Vive le France! Vive roi CSK
Fasquardon [COLOR=DarkOrange]Aragon[/COLOR]
Manstein away
Ganso Currently ousted from power
Okawoa Anjou
Empyrean Fixing connection
Melle [COLOR=DarkRed]Bugundy[/COLOR]
CSK[SIZE=5]♚[/SIZE]/Shuma [COLOR=Navy]France[/COLOR]
First Session: [B]Finish[/B]
Second Session: [B]Finish[/B]
Third Session: [B]Finish[/B]
Fourth Session: [B]Finish[/B]
Fifth Session: [B]Finish[/B]
Sixth Session: [B]Finish[/B]
Seventh Session: [COLOR=Red]Newyears[/COLOR]
Eighth Session: [B]Finish[/B]
Ninth Session: [COLOR=Red]Not played[/COLOR]
Tenth Session: [COLOR=Lime]Today[/COLOR]: 4PM
The game begins at 16:00 GMT on Saturdays
You need the Improvment pack, [URL=]HERE[/URL] is the link
Thanks to Fas
Rules & Recommendations:
Part (1) - stability of the game and the players.
i) Re-hosts & starting:
a) We will wait for no more than 5 minutes after game start (by the host's watch) for players to arrive, or until we have at least three players. If you aren't here by then, tough cookies. Likewise, we will not wait more than 10 minutes before re-starting the game after a crash. For those who are on time, there will be a cookie of one month's income.
b) Do not select your state before the host.
c) Do not leave the game set-up if someone is downloading.
d) Do not go afk without warning. Try to avoid unnecessary afks. When going afk, an estimated time for your absence would be appreciated. Remember to say when you are back.
e) Do not alt-tab away from CK.
f) If the game is being really unstable, don't take out your frustration on other players, we're gonna be as pissed as you.
g) If a player crashes, the game is rehosted at the start of the next year unless he is in war in which case an immediate rehost.
h) If you know you will be away for a game session, either find yourself a sub, or accept that you will be AI'd.
ii) While the game is running:
a) When the game starts, say "in". Do absolutely nothing with the mouse until the host tells everybody "start". If you click on *anything* before everybody has joined, the game might crash. You *may* chat with others, including private-messages, but as everybody is reporting in, your message might go unnoticed in the plethora of messages.
b) Do not go afk without warning. Try to avoid unnecessary afks. When going afk, an estimated time for your absence would be appreciated. Remember to say when you are back.
c) Do not alt-tab away from CK.
d) DO NOT PAUSE. If you urgently need to get the game paused, ask the host to pause. If the host is temporally AFK or is not able to see your messages, then pause until the situation is cleared with the host. While paused, make sure someone is still manipulating the game.
e) Let a few seconds pass before accepting an annexation offer.
f) Remember to be courteous at all times when speaking out of character. In-character insults are, of course, part of the game.
g) It helps if CK is the only program running, particularly when you are the host. Also, it helps to de-fragment your hard-disk regularly.
Part (2) - game play considerations.
i) Avoiding gamey-ness:
a) We encourage roleplaying. Try to get into the headspace of your ruler, rather than doing things just because they will increase your power.
b) To prevent pagan bashing, you are permitted one DOW against a pagan or Moslem per ruler lifetime. You can not save up these DOWs. If your ruler has the Crusader trait, you are given one extra DOW. In addition, it is always permissible to declare war on the owner of the current Crusade target. If a Moslem DOWs your ally, or vice-versa, you are permitted to respond; but you are not allowed to go above your DOW limit to help out a human player who is not your formal ally. Let the aggressor beware! This is intended to keep the Moslems as a viable threat for some way into the game. In order to help enforce these rules, it would be much appreciated if everyone would put "New King" and "Pagan/Moslem DOW" in the chat when these things occur.
c) Players shall not assassinate courtiers inside their own court without stating a good in-character reason to do so first. It is forbidden to assassinate characters inside your court just for reducing badboy.
All rules may be changed according to the will of the majority of the players.
Europe Anno Domini