The Great Ibb Covenant
Chapter 1
The Ibb Covenant had existed for nearly 120 years. In that time it had expanded vastly. Conquering or integrating many species and civilizations. Gradually making each new species a cog in every aspect of Covenant life. The Ibb had for as long as time itself followed the holy words of the Covenant a great collection of writings and texts held in the deep catacoms of Resh, only the Patriarch and the Oracle were permitted to look upon them. Perhaps the greatest challenge of the Covenant had been the conquest and conversion of the Spuxulac, an extremely tough and strong race who despite their technological inferiority had successfully held of the Ibb for nearly 20 years. However they were now part of the Covenant. Along with the Spyran and Kraxroz two species of Avains who shared biological and physical similarities. The two most recent species to join the Covenant were the Opalglec, a economically smart race who now formed a fundamental role in the Administration, and the Djunn who were little more than slaves, despite slavery being declared Heresy they had little to no say in the Covenant and were not seen as much use other than as cannon fodder in the Covenant Army. The Covenant held many vassals and protectorates along its vast and expansive border. Even these vassals were granted seats in the Great Council of the Covenant which now sat in session to discuss a proposal brought forward from the Wacegi Sovereign Colonies. The largest and newest of the Covenants vassals.
The main Governing body of the Covenant was The Great Council which held representatives from every race and planet in the Covenant. The Core Worlds of Dexalon, Halax V, the Covenants capital Resh, its military heart the Citadel and Traglec were all granted 2 Representatives per 1 billion life forms on their respective planets. This ensured that power remained centralized mostly too the Core Worlds. This ancient law gave the core worlds a total of 198 seats in the Council.
The Sector and Colony worlds did not have such representation, with 1 representative per 2 billion life forms. The Outer Core Sector held 47 Seats. The Outer Rim Sector by far the largest and most financially stable had 144 seats. This large number of Seats held by a single sector was deeply unpopular with the Core Worlds. The Border Sector, the only heavily militarized sector due to its location on the edge of Stellar Compact Federation space, held 46 seats.
Of the Covenants vassals only 1 representative was permitted per 8 billion life forms. This allowed the vassals a small and very limited say in the politics of the Covenant before they became full members.
The Human Stellar Union held a single Representative, which many species saw as generous given the Humans attempt in 2290 to declare their independence from the Covenant who had given them access to technology 100s of years ahead of where the Humans had been. However Sol III or "Earth" had been submitted to a 100 day orbital bombardment which had left a whole continent in ash and ruin as a warning to the rest of Humanity.
The Wacegi Sovereign Colonies held 17 Representatives and was the largest and most violent of the Covenant Vassals.
The Empire of Ynessa held 5 Seats in the Council.
The Djunn Kingdom and Conniethian Confederacy each held 4 Representatives.
While The Great Council held considerable power, they were not the highest level of authority in the Covenant.They shared an equal footing with the Admirals and Generals of the Covenant, also with the Examiners and Overseers. Above all of them however were only 4 individuals. The Architect responsible for the design and construction of anything in the Covenant. The current Architect is Fa Ra of the Spyran. The Sentinel, Chief Commander of all Covenant forces and perhaps the most powerful Title in the Covenant apart from the Patriarch. The title of Sentinel is held by Frolaxen a Ibbian. The Oracle often seen as the next leader of the Covenant who ensured, by whatever means necessary, the Covenant was followed and also gave judgment on issues of religion, often bringing he/she into conflict with the Sentinal and Architect. The current Oracle is Ju Ta of the Spyran.
But above all of these stood only 1. The Patriarch. This title had for long been only allowed to go to an Ibbian however this ancient ruling had been removed following the death of Patriarch Loxdal, the first Patriarch to bring new species into the Covenant. The current Patriarch was Mixrodem who had for nearly 20 years Governed the Outer Core Sector. before that he had lead Fleets at the Command of Loxdal and played a key role in the conquering of the Spuxulac. Something some Spuxulac held against him. He had been chosen ahead of the current Oracle, something which had not happened in nearly 400 years. Many believed this was because the Ibb had been unwilling to allow a Spyran to become Patriarch, despite the Spyran and other races holding many offices and titles in the Covenant.
The military forces of the Covenant were second to none in local space. Its fleet comprised of 19 Battleships, 42 Cruisers, 56 Destroyers and over 100 Corvettes. While the larger capital ships were all of Covenant Design, some of the small ships were of designs from before their respective races had joined the Covenant. The Fleet was more technologically advanced than any of their neighbors, save the Tendra Zuhn Homeworlds, who were an ancient race of which little was known save their huge technological superiority.
The Covenant Army had 65 Legions. Of these, 4 Legions comprised only telepaths. There had once been more but their number had been lowered to its present one due to the fear of telepaths. Many saw them as Heretics who were daemons sent to test the Covenant. This view was not widely shared however by the Military and Religious leaders, but their numbers had been lowered to sooth public opinion. The bulk of the army comprised the 41 Clone Legions. Like the telepaths their creation had caused outrage and nearly a civil war between the Oracle and Sentinel of the time. This tension over the issue of Clones still remained however, despite their many success in recent campaigns. The rest of the army comprised Assault legions. The number of Planetary defense Legions is not actually known as the number changes so often. The single most commen species found in the Covenant Army is the Spuxulac due to their strength and large numbers.
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