The Broken Star .50 BETA is tentatively planned for release on August 10th, 2010. The goal is to create a playable release that we can build upon. It will feature:
There will likely be various updates to the .45 release in the interim.
- Ministers for ALL nations in 1990, as well as countries that would appear between 1990 and 1995 (Russia, Croatia, etc).
- A Techtree covering the 1990-2020 period, as well as tech teams for all nations.
- Events covering elections, minister changes, the collapse (or survival) of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, the 1st Gulf War, and various other events from the 1990-1995 and beyond period.
- Some OOB work on major nations.
- And various other "goodies"
There will likely be various updates to the .45 release in the interim.