I'm a long time fan of Stellaris and this post is made becase I love the game.
I find today Stellaris boring. I was thinking and I came with some ideas about why.
Almost all mechanics of Stellaris of today feel like combat in Stellaris before the combat update. You have a good rooster of different ships and a tons of different ships components, yet the entire game was about unlocking as fast as possible neutron launcher and battleships, combining them together and then printing as many as your forge world could.
This feeling has permeated almost all Stellaris. As in a lot of mechanics are there just to be there, just like all those different ship components back then.
I was playing recently and I came to the conclusion that most of the game is spent waiting for the right tech to pop up and hoping it pops up in time for you to use it. I'm mostly thinking about megastructures, because by the time I set a ring world, I don't need a ringworld anymore. But this also happened to me with fauna ships. I was trying to play creatively and my alloy production was suffering because alloys were needed for kilostructures, roboticists and I was planning in espanding and upgrading starbases: basically I estimated that I could not spare alloys for ships. Big idea, I could use fauna ship! I was so excited at the idea that my empire was going to specialize in fauna ships out of necessity, I was already looking at my planets differently, thinking where I could expand my food production and such. I just had to unlock tech for capturing, upgrade tech for capturing, make a vivarium, capture space fauna, unlock tech for cloning space fauna, unlock tech for upgrading space fauna and then improve my food production and then I'm all set, all that's missing is to unlock tech for making bigger space fauna. You know what I did instead? After 10 years of waiting, I just improved my alloy production.
This made me extremely sad because I noticed how all my recent playtrough are 1) pump as much research as you can. 2) pump as many alloys as you can. 3) wait for game to end. Everything else doesn't matter and feels superficial. All problems could be solved with this. You want to invest in your leader? you want to make espionage plays towards an hostile empire? You want to explore astral rifts? you want to excavate archeological sites? Too bad, all those things don't matter anyway, the solution is always pumping alloys and research. Every time I try to use another less used tradition tree or ascension perk, I just feel punished for not chosing the "right option". Exactly like in the past trying to make something different than an entire fleet of only neutron launcher battleship resulted in you feeling like you made the wrong choice instead of feeling like you made a different choice. The point is not about things being suboptimal, the point is about things being ultimately useless, making you feel like nothing you do matters. Either you made the right choice or the wrong choice because everything else is give to an RNG.
Maybe things will change with the nexts updates, making this post useless. I just want to see how many people feel the same, if they feel something similar or different. Also how to solve this problem, dev side or player side doesn't matter.
I find today Stellaris boring. I was thinking and I came with some ideas about why.
Almost all mechanics of Stellaris of today feel like combat in Stellaris before the combat update. You have a good rooster of different ships and a tons of different ships components, yet the entire game was about unlocking as fast as possible neutron launcher and battleships, combining them together and then printing as many as your forge world could.
This feeling has permeated almost all Stellaris. As in a lot of mechanics are there just to be there, just like all those different ship components back then.
I was playing recently and I came to the conclusion that most of the game is spent waiting for the right tech to pop up and hoping it pops up in time for you to use it. I'm mostly thinking about megastructures, because by the time I set a ring world, I don't need a ringworld anymore. But this also happened to me with fauna ships. I was trying to play creatively and my alloy production was suffering because alloys were needed for kilostructures, roboticists and I was planning in espanding and upgrading starbases: basically I estimated that I could not spare alloys for ships. Big idea, I could use fauna ship! I was so excited at the idea that my empire was going to specialize in fauna ships out of necessity, I was already looking at my planets differently, thinking where I could expand my food production and such. I just had to unlock tech for capturing, upgrade tech for capturing, make a vivarium, capture space fauna, unlock tech for cloning space fauna, unlock tech for upgrading space fauna and then improve my food production and then I'm all set, all that's missing is to unlock tech for making bigger space fauna. You know what I did instead? After 10 years of waiting, I just improved my alloy production.
This made me extremely sad because I noticed how all my recent playtrough are 1) pump as much research as you can. 2) pump as many alloys as you can. 3) wait for game to end. Everything else doesn't matter and feels superficial. All problems could be solved with this. You want to invest in your leader? you want to make espionage plays towards an hostile empire? You want to explore astral rifts? you want to excavate archeological sites? Too bad, all those things don't matter anyway, the solution is always pumping alloys and research. Every time I try to use another less used tradition tree or ascension perk, I just feel punished for not chosing the "right option". Exactly like in the past trying to make something different than an entire fleet of only neutron launcher battleship resulted in you feeling like you made the wrong choice instead of feeling like you made a different choice. The point is not about things being suboptimal, the point is about things being ultimately useless, making you feel like nothing you do matters. Either you made the right choice or the wrong choice because everything else is give to an RNG.
Maybe things will change with the nexts updates, making this post useless. I just want to see how many people feel the same, if they feel something similar or different. Also how to solve this problem, dev side or player side doesn't matter.
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