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Instructions for Krisz:
-We play EU2 now using the hosting service Gameranger. Download, install it, and set up an account.
-In your EU2 folder, rename EU2.exe to FTG.exe
-Before the session starts, someone (probably Drake) will host a game channel under FTG
-Join the channel
-Click on "Room" in the top left corner. Go to "Options"
-In the next screen, click "Browse" and do a search for the EU2.exe you renamed to FTG.exe
Because EU2 and FTG are so similar, we are in effect "fooling" Gameranger into thinking we are hosting a FTG game, allowing us to avoid all the lag and connectivity issues of yesteryear.
Admiral Drake - Byzantium
Dane - Bavaria
Delian - Brittany
HAL - Poland
King John - Porto
Krisz - Genoa
TC Pilot - Hanseatic League
Urko - Scotland
If you get vassalised by a human player you must stay that way for 20 years, unless the overlord chooses to break it. After 20 years the vassal can break vassalage, but must do so by DOWing the overlord, unless otherwise agreed between them and their erstwhile master.
1. Any NAP agreement signed for a duration exceeding 20 years is null for whatever portion extends beyond the 20 year period, meaning that either side can declare it invalid past that point without taint to their honor. This does not prevent from regularly renewing NAP agreements, but at no given time can anybody be sure of the security of a border for decades and decades or even centuries, as often occurs.
2. This makes #1 a little redundant, but now any agreement with clauses that extend for over 20 years can be broken after the 20 year period without a loss of honor.
3. As a vassal :
* You cannot enter any other alliance than that of your overlord, nor start one of your own unless ok'd by your leader(excepting AI that are your vassals).
* You must accept a proposal of TA/MA from your overlord.
* You are not allowed to start any wars without permission of your overlord.
* You cannot give MA to any power without your Overlord's consent.
* You are *not* required to dow someone at the command of your overlord, send him cash at his command, provide troop support, or help him in any other way not included in the five clauses above.
4. The land-naval slider will not be reset to 5 between every session. Because the number of provinces, the different scale of wealth compared to WATK, and the nature of Interregnum events/setup, I think this is worth experimenting. If gross imbalance becomes apparent, this rule may be reconsidered.
5. Using certain exploits is forbidden. See below for more details.
* Attacking an enemy fleet with pirates, and attacking with significantly small fleets to hinder an enemy shore landing.
* Releasing one or more vassals during wartime, to hinder an enemy.
* Force-burning of manufactories, i.e. repeated move and halt orders to an
army in a province with a manufactory.
* Using lag to your advantage. This includes (but is not limited to):
Sending lag colonists, building lag fortresses, sending lag missionaries,
using lag diplomats. (The exception is using lag diplomats to send cash).
* Declaring a 'fake' war on a country, with the aim to:
* Increase the stability of the nation you declare war on.
* Change the religion of a protestant or Counter-Reformed-Catholic
nation back to Catholicism before the Edict of Tolerance.
* Exploiting Simultanity: Using the game engine to break a deal, that would
occur simultaneously in the real word. This includes (but is not limited
to) the 'sale' of something in game. A break of any aspect of a deal after the initial exchange, like a refusal to continue to make payments or maintain a monopoly, is ok. However, if a peace deal is made that requires staggered payments or monopoly rights or anything like that, it MUST be honored by the tributary for the duration of the five year truce.
* Converting from Catholicism to either Counter-reformed-Catholicism or
Protestantism and then switching back to Catholiscism before the Edict
of Tolerance. This rule may be reconsidered as need arises due to any differences in Interregnum's Reformation events.
* Trading maps with the AI.
* Sending loans to the AI.
* Signing a peace deal with the AI, that bankrupts it in the same day.
* Using MA to deprive another country of supplies without being at war with them
* Using MA to place 1 ship fleets in another country's ports in order to maintain them there for spying without the other person having any way of dislodging them.
8. No exploration with 100 or 100+ ships. Within known seazones avoiding attrition with 100+ ships is alright.
9. When pausing the game, communicate with all other players
10. * Breaking a truce, except when the truce is a result of a province swap
deal in game, or when ok'd by both parties. You are not allowed to dow AI alliance members or vassals of someone you have a truce with.
11. Brandenburg will become Prussia in 1701 no matter what
12. Spanish Bankruptcy events will be slept
13. gold and trade inflation will be added in 1575 and 1650, gold and trade will be added up and for every 500 combined income you will gain 1% inflation
14. No claiming DOTF or converting to counter reformed Catholicism.
15. No trading maps. Sacking capitals to gain maps is permissible.
16. If you DOW a vassal of another player you must dow the overlord. If this isn't possible, you must break RM/MA so the other player can DOW you without any stabhit.
Force peace rule:
Case 1: War between two nations.
If one side manages 99 warscore, the loser is at -3 stability and the war has been going on for at least 5 years, the winner can force peace with a stab-hitting peace offer.
Case 2: War between an alliance of 2 or more versus 1 nation (gang).
For any separate peace, see case 1.
If the alliance leader wants to force peace for the alliance against the 1 nation, he requires 99 alliance warscore and 99 warscore of his own (separately).
Case 3: War between 2 alliances of 2 or more nations.
For any non-alliance peace between two nations, see case 1.
For any alliance to separate nation peace deal (for any member of the other alliance, even leader), see case 2.
If the winning alliance's leader wants to force-peace the whole other alliance, he needs 99 warscore for his alliance on the other alliance and 99 warscore of his own against the losing alliance leader. It is the losing leader's stability that is taken into consideration.
Warship Rule
After 1500, warships may not be used in combat in European waters. If warships engage in a battle in this situation, they must retreat at the start of fighting.
Vassal Rule
Players who vassalize AI countries are expected to make a good-faith effort to annex them in a timely manner, particularly if they have low decentralization. The vanilla map means the effects will not be too pronounced, but if you're using exploits in a 15-year old game, you probably have other, bigger issues to work out.
Military Access
If you have military access with another player, you must cancel it if they request you do so. This includes MA in player-vassals.
You cannot ask for MA with AI countries outside Europe, except by demanding it in a war.
Starting the second session, players will receive 2 randomly-generated generals and admirals. After 1550, they will receive 1 random conquistador and explorer each.If a player has no ports, the explorer will be exchanged for a 2nd conquistador.
If issues or problems arise in the course of the session not covered by these rules, as GM I reserve the right to issue new rules or suggest changes. Changes should only be made to address issues of gross imbalance or unfairness, and in the interests of the health and enjoyment of the campaign. For example, changes might be considered to address issues of game mechanics, but not "Country A has conquered half of Europe, nerf them." Ideally, the game is both friendly and competitive. Ultimately, we each want to win, but this is also a game.
Since I seem to have been made GM by popular acclamation, I thought I'd create this thread as an organizing tool for interested parties. Rules, time, and such will be added in over time.
For now, it seems like we already have a sizable pool of interested players. Aside from myself, here is who I've heard back from:
Admiral Drake
King John
We will likely be continuing with the 15:00-19:00 CET timeslot on Sundays. Hopefully we can get this started by March 6.
The Interregnum scenario won the vote. You can download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/1fro85mv799zh72/Interregnum_1.08.zip
Installation should be as simple as copy-pasting the files directly into your EU2 folder.
If you have any country preferences, please post them now, and I'll put together a roster.
First thing's first, we need to decide on a scenario or game mode. At the moment, there are three main ideas at play. While some of you have already said something about it, I'd still like your feedback here, so it's all nicely organized and easily accessible in one place.
So, either we can play:
1. The usual: 1419 or 1453 WATK-UMP scenario
2. The Interregnum scenario (alt-history, vanilla map)
3. Diplomacy Universalis (players switch countries every few turns)
I can provide more information if you need it.
Instructions for Krisz:
-We play EU2 now using the hosting service Gameranger. Download, install it, and set up an account.
-In your EU2 folder, rename EU2.exe to FTG.exe
-Before the session starts, someone (probably Drake) will host a game channel under FTG
-Join the channel
-Click on "Room" in the top left corner. Go to "Options"
-In the next screen, click "Browse" and do a search for the EU2.exe you renamed to FTG.exe
Because EU2 and FTG are so similar, we are in effect "fooling" Gameranger into thinking we are hosting a FTG game, allowing us to avoid all the lag and connectivity issues of yesteryear.
Admiral Drake - Byzantium
Dane - Bavaria
Delian - Brittany
HAL - Poland
King John - Porto
Krisz - Genoa
TC Pilot - Hanseatic League
Urko - Scotland
If you get vassalised by a human player you must stay that way for 20 years, unless the overlord chooses to break it. After 20 years the vassal can break vassalage, but must do so by DOWing the overlord, unless otherwise agreed between them and their erstwhile master.
1. Any NAP agreement signed for a duration exceeding 20 years is null for whatever portion extends beyond the 20 year period, meaning that either side can declare it invalid past that point without taint to their honor. This does not prevent from regularly renewing NAP agreements, but at no given time can anybody be sure of the security of a border for decades and decades or even centuries, as often occurs.
2. This makes #1 a little redundant, but now any agreement with clauses that extend for over 20 years can be broken after the 20 year period without a loss of honor.
3. As a vassal :
* You cannot enter any other alliance than that of your overlord, nor start one of your own unless ok'd by your leader(excepting AI that are your vassals).
* You must accept a proposal of TA/MA from your overlord.
* You are not allowed to start any wars without permission of your overlord.
* You cannot give MA to any power without your Overlord's consent.
* You are *not* required to dow someone at the command of your overlord, send him cash at his command, provide troop support, or help him in any other way not included in the five clauses above.
4. The land-naval slider will not be reset to 5 between every session. Because the number of provinces, the different scale of wealth compared to WATK, and the nature of Interregnum events/setup, I think this is worth experimenting. If gross imbalance becomes apparent, this rule may be reconsidered.
5. Using certain exploits is forbidden. See below for more details.
* Attacking an enemy fleet with pirates, and attacking with significantly small fleets to hinder an enemy shore landing.
* Releasing one or more vassals during wartime, to hinder an enemy.
* Force-burning of manufactories, i.e. repeated move and halt orders to an
army in a province with a manufactory.
* Using lag to your advantage. This includes (but is not limited to):
Sending lag colonists, building lag fortresses, sending lag missionaries,
using lag diplomats. (The exception is using lag diplomats to send cash).
* Declaring a 'fake' war on a country, with the aim to:
* Increase the stability of the nation you declare war on.
* Change the religion of a protestant or Counter-Reformed-Catholic
nation back to Catholicism before the Edict of Tolerance.
* Exploiting Simultanity: Using the game engine to break a deal, that would
occur simultaneously in the real word. This includes (but is not limited
to) the 'sale' of something in game. A break of any aspect of a deal after the initial exchange, like a refusal to continue to make payments or maintain a monopoly, is ok. However, if a peace deal is made that requires staggered payments or monopoly rights or anything like that, it MUST be honored by the tributary for the duration of the five year truce.
* Converting from Catholicism to either Counter-reformed-Catholicism or
Protestantism and then switching back to Catholiscism before the Edict
of Tolerance. This rule may be reconsidered as need arises due to any differences in Interregnum's Reformation events.
* Trading maps with the AI.
* Sending loans to the AI.
* Signing a peace deal with the AI, that bankrupts it in the same day.
* Using MA to deprive another country of supplies without being at war with them
* Using MA to place 1 ship fleets in another country's ports in order to maintain them there for spying without the other person having any way of dislodging them.
8. No exploration with 100 or 100+ ships. Within known seazones avoiding attrition with 100+ ships is alright.
9. When pausing the game, communicate with all other players
10. * Breaking a truce, except when the truce is a result of a province swap
deal in game, or when ok'd by both parties. You are not allowed to dow AI alliance members or vassals of someone you have a truce with.
12. Spanish Bankruptcy events will be slept
13. gold and trade inflation will be added in 1575 and 1650, gold and trade will be added up and for every 500 combined income you will gain 1% inflation
14. No claiming DOTF or converting to counter reformed Catholicism.
15. No trading maps. Sacking capitals to gain maps is permissible.
16. If you DOW a vassal of another player you must dow the overlord. If this isn't possible, you must break RM/MA so the other player can DOW you without any stabhit.
Force peace rule:
Case 1: War between two nations.
If one side manages 99 warscore, the loser is at -3 stability and the war has been going on for at least 5 years, the winner can force peace with a stab-hitting peace offer.
Case 2: War between an alliance of 2 or more versus 1 nation (gang).
For any separate peace, see case 1.
If the alliance leader wants to force peace for the alliance against the 1 nation, he requires 99 alliance warscore and 99 warscore of his own (separately).
Case 3: War between 2 alliances of 2 or more nations.
For any non-alliance peace between two nations, see case 1.
For any alliance to separate nation peace deal (for any member of the other alliance, even leader), see case 2.
If the winning alliance's leader wants to force-peace the whole other alliance, he needs 99 warscore for his alliance on the other alliance and 99 warscore of his own against the losing alliance leader. It is the losing leader's stability that is taken into consideration.
Warship Rule
After 1500, warships may not be used in combat in European waters. If warships engage in a battle in this situation, they must retreat at the start of fighting.
Vassal Rule
Players who vassalize AI countries are expected to make a good-faith effort to annex them in a timely manner, particularly if they have low decentralization. The vanilla map means the effects will not be too pronounced, but if you're using exploits in a 15-year old game, you probably have other, bigger issues to work out.
Military Access
If you have military access with another player, you must cancel it if they request you do so. This includes MA in player-vassals.
You cannot ask for MA with AI countries outside Europe, except by demanding it in a war.
Starting the second session, players will receive 2 randomly-generated generals and admirals. After 1550, they will receive 1 random conquistador and explorer each.If a player has no ports, the explorer will be exchanged for a 2nd conquistador.
If issues or problems arise in the course of the session not covered by these rules, as GM I reserve the right to issue new rules or suggest changes. Changes should only be made to address issues of gross imbalance or unfairness, and in the interests of the health and enjoyment of the campaign. For example, changes might be considered to address issues of game mechanics, but not "Country A has conquered half of Europe, nerf them." Ideally, the game is both friendly and competitive. Ultimately, we each want to win, but this is also a game.
Since I seem to have been made GM by popular acclamation, I thought I'd create this thread as an organizing tool for interested parties. Rules, time, and such will be added in over time.
For now, it seems like we already have a sizable pool of interested players. Aside from myself, here is who I've heard back from:
Admiral Drake
King John
We will likely be continuing with the 15:00-19:00 CET timeslot on Sundays. Hopefully we can get this started by March 6.
The Interregnum scenario won the vote. You can download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/1fro85mv799zh72/Interregnum_1.08.zip
Installation should be as simple as copy-pasting the files directly into your EU2 folder.
If you have any country preferences, please post them now, and I'll put together a roster.
So, either we can play:
1. The usual: 1419 or 1453 WATK-UMP scenario
2. The Interregnum scenario (alt-history, vanilla map)
3. Diplomacy Universalis (players switch countries every few turns)
I can provide more information if you need it.
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