Schlieffen Plan
Alright here we are. Descriptions from Stephen, idea from Johan.
Not complete - id tags must be assigned and I dont think we came to a full consensus about side effects?
As soon as either of the Low Countries are at war with Germany, British war event should fire - I think this is already adequately covered.
# The Schlieffen Plan
event = {
country = GER
random = no
style = 0
name = "The Schlieffen Plan"
desc = "Ever since France and Russia became allies, Germany had been faced with the possibility of war on two fronts. In 1905, Chief of the General Staff Alfred von Schlieffen devised the plan that bore his name. It called for a sudden, massive attack in the West, passing through the neutral Low Countries in order to encircle the French Army. The idea was to defeat the French before Russia could mobilise its vast but ponderous forces. However, when the long-feared war actually arrived, Kaiser Wilhelm had an attack of last-minute nerves. He asked his generals to stand on the defensive in the West, cancel the attack on Belgium in case it provoked Britain, and send all their troops against Russia instead. The High Command refused, saying that to change the plan at such short notice would be disastrous."
trigger = {
war = {country = GER country = FRA}
action_a = {
name = "Stick to the original time table."
desc = “Demand access from Belgium, declare war if they refuse.”
command = { type = trigger which = BELGIUM1 }
command = { type = di which = -5 }
command = { type = supplies which = 500 }
command = { type = war which = LUX }
action_b = {
name = "Implement the original Schlieffen plan in full".
desc = “German troops must pass through Belgium and Maastricht. Demand access from Netherlands and Belgium.”
command = { type = trigger which = BELGIUM1 }
command = { type = trigger which = NETHERLANDS1 }
command = { type = manpower which = 200} #Larger War
command = { type = di which = -10 }
command = { type = war which = LUX }
action_c = {
name = “France is a fortress, the Schlieffen Plan is too risky and must be scrapped.”
desc = “Moltke the Elder and Waldersee were right, East First!”
command = { type = di which = 5 }
command = { type = dissent which = 5 }
#Kill off Moltke, replace him with Falkenhayn as Chief of Staff
#We’ll have to script the Belgian and Dutch AIs to be 10000% pacifist. Nobody should ask them for military access and they really should refuse anyone asking them. How on earth to get this done though?
# Germany demands access through Belgium
event = {
country = BEL
id = ?
random = no
style = 0
name = "Germany demands access"
desc = “The German Empire demands that Belgium let all German troops pass unhindered through Belgian territory. This would be a gross violation of our 1839 declaration of neutrality.”
#Triggered by German event Schlieffen Plan option A and/or B
action_a = {
name = “Refuse”
desc = “Belgium will not be coerced! Make overtures to France immediately!”
command = { type = alliance which = FRA }
command = { type = dissent which = -5 } #Brave little Belgium gains respect
command = { type = di which = 5} #Brave little Belgium gains respect
action_b = {
name = “Accept”
desc = “Alas! We must acquiesce to their demands!”
command = { type = access which = GER }
command = { type = dissent which = 15 } #Belgians not happy
command = { type = di which = -10} #Brave little Belgium loses respect
# Germany demands access through The Netherlands
event = {
country = HOL
id = ?
random = no
style = 0
name = "Germany demands access"
desc = “The German Empire demands that Belgium let all German troops pass unhindered through Dutch territory.”
#Triggered by German event Schlieffen Plan option B
action_a = {
name = “Refuse”
desc = “The Netherlands will not be coerced! Make overtures to France immediately!”
command = { type = alliance which = FRA }
command = { type = dissent which = -5 } #Oranje!
action_b = {
name = “Accept”
desc = “Alas! We must acquiesce to their demands!”
command = { type = access which = GER }
command = { type = dissent which = 15 } #Dutch not happy