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earl of whateverinster
42 Badges
Mar 20, 2001
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I never use the game log. so many things hapening even with filters make unusable to me.
I understand that it should be there but as a way of presenting the information better when the player needs it I think it would be good to display it by country.
You go to the country interface and there you can check what has been happening there lately.

also some sort of monthly cancillery reports or something alike could maybe help. so for the kind of me that hate logs despite working with servers or because of that! you can have a monthly grasp of the important things that are happening around you like wars, aliances, monopolies, new Cot or whatever thing relevant with the new mecanics.
I'd like to be able to set some countries as important, and then get news on those countries that I might not get on others.

So for instance, as Britain, I always want to know when France has gotten into a war, so that maybe I can intervene, but I don't really care what Muscovy is doing.
Didn't Vicky 2 have some sort of system like this? I haven't played it in a while but I thunk remember that you could set what nations you wanted to keep track of.
I never use the game log. so many things hapening even with filters make unusable to me.
I understand that it should be there but as a way of presenting the information better when the player needs it I think it would be good to display it by country.
You go to the country interface and there you can check what has been happening there lately.

also some sort of monthly cancillery reports or something alike could maybe help. so for the kind of me that hate logs despite working with servers or because of that! you can have a monthly grasp of the important things that are happening around you like wars, aliances, monopolies, new Cot or whatever thing relevant with the new mecanics.

I love this idea! I think you should be able to either individually pick countries or pick groups e.g. vassals, allies, rivals, neighbours, SOI, people you have been at war with within x years.
I'd like to be able to set some countries as important, and then get news on those countries that I might not get on others.

So for instance, as Britain, I always want to know when France has gotten into a war, so that maybe I can intervene, but I don't really care what Muscovy is doing.

Many people have agreed with you, but it's never happened.

It could be an option in message settings, "popup for nations of interest". Or another line, so that you'd have "When a nation DOWs another" and "When a nation of interest DOW's another".
I do agree with all that or anything improving the misinformation of the (lazy) player about the breaking news in the world.
In fact, think of Football Manager for instance (dunno if that works the same in some NFL manager simulator), you change the team and change the news to the current club and current league. It just makes sense that you get some report on your neighbors, your CB-countries, the people that hate you,...
Maybe a popup report every X days could be a pain in the mouse but a button that triggers it when you want could be useful.
I would like to know about big battles happening in the game as well. totally useless probably but it's cool. also a list in the ledger with biggest battles in history could be nice.
In fact something alike could be done for advisers where you can check who had been a big name in the renaissance, the baroque,... I know this is purely cosmetic but if instead for "cosmetic" you use the word "flavour" it sound better to make a point :D

looks to me a piece of cake to program.
Didn't Vicky 2 have some sort of system like this? I haven't played it in a while but I thunk remember that you could set what nations you wanted to keep track of.
Yep, you can mark countries as of interest (just like characters in CK2). But even better, it has a "best guess" feature where it will automatically mark what it thinks are interesting countries for you. I'd expect something similar in EU3, since it's easier to predict what countries are of interest to the player than what characters.
I hated in Vicky 2 when I knew that a big war had ended but couldn't find the post about the treaty and the results of this war because it had gone unnoticed in the pop up bar of messages on the right. Very frustrating indeed.
I'd like to be able to set some countries as important, and then get news on those countries that I might not get on others.

So for instance, as Britain, I always want to know when France has gotten into a war, so that maybe I can intervene, but I don't really care what Muscovy is doing.

This would be a great addition. I always wanted to have such a feature.
One thing I wish were true is that popups were always in the right order, oldest 1st. First because it's a pain to follow a sequence-which is not uncommon--which comes up in odd orders. I've never been able to detect a set pattern. Secondly, because some are more useful than others which always accompany them. For instance, when you load an army on a fleet, 90% of the time, it's the popup which takes you to the fleet you want, not the one to the army. But it is not consistent which you get, so you end up clicking the wrong one. Sometimes this can mess up your orders, with the army wanting to land. If they were always in the same order, this wouldn't be a problem.