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YesI am running the latest game update
Temporal, for life appointment doctrine behaving like spiritual, for lifeDescription
can't appoint my own realm priest even with temporal, for life, appointment game start i will be given a random npc as realm priest but can't replace him (on previous versions i was allowed to replace him once). it says i need revocable in order to fire/assign someone new.
i can murder him, but a new dude just pops up, bypassing my appointing powers. same problem cant assign someone new to replace him.
it is behaving exactly like spiritual for life doctrine.
Steps to reproduce
make a custom char and replace someone with islam faith in the iranian intermezzopick zoroastrian faith like mazdayazna (or any with temporal for life)
get the 1st new realm priest of your faith try replacing him with your choice...
Game Version
1.11.1 peacockPlatform
WindowsAdditional Information
Affected Feature
- Gameplay
- Interface
Save Game
Other Attachments
- 2
- 1