These events are designed to ensure that a war breaks out in 1915 should one not break out because of the July Crisis. In order for these to work, some flags will need to be added to some of the options in the July Crisis event chain, namely:
balkans1 - Austria-Hungary does nothing in response to the Archduke's assassination, or recieves no support from Germany (and does nothing)
balkans2 - Austria-Hungary goes to war with Serbia; Russia doesn't support Serbia.
balkans3 - Serbia accepts Austria-Hungary's ultimatum.
These ones are for the first eventuality - that Austria-Hungary either opts to do nothing, or gets no support from Germany.
balkans1 - Austria-Hungary does nothing in response to the Archduke's assassination, or recieves no support from Germany (and does nothing)
balkans2 - Austria-Hungary goes to war with Serbia; Russia doesn't support Serbia.
balkans3 - Serbia accepts Austria-Hungary's ultimatum.
These ones are for the first eventuality - that Austria-Hungary either opts to do nothing, or gets no support from Germany.
# Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated - Austria Hungary does nothing/no support
# Bulgarians build forts
event = {
country = BUL
id = 8400
random = no
style = 0
name = "Bulgarians build forts"
desc = "The Bulgarian government has ordered that forts be
constructed around Rustchuk, Schumla and Baltchick to
strengthen the country's border defences in the event of a
Romanian invasion. The government is not concerned that by
doing so, they breach the terms of the 1913 Treaty of Bucharest."
trigger = {
flag = balkans1
NOT = { war = { country = U11 country = RUS }
war = { country = GER country = FRA }
alliance = { country = BUL country = FRA }
date = { day = 14 month = may year = 1915 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 0 month = january year = 1924 }
action_a = {
name = "OK"
command = { type = land_fort which = 869 value = 2 }
command = { type = trigger which = 47400 }
command = { type = trigger which = 22400 }
command = { type = trigger which = 50400 }
# Bulgarians breach Treaty of Bucharest
event = {
country = ROM
id = 47400
random = no
style = 0
name = "Bulgarians breach Treaty of Bucharest"
desc = "The Bulgarians have begun fortress building in territories
that breach the 1913 Treaty of Bucharest. We are obliged to
mobilise against Bulgaria before it can break the Balkan alliance
that keeps its expansionist aspirations in check."
# Triggered by 8400
action_a = {
name = "OK"
command = { type = add_division which = infantry }
command = { type = leave_alliance }
# Triggered by 8400
event = {
country = GRE
id = 22400
random = no
style = 0
name = "Bulgarians breach Treaty of Bucharest"
desc = "The Bulgarians have begun fortress building in territories
that breach the 1913 Treaty of Bucharest. We are obliged to
mobilise against Bulgaria before it can break the Balkan alliance
that keeps its expansionist aspirations in check."
action_a = {
name = "OK"
command = { type = add_division which = infantry }
command = { type = leave_alliance }
# Triggered by 8400
event = {
country = SER
id = 50400
random = no
style = 0
name = "Bulgarians breach Treaty of Bucharest"
desc = "The Bulgarians have begun fortress building in territories
that breach the 1913 Treaty of Bucharest. We are obliged to
mobilise against Bulgaria before it can break the Balkan alliance
that keeps its expansionist aspirations in check."
action_a = {
name = "OK"
command = { type = add_division which = infantry }
command = { type = leave_alliance }
# Bulgaria seeks support
event = {
country = BUL
id = 8401
random = no
style = 0
name = "Bulgaria seeks support"
desc = "Realising that they are surrounded on three sides, the
Bulgarian government has asked for diplomatic support from the
Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires in the light of Serbia,
Greece and Romania’s aggressive response to Bulgaria’s breach
of the Treaty of Bucharest, in order to readdress the balance of
power in the Balkans. In so doing, Bulgaria escalates the current
crisis by making a European war more likely, yet will have done
so by recruiting two powerful allies."
trigger = {
event = 8400
date = { day = 19 month = may year = 1915 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 0 month = january year = 1924 }
action_a = {
name = "Make enquiries in Vienna and Constantinople"
command = { type = trigger which = 3400 }
command = { type = trigger which = 41400 }
command = { type = leave_alliance }
event = {
country = U11
id = 3400
random = no
style = 0
name = "Bulgaria seeks our support"
desc = "With Bulgaria’s breach of the 1913 Treaty of Bucharest,
the other signatories, Serbia, Greece and Romania have begun
moves against Sofia with the intention of crushing Bulgaria and
further tilting the balance of power in the Balkans further in
favour of Austria-Hungary’s potential enemies. The Austro-
Hungarian government are keen not to see their Bulgarian
friends reduced in status, as this would only benefit the Serbs
who are assumed to be pursuing a pan-Slavic agenda. Vienna
has therefore guaranteed the Bulgarian government of its
diplomatic support in this time of crisis."
# Triggered by 8401
action_a = {
name = "We cannot allow Bulgaria to be crushed"
command = { type = leave_alliance }
command = { type = trigger which = 48400 }
event = {
country = TUR
id = 41400
random = no
style = 0
name = "Bulgaria seeks our support"
desc = "With Bulgaria’s breach of the 1913 Treaty of Bucharest,
the other signatories, Serbia, Greece and Romania have begun
moves against Sofia with the intention of crushing Bulgaria and
further tilting the balance of power in the Balkans further in
favour of Turkey’s potential enemies. Bulgaria provides
Constantinople with a useful counterweight to the presence of
Greece, and if Athens were to acquire some Bulgarian territory,
they would no doubt be envious for more: particularly the port of
Smyrna. A strengthening of Serbia would also mean a
strengthening of Russia, Turkey’s traditional enemies. It is
therefore the interest of the Ottoman Empire that Bulgaria’s
integrity be maintained."
# Triggered by 8401
action_a = {
name = "We cannot allow Bulgaria to be crushed"
command = { type = leave_alliance }
# Austria-Hungary and Turkey move against the Balkan alliance
event = {
country = RUS
id = 48400
random = no
style = 0
name = "We must support the Serbs"
desc = "The situation in the Balkans is spiralling out of control.
Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire are now in league with
Bulgaria, in opposition to Serbia, Romania and Greece and
heading towards inevitable war. The might of Austria-Hungary
will now be hurled against both Serbia and Romania, and Greece
may well be dealt a blow by the Ottoman Turks. If the Balkans
were to be dominated by Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey,
then all Russian influence in the region would disappear, and the
desires of the Slavs for unity totally destroyed. Russia must
respond to this act of Austro-Hungarian aggression with vivacity,
regardless of the response of the Germans."
# Triggered by 3400
action_a = {
name = "We must prepare for war"
command = { type = leave_alliance }
# Third Balkan War (1)
event = {
country = U11
id = 3401
random = no
style = 0
name = "Declare War"
desc = "Now that Russia has lent its support to Serbia, Romania
and Greece, Vienna is left in no choice but to declare war on her
enemies, who have long sought to destroy the Austro-Hungarian
Empire: Serbia wishes to unite all Slavs under her banner by
taking Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia, Romania desires the Banat
and Transylvania and Russia wishes to dismember the Austro-
Hungarian Empire so as to dominate the Balkans."
trigger = {
event = 48400
date = { day = 20 month = may year = 1915 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 0 month = january year = 1924 }
action_a = {
name = "War!"
command = { type = war which = RUS }
command = { type = war which = SER }
command = { type = war which = ROM }
command = { type = war which = GRE }
command = { type = trigger which = 41401 }
command = { type = trigger which = 8402 }
event = {
country = TUR
id = 41401
random = no
style = 0
name = "Declare War"
desc = "Now that Russia has lent its support to Serbia, Romania
and Greece, the Turkish government has no option but to declare
war on her enemies in accordance with the actions of the Austria-
Hungary this morning. Greece wishes to establish a new Hellenic
Empire with our Anatolian territory and the Russians have always
looked enviously south at our capital, Constantinople. By
supporting Bulgaria and Austria-Hungary, we shall strike a mortal
blow against our adversaries and ensure that the Ottoman
Empire survives."
# Triggered by 3401
action_a = {
name = "War!"
command = { type = war which = RUS }
command = { type = war which = SER }
command = { type = war which = ROM }
command = { type = war which = GRE }
event = {
country = BUL
id = 8402
random = no
style = 0
name = "Declare War"
desc = "With enemy troops massing on Bulgaria’s borders, Sofia
joins the Austrians and Turks in declaring war on Russia, Serbia,
Romania and Greece in response to their antagonistic stance
towards the Bulgarian government. With the survival of Bulgaria
at stake, the government has no choice but to follow this line of
# Triggered by 3401
action_a = {
name = "War!"
command = { type = war which = RUS }
command = { type = war which = SER }
command = { type = war which = ROM }
command = { type = war which = GRE }
# Join the war?
event = {
country = GER
id = 21460
random = no
style = 0
name = "Join the war?"
desc = "Russia has mobilised and seeks to destroy our most loyal
ally, Austria-Hungary. Bulgaria broke the interminably unfair
Treaty of Bucharest by constructing some border defences, to
which Serbia, Romania and Greece reacted with fury. Realising
that the balance of power in the Balkans would comprehensively
be tilted against them, and that the Serbs wished to break them
apart, Austria-Hungary gave Bulgaria its diplomatic support
alongside the Ottoman Empire. Russia, seeking to expand into
the Balkans and undermine Vienna’s situation, has begun to
move against Austria-Hungary and therefore weaken our
diplomatic position in Europe. By declaring war, we must also
clash with the French, but by remaining neutral, we shall almost
certainly anger the Austro-Hungarians, who will see us as frail
and unreliable."
trigger = {
event = 3401
date = { day = 23 month = may year = 1915 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 0 month = january year = 1924 }
action_a = {
name = "Austria-Hungary needs us"
command = { type = trigger which = 48401 }
command = { type = trigger which = 47401 }
command = { type = trigger which = 22401 }
command = { type = trigger which = 50401 }
command = { type = trigger which = 3402 }
command = { type = trigger which = 41402 }
command = { type = trigger which = 8403 }
action_b = {
name = "We want no part in this war"
command = { type = dissent value = 10 }
command = { setflag which = balkans4 }
# Germany joins the Third Balkan War
event = {
country = RUS
id = 48401
random = no
style = 0
name = "Germany joins the Third Balkan War"
desc = "Germany has declared war on Russia, France, Romania,
Greece and Serbia in support of Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and
the Ottoman Empire. The European War begins."
# Triggered by 21460
action_a = {
name = "The war expands"
command = { type = alliance which = FRA }
command = { type = war which = GER }
event = {
country = ROM
id = 47401
random = no
style = 0
name = "Germany joins the Third Balkan War"
desc = "Germany has declared war on Russia, France, Romania,
Greece and Serbia in support of Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and
the Ottoman Empire. The European War begins."
# Triggered by 21460
action_a = {
name = "The war expands"
command = { type = alliance which = FRA }
command = { type = war which = GER }
event = {
country = GRE
id = 22401
random = no
style = 0
name = "Germany joins the Third Balkan War"
desc = "Germany has declared war on Russia, France, Romania,
Greece and Serbia in support of Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and
the Ottoman Empire. The European War begins."
# Triggered by 21460
action_a = {
name = "The war expands"
command = { type = alliance which = FRA }
command = { type = war which = GER }
event = {
country = SER
id = 50401
random = no
style = 0
name = "Germany joins the Third Balkan War"
desc = "Germany has declared war on Russia, France, Romania,
Greece and Serbia in support of Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and
the Ottoman Empire. The European War begins."
# Triggered by 21460
action_a = {
name = "The war expands"
command = { type = alliance which = FRA }
command = { type = war which = GER }
event = {
country = U11
id = 3402
random = no
style = 0
name = "Germany joins the Third Balkan War"
desc = "Germany has declared war on Russia, France, Romania,
Greece and Serbia in support of Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and
the Ottoman Empire. The European War begins."
# Triggered by 21460
action_a = {
name = "The war expands"
command = { type = alliance which = GER }
command = { type = war which = FRA }
event = {
country = TUR
id = 41402
random = no
style = 0
name = "Germany joins the Third Balkan War"
desc = "Germany has declared war on Russia, France, Romania,
Greece and Serbia in support of Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and
the Ottoman Empire. The European War begins."
# Triggered by 21460
action_a = {
name = "The war expands"
command = { type = alliance which = GER }
command = { type = war which = FRA }
event = {
country = BUL
id = 8403
random = no
style = 0
name = "Germany joins the Third Balkan War"
desc = "Germany has declared war on Russia, France, Romania,
Greece and Serbia in support of Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and
the Ottoman Empire. The European War begins."
# Triggered by 21460
action_a = {
name = "The war expands"
command = { type = alliance which = GER }
command = { type = war which = FRA }
# Germany joins late
event = {
country = GER
id = 21461
random = no
style = 0
name = "Germany joins late"
desc = "With the Third Balkan War dragging on, and Germany’s
Austro-Hungarian allies pleading for help in the face of Slavic
aggression, Germany has declared war on Russia, Serbia,
Romania and Greece. In response, the opportunistic French
government, seeking to uphold her alliance with Russia has
declared war on Germany."
trigger = {
flag = balkans4
date = { day = 4 month = november year = 1915 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 0 month = january year = 1924 }
action_a = {
name = "Austria-Hungary needs us"
command = { type = trigger which = 48401 }
command = { type = trigger which = 47401 }
command = { type = trigger which = 22401 }
command = { type = trigger which = 50401 }
command = { type = trigger which = 3402 }
command = { type = trigger which = 41402 }
command = { type = trigger which = 8403 }
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