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90 Badges
Feb 27, 2013
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Everyone is going to be dead soon lmao
  • 6
Seclude yourself with courtiers and throw out everyone who shows signs of sickness. Don´t open the gates even if all your peasants are in front of them begging for help.
Enjoy your healthy dynasty with 0 casualties.
  • 2
Nomads appear to be oddly resilient to spreading diseases I have noticed

Could be reflecting how reduced population density could be preventing the spread of disease but perhaps I'm reading too far into things
  • 3
Could be reflecting how reduced population density could be preventing the spread of disease but perhaps I'm reading too far into things
I remember reading somewhere that apparently epidemics can only crop up in the more developed government types such as feudal/iqta, republics, and theocracies. From that it seems that epidemics are coded so they don't appear or spread in tribal or nomadic counties, but I could be wrong on that.
  • 1
I remember reading somewhere that apparently epidemics can only crop up in the more developed government types such as feudal/iqta, republics, and theocracies. From that it seems that epidemics are coded so they don't appear or spread in tribal or nomadic counties, but I could be wrong on that.
One reason certain epidemics didn't hit rural populations quite as hard (along with density of population) is that constantly being near the animals raised their immune system strength (plus disease interactions like the less dangerous cow pox making you immune to other diseases, IE Milk Maids)
  • 1