1) You should have your map ready
At least provinces.png is needed.
2) Fix up your mod folder
- If you haven't already, create this folder: [DocumentsPath]\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod\[modname]
- Same with the .mod file: [modname].mod has to exist in the mod folder. It should contain something like this:
name = "[modname]"
path = "mod/[modname]"
- create the
map_data folder inside your mod folder and put in the files of the map you drew before
- put provinceDef.xls in a new folder
_mapFiller (also inside your mod folder)
3) Download the Tool this thread is all about
- Install Java 13 if your system isn't running it already
- Extract the archive to a directory of your choice
- Open config.properties with a text-editor and put the directory of your mod folder right of the 'moddirectory='. Make sure that either "/" or "\\" are used in the directories.
- Also edit "installdir" in a similar fashion -> point it to where Crusader Kings 3 is installed
4) Open up provinceDef.xls you copied in 2)
- every line corresponds to a single province
- column A is a comment; I use it to give every kingdom its heading
- column B is an index starting at 1
- columns C - E is the RGB value of the province in the provinces.bmp
- column F is the name of the province
- column G is for the type of province. Blank is land, 'R' is for rivers, 'L' for lakes 'O' for oceans, 'W' is wasteland and Impassable Seas is 'IS'. Impassable mountains 'IM' also exists but it is the same as Wasteland - vanilla doesn't distinguish the two.
- column H is for
cultural renamings
- columns I - L are for the de jure structure (empire, kingdom, duchy, county); only I can be left empty
- column M: culture
- column N: religion
- column O: province terrain - choose from plains, forest, wetlands, hills, mountains, farmlands, steppe, drylands, desert, floodplains, taiga, jungle
- column P:
currently unused
- column Q: Type of holding - choose from 'B' (castle), 'C' (city), 'T' (temple), 'U' ("uncivilized" = tribal) and '' (none yet built)
- Culture and de jure information can only be omitted for wasteland and ocean/river/lake provinces
Edit in your own holdings
- Firstly delete all my example content and start from scratch
- Fill in all the provinces you have on your map
- The map filler tool has a .bat to extract colors from a bmp file: colors.bat; This can be used to extract all colors
of provinces.bmp at once or small batches of it
- Make blocks as I did: Wasteland on top, then each kingdom after each other, then rivers, oceans and lakes.
- Name your provinces, put in culture and religion and assign de jure duchy, kingdom and if you want empire.
- Decide upon a number of holdings
- Either put in all the holdings you want to have or leave those columns empty for now (you can add that later on as well)
5) config.properties settings
- For geographical_regions it is necessary to group the titles. Syntax is "world_<regionName>". As an example the config provided with the tool has world_north, world_center and world_south. To have geographical_regions re-generated delete the file.
6) Run mapfiller.bat from the folder you put it in 3)
The tool will now generated from the information given:
- common
- landed_titles
- province_terrain
- history
- localization
- english\custom_titles_l_english.yml
- map_data
- default.map
- definition.csv
- geographical_region.txt
Additionally a number of files in folders are blanked out in order to not have vanilla CK3 data present in the mod:
- image files
- pngs in the folder gfx/map/terrain are generated with the same dimensions as provinces.png
- text files as configured in config.properties; by default all files in these folders IF THEY ARE NOT PRESENT IN THE MOD YET:
- common/bookmarks
- common/culture/cultures
- common/dynasties
- common/dynasty_houses
- common/religion/religions
- common/religion/holy_sites
- history/characters
- history/cultures
- history/province_mapping
- history/provinces
- history/titles
- history/wars