAS)
MRF, Interceptors, and Strike Bombers are in many cases the same craft just modified for their specific roles. Historically dedicated "escort" fighters ended after WW2 as they simply couldn't keep up with Strategic Bombers. CAG upgrades could come with MRF, or a separate tree that requires appropriate MRF and Strike aircraft to have been researched.
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