The Silver Age of Poland
an AAR For the Glory!
an AAR For the Glory!
Welcome to what will be one of the first After Action Reports written based on the new Europa Universalis game: For the Glory. I am Emperor_krk, I have participated in the betatesting of the game and am very happy to present to you a taste of what Crystal Empire Games, a programming team based on long-time EU2 modders, has produced in the almost two-year-old history of the release of the Europa Engine.
Those familiar with Polish history should have guessed the content of this by the title itself - while the Golden Age in Polish culture is identified with the 16th century and the rule of the last few of the members Jagiellonian dynasty, the Silver Age is usually placed on the second half of the rule of Sigismund III Waza and his son - Władysław IV.
Our story begins in 1617. Poland stands rather strong both internally and internationally: we have beaten the Russians during a period of their internal problems (the Time of Troubles) and signed a peace treaty with the aggressive Swedes (1611); good relations of our king Zygmunt with the catholic Habsburgs ensure a stable southern border. Domestic situation is unproblematic as well: the overambitious magnate Jan Zamoyski has died in 1605, and the rebellion of Mikołaj Zebrzydowski was taken down by 1609; although those events prevented the strengthening of royal power Sigismund had been craving, the situation evolved into a status quo that lasts.
I know the image is huge - I just really, really wanted to show that FTG supports all resolutions
The main purpose of this AAR is to present to a wider audience the new features of the game. We start the game, as already stated, in 1617. From the very beginning we get a some useful notifications, all of which were I think mentioned in DDs already. Nonetheless a little reminder: from left to right we get a message that there's revolt risk in our provinces (that's due to my religious sliders not having been yet set the correct way); next is a reminder that we can change our Domestic Policy sliders (we move one point towards Centralization, by the way). Next one reminds us that our military upkeep is at 100% - something unnecessary when at peace (we don't change that though, for we have plans for the near future...
A quick overview of our current diplomatic situation: we have one vassal, Courland, lots of enemies around (Russia, our target for the first war; Sweden, who we intend to leave alone indefinitely, if possible; Ottoman Empire which we don't really care for, as they don't have anything that interests us, and they are going to be busy with the Habsburgs anyway; and finally Brandenburg, who have claims on our provinces and might prove problematic later on, especially because they surround our very valuable Centre of Trade in Danzig), no allies, even potential, within reach (I don't count Courland, they're too weak).
The new Revolt Risk map mode
We readjust the religious tolerance sliders to level the unrest in our lands, and order our soldiers to move to positions on the border with Russia: one army into Smoleńsk, under command of the current king's son, Władysław IV; another one into Połock, under the king Sigismund (Zygmunt) himself, and the last to Ukraine, under Stanisław Lubomirski. On April 2, we declare war on Russia: their apparent lack of army makes us hope for a quick and successful campaign. Goals for this war are quite simple: to acquire the contested lands of Donetsk, Belgorod, and Kursk (plan minimum), and Tula and Velikiye Luki as well - if possible.
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